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I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Tue, 24 February 2004 08:25

JDM has closer ratio, i think thats just about it.

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Tue, 24 February 2004 08:29

yeah i know they are closer ratio
but the exact ratios and differences is what i need

thanks anyhow

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Tue, 24 February 2004 10:40

I've heard the difference in ratios is all speculation and never proven. The only difference is the bellhousing having the clutch and/or starter (cant remember which) on the driver side.
Maybe larger bearings also?
I might be wrong about ratios, i've never investigated it myself, but it is what i've heard from some quite reliable sources.

Location: Brisvegas
Registered: June 2003
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 02:38

ra28 is right...jdm t50 has the clutch slave on the drivers to ratio's i've been told the jdm is a bit tighter but the exact ratio im not sure off...i'll have a look around. I spoke with AK about this so he'd prolly be able to give you exact ratios
Location: was adelaide now newcastle
Registered: February 2003
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 06:03

i'm pretty sure that there are no differences in ratios, bill sherwoods site has the ratios (listed as standard) i had a jap box with the exact same ratios, difference in the gearing comes from the standard lsd having a 4.4:1 (think) as opposed to the open aussie 3.9:1.
bell housing is different, thats all.

I supported Toymods
Location: Ademelaide, SA
Registered: July 2003
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 12:28

ok. here's the deal.
the only difference is the bellhousing.
bearings, gears....all the same.
stock ratio's, are as follows, though this is straight out of the Bible, which you actually have, Garth.
1st - 3.587
2nd - 2.022
3rd - 1.384
4th - 1.000
5th - 0.861
Rev - 3.484
if you dont believe me, check on page 61
as for being the same JDM/Aus....part no's are the same, according to my EPC, excluding the bellhousing of course...
(edit) JDM has 4.3:1 final, Aus is 3.9:1.
mine is 4.6:1
btw, matty, can you get your mate to give me a call about those struts, i need them ASAP...cheers!
[Updated on: Wed, 25 February 2004 12:30]

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 12:32

i figured that as much
cheers steve, i KNOW that i had the "jdm" ratios
apparently they match the aud ones

I supported Toymods
Location: Ademelaide, SA
Registered: July 2003
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 12:33

hey biatch, log in to your msn...i want a word...

I supported Toymods
Location: Ademelaide, SA
Registered: July 2003
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 12:34

hey biatch, log in to your msn...i want a word...
and, i implied that you have the bible...
got book, gotta use it

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: [AE86] - Difference between AUS T-50 and JDM T-50
Wed, 25 February 2004 12:39
i did use it
its just i was looking for more info
email me
im at work
and i dont have msn
my address is in your pm