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Location: Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur
Registered: July 2002
Steering Box to Rack (power)
Tue, 24 February 2004 14:16
Has anyone here had this kinda mod done b4 ??
i.e i own a cressida GX60. Steering box from factory.
Now with a 1g-gte TT. The box has it's limitations. i.e. when you
re doing say 160 and above it's quite 'nervy' with the minute 'freeplay' the box has. But if there was someway say changing the crossmember to say a TT141 with the rack on the nearer side to the firewall...Is this possible. Would this not prove to be more stable at higher speeds ???
just a thought and feedback greatly appreciated.
Location: Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Steering Box to Rack (power)
Tue, 24 February 2004 15:14
Changing to rack and pinion is far harder than it may seam. I have done this once. Don't do it unless you have a mind for engineering problems, and keen with both a lathe and a welder.
I surgest you get the steering box reconditioned, or adjusted at least. Replace the idler arm, (cheap enough). And replace some of the ball joints in the steering if needed.
Also get a wheel alignment done, with lots of caster, more than stock. Steering box is ok.
Location: Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur
Registered: July 2002
Re: Steering Box to Rack (power)
Tue, 24 February 2004 15:35
idler,ball joints box serviced. Still not 'comfy' with high speed driving.
Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: Steering Box to Rack (power)
Tue, 24 February 2004 16:00
if you can find a donor car withtrack and front end design very similar to yours, and you transplant the whole rack and cross-member over, and maintain the strut position and geometry fromt he original car, there is no reason it would not work.
problme is that is not so easy to find, and many little things will get in the way.
the main problem people have with putting in racks, is that the rack was designed for different width between suspension pivot points, and alingment of rack vertically and front to back of car, and differetn length steering arms. all of which result in bad bumpsteer characteristics.
you'll also need to think about mounting the column, which will need solid top and bottom mounting, as the steering linkages between column and rack are 'free'
keep looking into it. rack is good
Cya, Stewart
Location: Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Steering Box to Rack (power)
Wed, 25 February 2004 06:21
Get new shocks, stiffer springs, polyurathane bushes for all joints. It all makes a big difference. Strut brace also.
Increase the caster. Re-adjust toe-in to zero, or slight toe-in for high speed.