Hi! I had download the EPC from http://www.yankeetoys.org/docs.htm but I can't get the program running, I got stuck at the CD setup menu, can anyone help me?
There are a few things which will stuff you around...
Whinges about not enough HDD space.
1. Old program doesn't like big arse drives... install it on a LS120 drive or a piece of compact flash or something small and then once you have everything set up you can move it to your larger drive.
2. The CD Setup menu looks like its asking you what the source drive for the CD's is but it really wants to know the destination drive location (wherever you installed it)... the Yankee.org EPC is the euro 95 EPC... in the top left hand pane of the cd setup select the first two discs listed in the disc selection window (A & B).
Yeah if you have the old version what complains about space and you have gigs free the easiest thing to do is fill up your drive with pr0n until you have just less than 2gig free. The program will then see the correct space left and install. Just stupid old programs. The NEW EPC does not have this problem.
The CD Setup menu looks like its asking you what the source drive for the CD's is but it really wants to know the destination drive location (wherever you installed it)... the Yankee.org EPC is the euro 95 EPC... in the top left hand pane of the cd setup select the first two discs listed in the disc selection window (A & B).