1: I'm after a set of 4 st162 celica standard alloys. I'm after the 5x100 ones off SX's. They are 14x5.5 I think. Must have the center pieces.
with or without tires.
2: Also, If anyone has a standard dark blue steering wheel (non cruise) I might be interested...depending on $$$.
3: And if anyone knows of/has a early style drivers or passengers side front seat in good condition in dark blue with the horizontal striping ( I hope people know what i'm on about there). I need some spare material.
I have six rims and centres off ST165 and ST162 (same).
Can supply photos. $125 for six. I can deliiver to a transport depot for you at this end. (you pay freight). I sent an MX5 rim to Hobart a couple of years ago with no problems.