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Forums Junkie

February 2003
are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Wed, 21 April 2004 14:11 Go to next message
i got this in an email just before Easter from a mate who works for Dept of Ag i NSW ... is it for real?

...<starts with CC from a mate of his>...

Had a very good squiz this afternoon at the latest mobile radar being used by our traffic police, both bikes and cars, on Victorian roads. Its awesome.

On the police bikes, both marked and unmarked, its forward facing, on the cars it is set up to work both ways. Regardless, either vehicle has the ability to check speed, coming or going away.

And the unit can scan up to 3 lanes of traffic, all the police officer has to do, is select the lane he/she wants to check, via a multi-function switch mounted on the left side of the handle bar.

The display unit is mounted up high, behind the electric wind screen on the R1150RT, that I was looking at, just below the the riders line of sight. It, amongst other features, displays the police bike's speed on the left and the target vehicle's speed on the right, in between it tells the operator what vehicle it is targeting on a multi lane road.

The unit normally runs always on, it records the speed of any vehicle in front of it or behind it, and its instantaneous. The police wont say what distance it is accurate to, but it is believed to be around the 1 kilometre mark.

So, if you come around a corner, or crest a rise, if there is an oncoming police vehicle fitted with this, your speed is immediately recorded, and btw, if you happen to be running a radar detector, you and your unit are toast, as the officer can easily see on his monitor that you have received the radar signal and you are suddenly backing off speed, especially at a distance where it is very hard to identify oncoming vehicles.

So beware, especially in the North East and Eastern Gippsland, on the way down to the Supers this weekend, or over Easter.

...<snip personal stuff>...

i have read about these units a while ago.

Dual head units on Police CARS are able to detect speed in 4 directions. Assuming Police vehicle is travelling Westbound it can detect the speed of vehicles travelling Westbound both behind and ahead of the radar unit, and Eastbound vehicles both ahead and behind the radar unit. Speed detection is almost instantaneous.


To the best of my knowledge, these are not yet in use in NSW. Matter of time I guess. Also, I am not aware if Police Procedures have been altered to eliminate the need for a clear and constant tone to be acquired for 3 full seconds prior to determining speed.


to me this all sounds like radar that instantly grabs your speed and can differentiate between cars travelling in multiple lanes? or was this just pre-holiday FUD (fear, uncertainty & doubt) from the cops?
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Fri, 23 April 2004 16:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeh well part of that is definitely true, as in the moving speed detectors but not sure on the accuracy seems a little Rolling Eyes , but u never know they wouldve had a lot of money to spend on them cos they make a LOT of money out of speeding fines! let hope that they r bluffing but it sounds legit
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Forums Junkie

August 2003
Jab what?!!?!
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Sun, 25 April 2004 07:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Can anyone confirm this?
My balls just shrunk.. Come on gotta b a toyota luvin cop somewher on these forums.... got five on the bribe for info if anyone else wanst to chip in haha.
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June 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Sun, 25 April 2004 07:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
They have a gps system that registers how fast it is moving. Or so I've heard. So they would be just as accurate, although they are supposed to be used with a +-5% error margin.
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Sun, 25 April 2004 13:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
o i c they would have to give the benifit of the doubt to the motorist, but doubt they would
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Sun, 25 April 2004 14:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Its all bullshit...
We haven't installed anything like this before. The only thing we have installed that is even similar to this is 3 cameras in the cars. 1 camera facing behind, 1 facing the speedo and 1 facing front. Laws Australia wide now permit police to issue speeding/fucked up driving fines without having to show you the speed you were doing.
Singling out a car in 3 lanes of traffic sounds like something for a Bond movie Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

toowoomba qld
March 2004
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Sun, 25 April 2004 23:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
cool1, how long this laws been out? I always thought they had to show you your speed before they could book you(ie radar)
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Mon, 26 April 2004 00:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i had the gut feeling that radar this good required too much processing power to be bolted to a motor bike. ... police FUD

but i'm curious as to how long the car-mounted mobile units now need to get a reading on incoming cars?

and how much separation they need to stop it getting confused... e.g. if me, blake and norbie all came thru cunningham's gap at speed but close together, would they simply book us a mob, pick the first car, or not bother as the radar throught we were a truck?
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Mon, 26 April 2004 01:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mick wrote on Mon, 26 April 2004 09:13

cool1, how long this laws been out? I always thought they had to show you your speed before they could book you(ie radar)

Its been in for at least 12 months now.
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UK at moment
May 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Tue, 27 April 2004 13:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've been booked in QLD (more than 3 years ago) with laser speed detection, at a distance of 880m!!
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June 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Tue, 27 April 2004 13:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You should get your money back they aren't allowed to use them over 600metres of distance are they?

And that law is pretty dodgy really, how do they determine how many points you lose. If they don't show you the speed can't you contest this?

Surely if put through a court your fine would be removed, the number of inaccuracies and then the guess of the actual speed you were doing would be more then enough? I don't really know but that doesn't seem very fair.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Banned User

May 2002
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Tue, 27 April 2004 13:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well you dont actually get a speeding fine in these cases. You get a dangerous driving fine!
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: are VIC/NSW cop radar this good? Tue, 27 April 2004 13:41 Go to previous message
cop: in my 12 years experience as a traffic officer i estimated that the offenders vehicle was travelling in excess of the posted speed limit your worship.

magistrate: by how much officer?

cop: by at least 30 kilometres per hour, which verified with the reading i obtained from the laser device - which i am certified and trained to use - and the device recorded a speed of 132 kilometres per hour, your worship

magistrate: is that so? thank you Mr Cop, you may step down ... Mister Hoon, do you have 12 years experience as a traffic police officer?

you: um... no your hon.. i mean no i don't, your worship

magistrate: what training do you have in estimating vehicle speed and using laser speed detection devices, Mister Hoon?

you: none ... your worhip

magistrate: and you want me to accept your uncorroberated version of events instead of the police statements tendered and spoken before me today?

you: ummm... yes your worship

<magistrate pauses and reads thru paperwork>

magistrate: do you wish to continue to state your rejection of the allegations outlined in the statements made before me? ...

... at which point you really, really wish you had got legal advice before starting all this bad shit...
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