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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 05 May 2004 22:59
Hi People,
Have done a fair bit of seraching, just need to confirm a few things.
Plan is, Have aquired a cheap ms65 crown with 4m all original, however blown head gasket, last owner drove around for a fair while like that, so I hazard a guess that its poked, and cant be bothered fixing it so..have found a grande motor in local rag, unsure of excat details, but says ABS in add so guesing mx83, but doesnt come with sump.
Will the 4m sump fit?
Will the 4m engine brackets/mounts fit to the 5m block?
Will the 4m auto trans bell housing/gearbox/etc fit to the 5m?
[Updated on: Wed, 05 May 2004 23:00]

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 05 May 2004 23:04

Yes (you'll need to use your 4M oil pump/pickup too as the 5M one might be in the wrong position), yes and yes.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 06 May 2004 00:16

SRacin wrote on Thu, 06 May 2004 08:59 | have found a grande motor in local rag, unsure of excat details, but says ABS in add so guesing mx83, but doesnt come with sump.
Will the 4m sump fit?
Will the 4m engine brackets/mounts fit to the 5m block?
Will the 4m auto trans bell housing/gearbox/etc fit to the 5m?
It will be a 7M-GE actualy! but same applys it will all bolt in.. bit more wiring but well worth it
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 06 May 2004 00:52

wohoo, thanks guys!
should be all good!
Dont think it will come with computer, so might have to drag out the old link EMX to controll the beast. But will worry about that at a later date. Got to get my hands on the motor first, and hope its a runner, then take it from there.
Cheers all

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 06 May 2004 00:55

if its cheap likey to have a BHG still if bargin price crack it open inspect the bores if there good surface head, chuck a new gasket and stem seals in should be much better then the 4m for another 100,000
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 06 May 2004 01:08

200 ono for the motor in the 'buy sell' so could well be poked, and i suppose h/g's are pretty cheap to so, will have to wait and see, the idea was just to get it running not too fussed on power outputs... 
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 06 May 2004 20:15

I finally got in touch with theseller, who didnt know what it was and was abit of a tard. sounds like it was a 'river car', ie a padock basher in public area, anyway 84ish and efi so i guess either 1g or 5m most likely, going to go down to the river and try find it for the loom etc

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Fri, 07 May 2004 01:09

yeah prolly 5m-e
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 04 August 2004 01:58

Well, its all under way now, i have the 5mge, comp and loom, just got to get the project under way, its going to be a quick job, any other pointers to help me out along the way? Well anything M specfic, if done plently of covnersion on 4 cylinders before. Planning to use ms65 tranny, disconnect flex plate from torque converter in car, push torque convert back over spline, lift motor out, swap over sump and oil pick up, engine brackets, chuck in an EFI pump somewhere bit of wiring and bobs me uncle, hopefully.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 04 August 2004 11:28

Spot on.
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 04 August 2004 23:36

One more thing i can think of, but im guessing the answer to this is a big NO, but by any remote chance of luck will the 4m exhaust manifold fit the 5MGE (being a completly different head i guess not, but wouldnt be surprised as 2tg ones fit other t heads...)
Reason i ask is motor is out of a jetboat(of all things ) and manifold is butchered to dump the water with bits of pipes welded to it everywhere, only good thing is at least the motor would have always run very cold...but thrashed...

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Wed, 04 August 2004 23:40

SRacin wrote on Thu, 05 August 2004 09:36 | .....but im guessing the answer to this is a big NO, but by any remote chance of luck will the 4m exhaust manifold fit the 5MGE...
You guessed correctly.
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Thu, 05 August 2004 21:53

Everything came out ok apart from a few exhaust bolts as usual. Swapped most bits over already so should be to much hassel, just got to sort out the loom and a few other bits and pieces.
Question : What have people done to convert the accelerator linkages to cable,and also how have people done the kickdone linkage to the tranny which used to come of the carb? Just thought someone else might have some ideas before i go rangi something up...
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Fri, 06 August 2004 22:36

Hi People,
Well we have done pretty well, the 5mge is all in, and wiried up (in a wires everywhere type way) but we are having a few issues, at this stage it will only fire up on cold start, and the main injectors dont seem to be going, any suggestions?
I think we did pretty well, pretty much a complete conversion in a day...


I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Fri, 06 August 2004 23:28

Make sure you have connected injectors to ignition power (preferably via a relay).

Location: 1st street on the right
Registered: November 2002
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Sat, 07 August 2004 00:33

Yes make sure they are ignition controlled or it won't turn off.
How did you go with the accel cable. Pm me I think I have pics of my conversion still.
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Registered: March 2004
Re: MS65 engine conversion 4m to 5m
Sat, 07 August 2004 03:56
ITS ALIVE!!!! muhahaha,
thanks for the help,
after unwraping the whole loom and going over everything it turned out to be that the AFM earth had been chopped off by the last owner, and the AFM wasnt earthing hence only the cold start firing, its all running now, admittly very roughly and a cylinder or two down, but then again it hasnt run in several years so hopefully with a clean up of the plugs etc it should go ok, bit smoky but thems the breaks. Thanks all for your help, just got to sort out the throttle and kick down linkages...