Well, this is actually a question, but first is a demonstration of why you should replace the oil and the oil filter as per the toyota servicing schedule...unless you too want piston rings that are so full of carbon deposits that they are seized in allowing the engine to burn more oil than the Iraqi military fleeing the UN.
click for larger image
And now for the second image I have a question. Is the discolouration (it's slightly goldish looking) simply a result of the oil getting cooked by combustion gasses? Possibly the result of old oil and the fact that the car that this came from was burnt to the ground?
Yep - always change oil!!! Luckily this is out of a wrecked car (I would never let this happen to my car!) and hence I don't have to claim responsibility for this.
You can see that those rings (ALL THREE OF THEM) are completely stuck in and wouldn't seal for shit. Only about 4 combustion rings were still floating out of the 8 in total, and none of the 4 oil rings were floating at all.
This is how engines end up blowing a tonne of blue smoke
Not sure - I would say that the best option is to pull it apart and re-ring it. It wouldn't hurt to try decoking it (using ed_ma61's patented vacuum hose + redex technique). It probably wouldn't be 100% effective though. You really only have to worry about this kind of thing if you never change your oil filter.
In this example, I would say strip and re-ring is the only 100% guaran-damn-teed to work option...I'm not even going to use these pistons + rings
Once I've cleaned 'em up, if anyone wants a set of low kms 5S-FE pistons in Adelaide...wait a minute what am I saying - who would want 5S-FE pistons?!!?!!?!