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April 2004
BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Tue, 25 May 2004 03:39 Go to next message

Well Lads/ladies, to get the ball rolling, and as everyones keen to hang out again I tock the liberty to plann another get together. Those ppl who have to work on weekends should speak up and tell us what days are good for them. I put the date ahead to give all time to plan so theres no reason you can't attend( unless your a nob like me and can't find the group! Razz )

Guess theres nothing else to say and let you guys have your say.
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February 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Tue, 25 May 2004 12:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'll be there for a bbq and/or beers - i'd suggest the 19th June is a better day as it's a saturday (a nite-time friday affair would be a bit on the cold side during June).

Should we go for a south-side venue? are there any decent parks that way with:
bbq (elec. or fuel)
shelter with seats
functioning toilets
away from hwy/traffic noise
parking visible from bbq

[Updated on: Tue, 25 May 2004 12:10]

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June 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 07:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if you wanna go a south side venue i volunteer my place if it makes things easy

bbq - sorted
shelter & seats - plenty
Functioning toilets - 3
away from traffic - yep
parking visable from bbq - if i leave the side gate open...can fit 2 cars in the driveway and 2-4 on the lawn...the rest on the street..but its a safe area

plenty of tunes, pool table & dart board...thats about all i can offer

if its a park that you want i suggest possibly sherwood forest...big bbqs with covered seating area and plenty of parks within eyesight...theres meant to be an awesome new park somewhere along the river near darra but i imagine thats a little too far out. Hmm, prolly better if i list a few parks and ppl can add/give input

1. Sherwood Forest (sherwood(oxley/indropilly area))
2. 17 Mile Rocks (darra-ish)
3. Meadowlands (carindale)
4. New Farm (parking could be a bitch)

i'll add more when they come to me

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Rocklea qld
February 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 09:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ill be there if its on the southside..preferably close to transport unless someone is offering me a lift as I wanna drink this time and still be able to get home.
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March 2004
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
how far south we talking? should have my licence back by then easy, only 2 weeks to go. reason I couldnt do the other night was that worked called me in Sad

but nick that does sound awesome Very Happy

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April 2004
icon8.gif  Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 21:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
F@#$ING TYPICAL! Sorry boyz but Frank can't make it...I've got to go 'Bush' for 2-3 weeks starting on the 16th and coming back sometime between the 26th - 4th July. Which means I'm not gonna make it - considering I set the date for the do; this is some what shit house! Mad Anyway dutie calls so you boys better have a big one!

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April 2004
icon14.gif  Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 21:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
PS - when I get back I'll try to arrange a formal get together and its gonna be in Toowong (West Toowong Bowels Club). I'll talk to my ppl and see if I can get the joint for free and they can put on a BBQ for us so we don't have to cook, 50c games of pool and $1.80 pots/$2.90 pints. WHEN I GET BACK. Very Happy
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July 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 26 May 2004 23:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
francis.puran wrote on Thu, 27 May 2004 07:36

PS - when I get back I'll try to arrange a formal get together and its gonna be in Toowong (West Toowong Bowels Club). I'll talk to my ppl and see if I can get the joint for free and they can put on a BBQ for us so we don't have to cook, 50c games of pool and $1.80 pots/$2.90 pints. WHEN I GET BACK. Very Happy

i like that idea!!
im up for a bbq or whatever anywhere as by the time it happens ill have a car back.. id prefer friday night.. but whatever majority rules...
Nick: your house sounds alright.. where on the south side? and how is it for places for people to crash?
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June 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Thu, 27 May 2004 05:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
how far south are people prepared to travel

i live in sunnybank hills...which is almost sticksville but not quite...about 20 min from the city centre...if you're on the M1 heading south you take the Klump/Mains rd exit and cruise down mains rd for 5 min and you're for crash space...have a spare double bed, 3 mattresses, 2 couches of which one folds out & 2 inflatable beds

im easy peoples...not fussed where it is...i put forward my place in case no one cbf doing the park thing


PS - when I get back I'll try to arrange a formal get together and its gonna be in Toowong (West Toowong Bowels Club). I'll talk to my ppl and see if I can get the joint for free and they can put on a BBQ for us so we don't have to cook, 50c games of pool and $1.80 pots/$2.90 pints. WHEN I GET BACK.

thats a great idea! definately keen for that
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June 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Thu, 27 May 2004 08:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sunnybank too far for me unless i can crash the nite, and we arent going into town...
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Bundaberg, Qld.
May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Tue, 01 June 2004 23:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so who here is going to the Toyota day on the 13th?
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April 2004
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Tue, 01 June 2004 23:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Whats happening on the 13th?
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July 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Tue, 01 June 2004 23:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
im working.. and just wanna get used to my car
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Bundaberg, Qld.
May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 02 June 2004 03:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
every year on the 1st long w/end of June they hold Toyota day at Toyota headquarters off Beudesert Rd. read about it in the events forum.
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June 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 02 June 2004 08:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
13th im down in dubbo...

Can we organise something for the 19th then?! Me and my drunken state will be there again Razz well hopefully...not quite as drunk!
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February 2003
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 12:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hi folks,

is this on? or are we spliting between Willowbank and AllToyota Day on the 13th?

not that the later is a bad option , i just figured we should decide, rather than let this fade into a cloud of indecision.

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July 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 12:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
im working on the sunday.. forgot about it Sad
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Bundaberg, Qld.
May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 13:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'll be at toyota day. dunno what state the feral will be in though, i spat it big time tonight.. Mad
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May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 21:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
feral4mr2 wrote on Wed, 09 June 2004 23:38

i'll be at toyota day. dunno what state the feral will be in though, i spat it big time tonight.. Mad

Its cause your a little skirt wearing bitch.
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April 2004
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 21:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well I might be able to make it on the 13th, cus I'm not due to leave for Townsville until the 16th.
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Forums Junkie

Bundaberg, Qld.
May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 21:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cool1 wrote on Thu, 10 June 2004 07:10

Its cause your a little skirt wearing bitch.

thanks for your words of encouragement mate... Confused
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: BBQ and Drinks June 18th or 19th? Wed, 09 June 2004 21:56 Go to previous message
feral4mr2 wrote on Thu, 10 June 2004 07:48

Cool1 wrote on Thu, 10 June 2004 07:10

Its cause your a little skirt wearing bitch.

thanks for your words of encouragement mate... Confused

No worries maaattte hehehe
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