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Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 08:11
Just curious what people think is the best place in Australia, as I have been stuck in my one little hole most of my life and wanna check out some other places, maybe even eventually move once money provides.
Just state where and why, and if you think such a place like Sydney is, which part huh haha?
However on a worldwide scale my vote is still Japan....
the best of both busy cities and tranquil mountain areas, containing mass technology, kinky women and aftermarket parts galore!
Anyone wanna fued, and beg to differ on a worldwide scale too?

Location: The Rainy City
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 08:37

Melbourne. Without a doubt. Voted most liveable city 3 times now. Everything is good except for nazi transportation ministers (bloody batchelor) and misguided premiers. Hell, even our water is better than Sydney!

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 08:40

reasons in order of priority
weather (which i actually like)

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 08:40

Anywhwere is good - as long as its not one of the major centres ( capital citys )
just look at your evening news for reasons ..

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 09:00

Classique71 wrote on Tue, 25 May 2004 18:40 | Anywhwere is good - as long as its not one of the major centres ( capital citys )
just look at your evening news for reasons ..
typical country view on the city
anywhere is good.

Location: theres a castle on my hil...
Registered: October 2003

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 10:05

incidentally, my top reason is the same as Ed's - fantastic women there (in my experience - I still travel there several times a year)
actually, all my reasons are the same as ed's, except weather - it can be a little temperamental

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 10:06

anywhere except syndey, melbourne and adelaide
oh and perth
and for the love of god NOT hobart {2 headed freaks}

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 10:31

I'd go with Hobart - Tasmania rocks, has the nicest people and the best roads to cane - everywhere, all of the roads are great, after being there one realises why they have a fair few good drivers come out of there.
Oh, and last time that I was there, for about a week, I think we got 3 x red lights, we actually laughed at getting them.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 10:40

you musta struck em in hoberts busiest centre - i hear they only have 5 
heh - never been to hobart - is it bloody cold ? ( melbourne can be bad enough ?)

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 10:41

tassie is wonderful and has an undeserved reputation as being crap, but everything closes at like 6pm - there's not an awful lot to do once the sun goes down. I need my late night shops and such - my only major gripe with the place (oh, and both times I've been there the weather has sucked)
Location: toowoomba qld
Registered: March 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 11:52

the best place is south-east queensland women cars the weather although I like north queensland as well love the humid conditions for those of you who have never been up there you haven't seen rain till you see rain there the rain that we get in toowoomba is nothing compared to up there! It just fukin poors down

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 14:38

Umm - I dunno, I haven't seen enough of australia but Adelaide isn't as shit as people depends whether your idea of a good night is going out with a bunch of friends and pretending to be a playa with a bunch of white boob-tube, PVC pants wearing airheads, or if you like to chill with mates at a pub and chug a few (too many) beers.
Melbourne seems okay, but I can't say I was overly amazed with the ladies, same as everywhere else really.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 25 May 2004 23:45

I will stick my neck Canberra.
Big enough to have all the parts of a city, small enough to have the country town atmosphere.
1.5 hours to the beach, 2 hours to the snow.
Beuatiful scenery, great architecture, great people.
And before you say it - the politicians are YOURS, YOU vote for them, YOU send them here, and WE get stuck with them. So they are not to be blamed on us Canberran's.

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Central Coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 02:54

hahahaha i cant stop making up new signs!!! i love this site!! hehe

Location: melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 02:54

melbourne is like 1 hour MAXIMUM from the beach, alot of places are 30 minutes or less. and its not taht far to the snow either, 2-4 hours, depending on where you want to go. hotham is further, than say, donna buang (sp?)
Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 04:14

Why is there so much focus on Melbourne women? I've been there a few times and they're nothing special (except during the GP ). The last "non-GP" time I went to Melb the women were shocking - tubby, snobby chicks who wouldn't get a second glance anywhere else (this was on Chapel St). In fact we thought there was a correlation between the snobby women, 24hr alcohol availability and multitude of "Liberated Bookshops" - you don't pick up, so you get drunk and buy porn
IMHO Adelaide women are heaps better on average. Plus Adelaide doesn't have a "rush hour". It has a "rush 20 minutes". I can drive from one side of the city to the other, in peak traffic, and it only takes 20 mins and doesn't cost me a cent! I f**king hate the tollways of Syd and Melb - who pays to go on a road the govt should have built in the first place?
And I feel sorry for all the Syd kids - the roads there are f**ked! A 4 lane tollway that suddenly narrows down into 2 lanes? Where's the sense in that? It just moves the traffic jam slightly further out of the city. /rant
despite all that, I haven't been everywhere in Aus so can't answer the question of which spot is best.
And melb may be 1 hour from the beach, but how often is the weather good enough to swim there?

Location: The Rainy City
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 05:42

Melbourne weather rocks. Never stays too hot for long, never stays too cold for long.. I honestly cant live without it. Its as schitzophrenic as I am
Melbourne women.. well, Cant really comment, havent tasted the women in other locales lately. But chapel street is only good for.. well, nothing really. Unless your a doof doof muzza doin chap laps with their schmuzzas (she-muzzas)
Melbourne rocks.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 05:59

So I went to the all the wrong spots then?
Chapel St was hilarious though - P-plater commodore driver doing burnouts in the middle of the street and then getting pulled over by the cops 200m later
The taxi drivers in Melb suck - I've never had one that knew where they were going, and the worst was an indian chap who put his arm behind the passenger seat and sang a weird hindi song the whole bloody time - he even incorporated the names of places we were going past in his song!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 07:06

lumpy wrote on Wed, 26 May 2004 15:59 | The taxi drivers in Melb suck - I've never had one that knew where they were going, and the worst was an indian chap who put his arm behind the passenger seat and sang a weird hindi song the whole bloody time - he even incorporated the names of places we were going past in his song!
Here here, and the cabbies in Melbourne never believe that I just don't give a flying f#$% about AFL, they are like: "hahaha, no really who do you support?"
Location: Queensland
Registered: March 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 12:22

Gold Coast. Lots of scantily clad women, cheap drinks/food/accomodation, nice scenery close to beaches mountains etc etc plenty of great drift spots did i happen to mention the scantily clad women? Also got a pretty decent cruising scene up here and a very laid back atmosphere
Location: toowoomba qld
Registered: March 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 12:39

Drift Technician wrote on Wed, 26 May 2004 22:22 | Gold Coast. Lots of scantily clad women, cheap drinks/food/accomodation, nice scenery close to beaches mountains etc etc plenty of great drift spots did i happen to mention the scantily clad women? Also got a pretty decent cruising scene up here and a very laid back atmosphere
I think the beach at Surfers Paradise is crap (dunno why some people disagree with me about that?) I much prefer Burleigh Heads. Surfers is only good for the nightlife(everyone agrees on that ... well some ) besides that I'd rather be anywhere from Burleigh down to Coolangatta for Beaches. I always seem to be up and down the Gold Coast Highway when I'm down there to see people or to go site seeing with friends or get bored in Toowoomba and drive like 200kms plus just to go for a swim in summer (done that a few times now)

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 15:33

Newcastle. Women, beaches, weather, no traffic.

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 26 May 2004 15:35

old_mr2 wrote on Thu, 27 May 2004 01:33 | Newcastle. Women, beaches, weather, no traffic.
pity its in newcastle

Location: Tasmania
Registered: January 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Thu, 27 May 2004 05:13

Down here in old hobart town, I'm 5 min from the beach (walking time that is), and 10-25 min from snow dependinding on how much of it there is (thats driving time..) The weather can be... interesting, but I love the roads, there is a twisting contry road just about everywhere you go, and the other end of the state is only 2 hrs drive away!! Night life is not to bad...
Car market is awful though. Unless your in the market for a nice VC-VB Commodore.
I like Qld weather.. but Tassie is stil the best I have seen.

Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Fri, 28 May 2004 05:23

Newcastle ugh!
I have run out of things to do here!
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 29 May 2004 06:28

The gold coast is great for a perve and people are mostly do get some wanker surfer trash though(as i found out when i used to skate down the coast a bit)
Coastal Queensland has awesome weather full stop, i think the average is about 300 days of sun a year But the humidity doesnt agree with me...i prefer a drier climate like Perth. Brisbane and Perth would be my favourite lived in places, very similar but Perth has a better nightlife mehtinks...too bad its so isolated from the rest of us.
I think Melbourne would be a nice place to live...i think the weather would agree with me more(i dont mind the warmer climates but i love the cooler weather of souther australia). Theres almost no way i'd go back and live in Sydney...i was born there, lived there for years and i can only think of it as a place to stop for refueling and to take a leak on the way down to the snow (or soon...for the moto GP when i finally get a bike)
Darwin is somewhat expensive to live...i found it ok because i was crashing with my dad who was based there at the time, but if you love to fish and "sink piss" then its the city for you. If you visit the top end, make sure its during "winter", or as they call it the dry season.
I'm not much for rural australia, i like the nightlife....going out for coffee at midnight or pubbing\clubbing till the sun comes up is a must have for any place i live in

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sun, 27 June 2004 03:17

I grew up in Mt Druitt,now thats the place to be ,90 million spent on welfare per year ....naa the best place is where I spent 2.5 years and that was Mosman/Balmoral Neutral Bay area SYD,the women are fantastic,from the young daughters to their mums ,beautiful beaches...great night life...expensive as all fsk but well worth it....
Ive lived in melbourne now for 2 years,and while it is good..the weather is fucked up!!!! the girls all have these fucked up hair cuts!!! Mullets etc and thats just the start of how many fashion victims there are down here....there is only one sport... GAYFL, Osama could fly another plane into the US and Nathan Bucklys(collingwood GAYFL player) hamstring injury will still be on the front page..did i say how fucked up the weather is!! they cant drive!!! and I have never seen so many crazy people in the one place in my whole life( and i have lived in surry hills fr 1 year) could be in the most affluent suburb in Melb which in comparison to SYD looks like shite and you will still have some Skatt ask you for change or just completly weird you out...did I also mention that the city is butt ugly and fusking stinks? on top of all of this while alot of people try to pull the Melbourne is cultrally diverse line, most of the people you meet have actually never been outside of the city but feel they can pass judgement on everywhere else...
on the up side this place has made me a shite load of cash as it is a cheaper place to set up your business and I have rerely been in a situation where i havent felt safe....

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sun, 27 June 2004 04:46

i'm with riceburna, melbourne sucks a fat one. i have never been to a place where the GUYS where so worried about what they were going to wear out dancing! "honey, does this $100 dollar calvin klien t-shirt go with these $350 pre-ripped jeans or should i change into my ralph lauren? Oh and do you think 2 bracelets is enough?" hahaha, no wonder the public transport is so good, they all spend too much money on clothes to afford a car.
anyway my vote is the gold coast, the chicks are better and and often wearing close to nothing.
and the have miss indy!she will be mine. oh yes. she will be mine.

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sun, 27 June 2004 04:53

oh yeah and as for the most livable city in the world,i think all of our cities are in the top 10 if not 5 but it is all statistical based anyway...% of deaths by murder % of reasturants per capita etc etc..yeh gold coast rokks,the chicks are sooo easy!!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sun, 27 June 2004 06:23

I don't think the chicks in Melbourne are really any good. At least not in my area. Most of them are stuck up bitches that hang out with unemployed Muzzas who drive the VL/VN commodore their parents gave them.
I hate the weather. I wake up and see bright blue sky! I'm like "Yes! What a great day!" By the time I'm up, had breakfast, showered and dressed it's raining!!!
I don't know if this is different in other areas, but the paranoid speeding laws around here suck. I’m sick of looking at my speedo. And what the crap is with paying to use roads? Don’t my petrol excises make enough money for you mr. government assholes?
I miss 24 hour Maccas, Safeway and Coles. Actually it doesn’t have to be 24 hour, just open ‘till like 1:30am, as I usually decide I’m hungry or need something at bang on 12:00 on the weekend.
However I am about 20 mins from the beach (although a lot of them smell), an hour and a half from a really good beach. I'm an hour and a half from Mt. Donna Buang, which has snow on it at the moment. Has anyone ever driven down Mt. Donna Buang when it's not snowing? It's a rather nice set of twisties. With the snow though traction becomes a real issue though. Perhaps best left for the GT4s.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sun, 27 June 2004 13:31

riceburna73 wrote on Sun, 27 June 2004 13:17 | naa the best place is where I spent 2.5 years and that was Mosman/Balmoral Neutral Bay area SYD,the women are fantastic,from the young daughters to their mums
its a nice area but all the kids there are stuck up an spoilt drivin roun in ther bmw convertible 3 series

Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 04:21

im in hobart, tassie, and i love it.... more like 3 hours to the other end of the state (devonport) at the speed limit... Yep the shops shut, but that doesn't worry me... only worries the women... and its cold atm, thats good.. keeps those air intake temps down 
What other city can i drive 5mins max from the CBD and be hitting the most awesome roads. There are so many awesome roads down here.... Just think Targa tasmania, driving anywhere is a pleasure. The mainland cities ive been too dont have enough hills... There are quite a few Targa stages within about 15mins drive from here.
Numerous beaches... they basically get better the further you drive... Snow in winter... and awesome roads... really, the roads do it everytime.. come on, this is a car forum

Location: local to everywhere
Registered: June 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 04:34

For years I've been telling everyone "I hate Sydney, don't won't to live here at all". Still haven't moved, still living in Sydney.
My question to you is, what type of life style are you looking for? If you can answer that, the suggested locations may start to point in the right direction.
Personally I like northern NSW just south of the border.

Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Registered: May 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 04:38

my choice is bribie island or the gold coast

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 04:45

riceburna73 wrote on Sun, 27 June 2004 13:17 | ....naa the best place is where I spent 2.5 years and that was Mosman/Balmoral Neutral Bay area SYD,the women are fantastic,from the young daughters to their mums ,beautiful beaches...great night life...expensive as all fsk but well worth it....
Ahhh... What can I say - The man is right.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 09:37

baghdad nice?

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 09:38

true crazy legs but once your a local its all good...
never been to tazy but sounds even colder and more unpredictable than thanks!
I lived in Balina for a year when I was 16, and apart for all the ferals which were quite rude alot of the time ...the place is great...i cant count how many times i was in solid 6ft surf all day without seeing anyone except dolphins and the occasional shark ...forken great place to live and raise your kids!!pretty commercialised now tho..
as for lifestyle, I have chosen melb to set up a business and it has been good to me...but when im set up more in the next year hopefully i can afford to move back to mossi...well rent there anyway

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 13:11

riceburna73 wrote on Mon, 28 June 2004 19:38 | true crazy legs but once your a local its all good...
i go 2 school roun ther an they still get very snoby, but most ov em are aight.
but if i could choose any where 2 live it would b either the us or japan, but id need 2 learn how 2 speak japanese

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 14:30

yeh i know what you mean,i have met some seriously stuck up parents and some even more fucked up families in that area that seriously rival some of Mt Druitt's best skat families does not create sanity..but there are also some kids there whose parents could buy them everything but made them juggle school and a job to teach them how shite really works...

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Mon, 28 June 2004 23:19

yer i think it is, lol aparently therz anuva 1 of those kinda stores at crowsnest.

Location: Behind you
Registered: May 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 29 June 2004 07:24

crayz legz wrote on Tue, 29 June 2004 09:19 | yer i think it is, lol aparently therz anuva 1 of those kinda stores at crowsnest.
Not meaning to have a go at you. But could you speak English?

Location: Newcastle
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 29 June 2004 10:38

ed_ma61 wrote on Thu, 27 May 2004 01:35 |
old_mr2 wrote on Thu, 27 May 2004 01:33 | Newcastle. Women, beaches, weather, no traffic.
pity its in newcastle
I'll take Newcastle anyday.
I never run out of things to do working 80+ hours a week.
Location: mona vale,northern beache...
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 29 June 2004 10:49

sydney!well northern beaches to be exact(except deewhy and brookvale).melbourne is gay!i fucking hate the place.the northern beaches has so many good points about it-clean nice looking place,some of the nicest and well known beaches and surf in oz,very few wogs and the ones that are around here are kept in check,a good nightlife,great pubs-eg. newport arms,the greenwood tavern.plenty of hot chicks(SOME of them are stuck up),car modifiers aren't hassled by the cops a great deal,plenty of work around,good people,safe place,not a great deal of crime,nice chicks,plenty of surrounding bushland,not far from the central coast,5 hours to the snow,close to the city but not too close.the roads aren't exactly minitruck/airbag friendly though.nice weather,great lifestyle!
seriously though if any of u havn't been here come for a holiday and check the place out,im sure any other northern beaches people will agree its a damn good place to live.
Location: mona vale,northern beache...
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 29 June 2004 10:51

sydney!well northern beaches to be exact(except deewhy and brookvale).melbourne is gay!i fucking hate the place.the northern beaches has so many good points about it-clean nice looking place,some of the nicest and well known beaches and surf in oz,very few wogs and the ones that are around here are kept in check,a good nightlife,great pubs-eg. newport arms,the greenwood tavern.plenty of hot chicks(SOME of them are stuck up),car modifiers aren't hassled by the cops a great deal,plenty of work around,good people,safe place,not a great deal of crime,nice chicks,plenty of surrounding bushland,not far from the central coast,5 hours to the snow,close to the city but not too close.the roads aren't exactly minitruck/airbag friendly though.nice weather,great lifestyle!
seriously though if any of u havn't been here come for a holiday and check the place out,im sure any other northern beaches people will agree its a damn good place to live.
Location: mona vale,northern beache...
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Tue, 29 June 2004 10:54

sydney!well northern beaches to be exact(except deewhy and brookvale).melbourne is gay!i fucking hate the place.the northern beaches has so many good points about it-clean nice looking place,some of the nicest and well known beaches and surf in oz,very few wogs and the ones that are around here are kept in check,a good nightlife,great pubs-eg. newport arms,the greenwood tavern.plenty of hot chicks(SOME of them are stuck up),car modifiers aren't hassled by the cops a great deal,plenty of work around,good people,safe place,not a great deal of crime,nice chicks,plenty of surrounding bushland,not far from the central coast,5 hours to the snow,close to the city but not too close.the roads aren't exactly minitruck/airbag friendly though.nice weather,great lifestyle!
seriously though if any of u havn't been here come for a holiday and check the place out,im sure any other northern beaches people will agree its a damn good place to live.

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 30 June 2004 02:15

the northern beaches are great but fuck the people there are the most stuck up in all of australia,,they never go further south than Manly and look down on anyone who is from anywhere else..i have never been able to work it out as the area isnt the most affluent but is more snobby than double bay???
saying that.. the arms rocks and ive always had a ball at any party held there...
Location: mona vale,northern beache...
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 30 June 2004 10:23

oops.sorry about the triple post my pc was fucking up
rice burner:yeah some of them have that kind of attitude that give us all a bad name,but fuck them!

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Wed, 30 June 2004 13:41

yeh i know, I have some really good mates from there...and the ones who have tried to turn their nose up at me for originally being from the west are now working for me soooo...ur right fuck them!

Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Thu, 28 October 2004 12:57

Sorry...but I like Canberra.
I like the fact that most things are always relatively close. Unlike Sydney (which I like too) it doesn't take 45 mins to get anywhere.
It would be better if there were more things for people to do and see in Canberra designed for young people. At the moment, it is all very touristy and a Canberran doesn't want to do touristy things all the time.
More music festivals and markets are needed!

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Fri, 29 October 2004 23:27

- Melbourne
- Hobart, and
- Bendigo.
Melbourne is a nice city, not quite as "rat racey" as Sydney. Easy to get around, plenty of facilities, great lifestyle.
Hobart and Bendigo have a great feel about them and would gladly move to either.
I would like to experience Perth some time in my life.

Registered: August 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 02:07

Well sydney has the best beaches in the country.
Also has the worst roads, traffic, population density etc etc
I do like brisbane alot, very close to the city wherever you live, hell i walked home to a mates place from the city when i was up there last. Thats something you cant do in sydney. People are really friendly, but humid summer weather tends to blow.
Now perth was cool when i was there, unbelievable roads, great weather, people are alright i guess but im used to sydney hussle and bussle, talk about taking a few steps backwards. Very chilled and easy.
Perth's weather, in brisbane, with sydney's beaches and id be there.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 04:30

BlackSupra wrote on Sat, 30 October 2004 10:07 | Well sydney has the best beaches in the country.
Debatable, but at least we get credit for something. Sunday sessions too

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 06:19

does anyone here like the city? i fucking hate it. out where i am theres bush and stuff, you can go camping, theres no polution. it takes me forever to get to uni but i reckon its worth it to live somewhere a bit more quiet. i'm not talking about sydney in particular but just cities in general. just wondering what other peoples opinions were.

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2003
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 06:40

I'd say Perth.
Great looking girls and alot of strip clubs.
Not alot of people - so the roads dont get too clogged up.
Alot of other interesting countries close by. And being close to home makes em cheap to visit.

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 09:07

mynameisrodney wrote on Sat, 30 October 2004 16:19 | does anyone here like the city? i fucking hate it. out where i am theres bush and stuff, you can go camping, theres no polution. it takes me forever to get to uni but i reckon its worth it to live somewhere a bit more quiet. i'm not talking about sydney in particular but just cities in general. just wondering what other peoples opinions were.
I love the city,it just gets too slow for me in the country,but as my theory goes,its easier to go from city living to country then the opposite,the same goes for sydney i rekkon,as I dont know many people who can handle syd unless you have grown up there at some stage.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 10:02

I live in Sydney and can't imagine living anywhere else... I love the city and evverything that goes along with it... Having lived here all my life, I'm used to the crowds and traffic and the overall busyness of the city...
Location: Canberra, ACT
Registered: September 2002
Re: Opinions: Best place to live in Australia and why?!
Sat, 30 October 2004 10:18

1. canberra (small, quiet, cars don't rust , awesome winters)
2. melbourne (real footy; none of this nancyboy rugby league garbage!)
3. adelaide
I hate Queensland with a passion. People up there seem noticeably more stupid and probably more inbred than in other states, even Tasmania. Also hate the weather there. Don't like Sydney, either.