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Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
GT4 185 dip stick + GrpA bonnet for sale
Tue, 08 June 2004 16:32
hey all im looking for a 185 dipstick, don't ask me how i lost it all u need to know is that i need one haha so if u have an old 3sgte engine sitting around i'd love the dipstick.
And in regards to the bonnet i am selling the car, i have a GrpA bonnet and front bar on it at the moment, but as these items are quite rare and other enthusiasts are looking i might be interested in selling them. I still have the standard front bumber, but sold my GT4 blue bonnet. And am not willing to part with the (black) grpA one unless its for a swap of the standard item. So don't go getting your hopes up sorry but its hard to sell a car with no bonnet
Location: adelaide
Registered: January 2003

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: GT4 185 dip stick + GrpA bonnet for sale
Thu, 10 June 2004 23:47

fraid so man, just getting to be way too much of a hassel. Constant problems, and really want something a little larger. i mean i still love it and its bloody hard selling it, haven't brought myself to post it or write a forsale sign on her yet... hehehe
id so love to keep her and get it blasting but i simply don't have the cash anymore, i mean i never did. So too much dept need to pay em off. My gf is selling her car aswell and we are buying a stagea, and ill be getting a company car with my new job. gonna see if i can get a 7th gen hehe
is ur car racing yet stu? i haven't even met u yet, are u on the page at all?

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Location: sydney
Registered: June 2003
Re: GT4 185 dip stick + GrpA bonnet for sale
Fri, 11 June 2004 02:38
mate i can get u one in a couple of days ur looking at $30.00
thanks jess