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Location: GoldCoast/Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Trumpets/Velocity stack Q's
Wed, 09 June 2004 05:57
Hi guys, tried doing a search but did not come up with much.....
With velocity stacks/trumpets how is the power effected by going longer or shorter than standard??
I would assume that if it is, than it is more the torque shifts along the rpm band, lower or higher depending right??

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: Trumpets/Velocity stack Q's
Wed, 09 June 2004 06:00

long = more total torque, with low peak
short = less total torque, but peak higher in rpm band
shades of grey inbetween
the whole shebang has to be tuned quite specifically to each specific engine though: cam timing, rod stroke ratio, piston velocity, port volume, port velocity, runner dia etc etc

Location: GoldCoast/Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Trumpets/Velocity stack Q's
Wed, 09 June 2004 06:07

Yeah I was thining that to have any "significant" gains or shifts in power.... it would need to be properly tuned and such.....
I gather it would be useless then just bolting them onto the throttles? For arguments sake on a Blacktop 20V.

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: Trumpets/Velocity stack Q's
Wed, 09 June 2004 08:20
no, they will provide improved flow to the throttles, thus increasing peak flow numbers and peak HP, compaed to not having them fitted.
however, that improvent will be marginal at best unless tuned as mentioned above.