i have searched every where online even asked people with pictures of them on their cars with no reply. no glass kit shops can help and "wanted" ad on toymods fruitless.
for a ke55 but i'm sure i could mod some like this:::: http://users.bigpond.net.au/lachlan/
to fit. (like on the ke20 in cars)
im sorta in the same boat, ive been looking around for a few weeks for some reasonable flares theres a couple of places around but nothing local to sydney and all the ones that had anything worth looking at havent contacted me back yet.
looking through an old magazine at the mrn4sa corolla, it says they used modified ke20 flares, sourced through
"GS Motor Bodies"
doesnt say where they are located.
mayb its worth a try to track these people down
or give Mr enforcer engineering a call