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Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 08:25
Hi guys
Get yourself one of those K-mart 1kg fire extinguishers. I used mine today when the next door neighbours kitchen went up in flames. My neighbour ended up with 2nd degree burns to the face, lips and hands trying to put the bloody fire out with a useless tea towel. The 1kg fire extinguisher only lasted for a miniute but that was enought to save her home. Be smart and fork out the money, it may save your car, your kitchen or more importantly your life!

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 08:50

thats a good tip justin.

Location: Perth WA
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 09:57

Yep i agree, the faster you can put a fire out the better
ive seen first degree burns to a couple of people and i cant think of anything worse happening to someone
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 10:14

Good work Justin...
Good work in helping your neighbour... Was this person a she and further on, a blonde ...
I must have an upgraded version in my car... The 1.1kg firew extinguisher... Yeah!!!
Location: brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 10:23

oh yes i would reccomend one of these. But not for the kitchen for the car. My car caught fire and i could not do anything but watch until we managed to find a fire extinguisher (5 minutes later). Trust me you never know when there things come in handy. expect the unexpected.

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 10:30

i've got one in the car also but how often should they be checked or replaced/regassed? as its been years and is there a limit to how long it can just sit there?

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 11:27

Does it matter what brand to get for a car??
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 11:58

Hey Brett, how are ya???
Just go to the nearest car accessories place, Kmart or sumfin and get one that suits Cars... They usually say what they are for on the boxes... I got mine for $30 so they are quite cheap...
My mum has one in her car but it is old... It has a gauge on it telling the gas reading... They can be regassed but it would proly be cheaper to buy another one...

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 12:03

hi Ben
I was just wondering if some brands are better than others.
Like should i stay away from cheap stuff or what??
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 12:23

Most of them are around $30... I don't know if brands would make a difference because of safety reasons... Like if you buy one and it doesn't work, they would be liable...

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Sun, 08 September 2002 21:33

yeah its got the gas reading and its still full just didn't know weather it should be checked or not,
and rollaboy there isn't really a better brand as they are all made by standards so in theory no matter what brand they should be all the same.

Location: Coffs
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 01:21

Thanks guys. I think I'll go get one in the next couple of days.
So wheres the best place to mount one. eg. Passager side kick panel, Boot, Under glove box etc.
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 01:49

That's what I'm trying to figure out at the moment... I'm thinking of on the side of the centre console at the passengers right foot... Basically on the left hand side of the gearstick... I've seen heaps of them mounted in the boot and I just think thats silly...

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 03:58

Where ever you can get at them the quickest possible way would be the go i reckon... as it has been said before.. the quicker the better.. especially when it cames to fires.

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 08:32

That's a pretty trick interior you've got there Martin... Home made or for a DT project???

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 08:37

vinyle spray paint for the trims and console well i made it couple of years ago because i needed somewhere to put all my crap just plywood and a jigsaw although its starting to fall apart now, would look ok if i covered it with something like leather then you wouldn't see any gaps.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 08:45

Hey martin with that vinyl spray stuff does it stick ok ??
like it doesnt peel or get scratched or anything gay like that does it ?

I supported Toymods
Location: Berowra-Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 09:23

my friend got stuff and it was sticky for ages afterwards and mine has been on for a few years no prob just makesure you don't buy cheap shit and clean it well before spraying.
also do it on a hot sunny day not just after rain as that will bugger it up to.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kitchen Fire!
Mon, 09 September 2002 09:25
K ta mate