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September 2002
ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Mon, 12 July 2004 07:40 Go to next message

i've been trying to decide how i want my celica to look, i've already decided i want bright yellow, with a gt front spoiler and all of that, but i also have a large disliking for the front blinkers, so i've modded them off the pic to see how they look...

what do people think? shall i try to achieve this look? or will die hard celica fans key my car for it.. Razz

i also have one more mod in mind, that was a bit too difficult to do in the pic, which is to put a ta23 bonnet on the ta22... now before you all say it's too big and doesn't fit, don't worry i know a way to do it.

anyways, here's the pic's
the first is the original (which is not my car, just one that looks the closest to what i want) so you can see what i've done.

[Updated on: Mon, 12 July 2004 13:35]

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December 2003
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 07:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dont know if it legal dude, but both pics look sweet Very Happy
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STR8 2.8
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February 2003
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeh i thought that would be illegal...

but i think the blinkers are good, they break up the sea of yellow.
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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Forget the bonnet idea. They look shit.
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I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i rekon ditch the side indicatiors all together
leave the park lights on the front. they create an agressive line for the bumper and make the car appear wider

but change the outer most part of the parkers to be a clear indicator with an orange bulb. would look good
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June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
firstly your goal is illegal! how will people know you are turning? secondly the front tint is illegal aswell (cannot tint front windscreen)

but what you did to the side mirrors is the right choice, the rear quarter plastic is also good (i HATE when they are black)...

BUT whats that yellow strip between the windows? do you want that weatherstrip yellow?

ALSO whats that on the headlights ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????
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Forums Junkie

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May 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You can legally remove the upper front indicators if you make the lower parkers flash.
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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fade-e wrote on Mon, 12 July 2004 18:28

ALSO whats that on the headlights ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????

You mean the GT head light protectors?
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but would it look good like that????????

nahhhhhhhhh love the beast how she is........

but still he has the front windscreen issue
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I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well technically you could tint the windscreen on the early model TA22's if you could convince the RTA that it was there front the factory.
The rules you are thinking of were brought in after the manufacture of these cars Very Happy
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June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
HONESTLY i was going to mention that


if you bought a tinted front windscreen. these days the actual glass comes tinted and that is legal as it is UV/glare protection... something to tyhink bout if try to get away with it

i mean you could tint the screen and get away with it as long as it is not as dark as he wants...
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September 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 08:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
to answer some questions:

cool1: i like the bonnet idea personally, only because i want a "power bulge" type of thing happening... you get what i mean.

fade~e: the idea was to make the parker light blink, and to add some parkers somewhere next to it under the bumper, something like the new "common whores" (commodores) have...

the front window is tinted in the pic only cos when all windows are tinted the interior is darker, it was only done for the sake of the image.

as for the yellow strip.. yeah, i was thinking about it, it would then appear as being more fixed in place like normal pillars, i figure it would suprise people when they found out it comes down.

and yeah, in the original image, they are gt head light protectors, you see that original car you are looking at is from america and is the 5th celica ever built.

[Updated on: Mon, 12 July 2004 08:49]

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 09:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well this is a forum and we are throwing opinions artound all the time so here is mine Smile

dont like the TA23 bonnets, dont like the centre bulge prefer the 22 ones

I HATE THE HEADLIGHT COVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your window strip idea isnt BAD, actually quite good i recon and surprised why no one thought of it before, but it took me 3yrs to finally find black ones, so to be able to get coloured ones Confused but i still like
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October 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 09:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think the original indicators look best, I think by taking them away you would ruin that classic tough look,

With the indicators gone it looks like a 50's concept car Smile

Just My 2c,

The bonnet is a good idea though

[Updated on: Mon, 12 July 2004 09:13]

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September 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 13:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey all

thanks for all your opinions, good to see what people think.

anyways, whilst i'm posting the front, i figured i might as well show the mod i plan for the back...

so i went and put it together bout an hour ago..

personally i prefer the original image, BUT, we are in australia and those american style rear lights don't have a orange blinker attached to them, and i assume they won't accept a red one, so here's what i've done to compensate.

besides, i want to set these rear lights up, so they light up all the way accross, kinda like a devils horn effect...

let me know what you think?

if the 2 pics don't load... goto this website

[Updated on: Mon, 12 July 2004 13:36]

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 13:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i hope you have a fool proof way of getting into the boot if the suto button doesnt work!!!

also what are those 2 things on the bottom???

personally im a badgeless type person so i like that!!!! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT the GT badges on the front and rear look preety smick so i wouldnt mind those!!!!!! anyone got those for sale round here??? im interested if you do

also the GT lights... want a pair of those too
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 13:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
leave the park lights.. they make the car look tough!
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September 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? Mon, 12 July 2004 13:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fade~e: to get in the boot, i got two ideas now that you mention the potential problem Razz ,
first i got a pop up cable out of a 1980 corolla my friend smashed and second i plan to have a remote pop up, i guess i could have both of them hooked up maybe... ??? duno, will have to see when it happens...

the two things on the bottom are blinkers (indicators)... they are off an old mustang, i figure those red lights would be illegal here, so i need blinkers put somewhere.

yeah, i'm a badgeless person also, the only badges i'm considering to keep is the scripted style font "celica" on the sides behind the doors... the rest are already gone.

gt lights? are you refering to the red rear lights... cos if you are, they are not gt specific, all american models built in 71 & 72 have them... however i warn you, they are near impossible to get. a year ago i managed to get a set off ebay. cost me $130 all up to get it here.

[Updated on: Tue, 13 July 2004 02:28]

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Tue, 13 July 2004 03:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
chutz_pah you can get those GT lights here with the orange PROVIDING those people that have them are willing to part with them Rolling Eyes

there was an add in ebay for one of them (i think was left) but only one with chrome cover... thinking back i should have bought it Mad

also i got an automatic boot opener in the car im buiilding now (SICK AS) Laughing and the cable should work too but ill leave the key Smile

[Updated on: Tue, 13 July 2004 03:11]

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September 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Tue, 13 July 2004 03:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i know bout the aussie lights with the orange end, i could have got a set, but then i saw the american style one's... and just had to have it. Rolling

hey check out this celica's side skirts... got me wanting one now. YZ/Suhardi_Jo_TA22E.jpg YZ/Suhardi_Jo_TA22B.jpg
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June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Tue, 13 July 2004 03:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the front scoop possibly but gotta pass on the skirts
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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Tue, 13 July 2004 03:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't think there is anything unattractive about a standard straight TA22,

Get some old wide mags, lower it a couple of inches, and you have a classic 70's beast,..

when people put plastic on an old car, it can look really bad

But it is your choice, and what looks good to you is all that matters, I just think it is such a shame to try and change such a good looking car..

This is not an argumentative reply, just my opinion...
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September 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Tue, 13 July 2004 05:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
opinions appreciated...

when i originally bought the celica, i didn't buy it cos it was a celica though... or toyota or anything like that..

i actually sat down and wrote everthing i want in a car..
first i decided it needed to be relatively cheap as my pockets have holes in them... (and no, i don't mean that i play with myself, i mean i don't have much money)... so i decided to go for an older car, 80's cars suck ass, so i set my eye on the 70's variety...

i then decided i wanted a small car, 2 doors, 5speed manual & a 2.0lt twincam engine with a supercharger... (the engine i knew would be a later thing, and yeah, i know bout the availability's of a 2.0lt that fits in easy... i'm gonna settle for the 3tgte, however i still want the supercharger, not a fan of turbo's)

anyways, after looking at alpha gtv's, datsun z's, escorts and any other car that came close to that description, i saw a celica go by.. at the time i was 17 (23 now) and had never seen it before, had no idea what it was or anything like that... so for months later i kept my eye's peeled and asked 2nd hand dealers if they knew what car it was from my description... eventually i found out by spotting one in a car park... i was actually suprised, cos i once had a friend who had an early 80's version of a celica, and didn't like it one bit, so to find out it was a celica, was weird...

anyways, couple months later, i saved up a "huge" wad of cash and bought my first celica for the pricely sum of $90... Razz
(oh yeah, and i found $5 in shrapnel inside). plus im kinda the second owner which is a bonus (i say kinda the second owner cos, the lady who bought it originally died, and in her will gave it to her ingrateful daughter who drove it around with bald (splintering) tyers, 6 kids in the back, no bracket on the battery (which i found out the hard way) front struts that were stuffed, no rear suspension and a passenger windscreen wiper that is busted on it's side and has scraped an unbuffable scratch in the window.

so yeah, the fact it was a celica had nothing to do with me buying it, i just saw an unreal car that has got plenty of potential for me to modify it however which way i want, and although to modify it body wise, may be to some people an "unholy" act, it's what i had planned for it all along, and there is no other car better to work off in my opinion.

i think the fact that everyone does something different with it, is testament to it's unique design. it's the same car, but everyone see's potential in it in different ways.

whow, that was long winded... i promise i won't do it again Very Happy

[Updated on: Tue, 13 July 2004 08:52]

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sydney - paramatta
March 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 03:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just a thought

[Updated on: Sun, 25 July 2004 09:15]

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October 2003
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 03:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeh i think it looks better with the blinkers on! and i think the ta22 bonnets look sweet especially with the gt vents!
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 03:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
w810sc pic dont work...
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Gold Coast
October 2002
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 07:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have pictures with the buldge on the ta22 bonnet and it looks shit! uglest celica ever! it came out in europe standard like that. personally i would keep it standard looking.
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sydney - paramatta
March 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 09:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
who about now? duz the pic work?
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 09:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah it works...but with the amount of body work required it better have a jet engine in it Laughing

looks alright but kills the classic look and feel so ill pass on it BUT still looks alright... i guess it'll grow on ya in time
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sydney - paramatta
March 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 12:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
for further improvements on the celica's shape, what would you recomend??? eg:front apron, chin strap, wide body etc..
what would you like to see on a celica???
gimmme lots of detailes and ill do the best i can to convey your
also what other cars would you like to have a certain change in looks?
toyota, nissan, mitsi and so on...
what is ricy and what is not.
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: ta22 body mod... what do you think? /// PICS ADDED /// Sun, 25 July 2004 13:45 Go to previous message
from your pic:-
- keep door stock, so get rid of that line and door mod
- leave the front spoiler but keep the guard stock from side blinker back, so up until the side blinker leave your mod but have the rest stock again
- leave side skirt, looks good like that
- with the rear quarter also get rid of theline and the 2 chrome lines behind the wheel but leave the quarter limpped

also can you try exactly whats above but with front guard limpped too, i wanna see both ways

i really like the rear quarter windows plastics! i wish we could get them like that Very Happy
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