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Location: Tasmania
Registered: June 2004
7MGTE computers
Fri, 16 July 2004 01:16
What computers has every1 used on this engine? about to put a computer on one? not sure which to use, what has the best features for a 7M?

Toymods Vice President
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Fri, 16 July 2004 02:08

The only one I've seen in real life that anyone went to the effort of programable management for used a microtech.
It's not exactly a super complicated engine so just get the computer that your tuner is good with.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Fri, 16 July 2004 11:36

whats his face celicaboy2000 or something has gone for a wolf i may do the same thing its about middle range
Location: myrrhee
Registered: March 2004
Re: 7MGTE computers
Mon, 19 July 2004 03:07

I would recommend a WOLF 3D, they are not to complicated and are excellent value for money.
I have one running my 6M-GE supra (Soon to be 6M-GTE)

Location: Lismore, NSW
Registered: February 2003
Re: 7MGTE computers
Mon, 19 July 2004 10:51

Hey, yeah im using Wolf and im happy with it. The only problem i've found is that you got to get the trigger spot on! Im using the original 7MGTE cam angle sensor that relies on the speed of the motor to create a "pulse" which isn't that strong at cranking speed this causes errors in the signal and the motor backfires etc while starting. I am looking for a RB series cam angle sensor which is optical and will overcome this problem... All in all IM A HAPPY CHAPPY!!!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:06

better yet get the guts out of a 2.0 holden cameria and just make up a new vane for it
(optical gets dirty)
Location: Syndey
Registered: December 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Mon, 19 July 2004 22:48

i have setup a few microtechs on 7mgte and they work a treat, great fuel economy and great power, have no problems with popping and farting while trying to start,
Location: myrrhee
Registered: March 2004
Re: 7MGTE computers
Wed, 21 July 2004 03:51

I have no signal errors with my system. just move the pick ups closer to the vanes in the distributor until they are nearly touching. I can now run the sensitivity on "low" rather than "very low" at cranking speed. Error count = 0.
God only knows how a factory computer can pick up a good signal with such a high factory trigger clearance.
As for optic sensors, RB-30's have a good system from what I have heard.
At the end of the day the management systems are all similar, A good tune is the main thing.
Location: Syndey
Registered: December 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Wed, 21 July 2004 03:59

casue the factory ecu's and after markets ecus with good reluctor drivers dont need that stong a signal to work correctly,
every reluctor setup i have used a microtech on always has a nice air gap, really you should have them at a distance where there is still a magnetic pull but not too close,
RB30 optical sensors are one of the most unreliable sensors every made, every VL commodore would have had one replaced at one point in time.
Location: myrrhee
Registered: March 2004
Re: 7MGTE computers
Wed, 21 July 2004 05:50

I thought that with a low signal current it was more a case of distinguishing signal from interferences rather than not being strong enough for the computer to pick up.
I believe there is better insulated cable out there than what wolf use, like coaxial computer cable or a good set of insulated speaker wires.
Simple solution for me is less gap = stronger signal and proportionally lower noise.
I didn't realize how bad the RB optical sensors were! I won't use one on my next project then.

Location: Lismore, NSW
Registered: February 2003
Re: 7MGTE computers
Wed, 21 July 2004 09:39

The computer picks up the signal but also interference, thats the only downside to Wolf. Wont be using a RB30 sensor! Looking for a RB20,RB25 or RB26 cam angle sensor which is different to the RB30 sensor isn't it?
Location: Syndey
Registered: December 2002
Re: 7MGTE computers
Wed, 21 July 2004 22:13
wolf have a lot of problems with picking up info from factory sensors, not just toyota sensors,
yes the rb20-26 are different sensors and are mounted on the front of the exhasut cam, they are much more reliable, same with the SR20 sensor, FJ20 have the same problems as the RB30 ones,
the nissan opticals are a good thing, much more reliable signal than a toyota magnetic setup.