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I supported Toymods
Location: Plumpton/sydney
Registered: November 2003
Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 12:48
Pulled up out front of a mates house and thought id cut some hellies not noticing the pady wagon parked 2 houses up so as i pull out of them I see people running in my direction turned out to be the police HAW STUPID AM I

Location: New South Wales
Registered: July 2004

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:09

TAKE OFF TAKE OFF!!! its not like they could have seen your plates if there was smoke...
what did they do? sorry dude but had to laugh
i had a situation where i took a light full angles with a cop car there (thought it was a caby)... pulls me over and was amased that i did it infront of him... when i told him i thought he was a caby he let me go NO LIE... 10 min later got pulled over for doing 140 in a 60... no radar no fine LUCKY NIGHT FOR ME THEN
not so lucky yesterday though, 86 in 60 and the cunt booked me the prick... considering taking to court cause there was a commy just in front of me that was definateley speeding too... we will see what happens though

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:11

you are both silly kids 
but I think siktoy ra23 wins the prize.

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:15

why take it to court?
you were speeding and you got caught?
fade-e wrote on Mon, 19 July 2004 23:09 |
not so lucky yesterday though, 86 in 60 and the cunt booked me the prick... considering taking to court cause there was a commy just in front of me that was definateley speeding too... we will see what happens though

Location: New South Wales
Registered: July 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:19

of course he does! lol
I used to Live outside a Police station... so that sorta stopped me from doing anythign that involves sitting still...
That and my cars an auto...

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:22

prove it? there was a commy there too... after a massive argument with copper i took fine cause i was heaps late for work... besides 3-6months down track when at court the cop still isnt going to have radar flashing my speed and he prob wont even remember it actually from argument he might but still screw it
man that commy flew past me and the cunt got me for speeding F@#K THAT

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 13:22

oh yeah siktoy wins in my eyes too... thats just FARKED

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 22:27

Shit Ben, that's some HARSH bad timing 
Was this just last night?! You could've always tried showing them the Dyno Day Trophy and said that you were showing your friend what 160 odd rwkw looks like!! 
Bad fine?

Location: Parramatta
Registered: July 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Mon, 19 July 2004 23:25

Quote: | man that commy flew past me and the cunt got me for speeding F@#K THAT
fade-e dont take this the wrong way but u were SPEEDING and u happen to get cought were as it was his lucky day sucks for u great for the other guy, its the way the cookie crumbles. Also i dont really think its all the fair that you are calling this one a "cunt" mate it is his job to book ppl his doing his job. I dont know how he talked to you but i know in my experances if u argue with them u will cop it harder and they will give it back. if ur nice u find they will be nice back and they may not issue u with a ticket... but either way nice or not they are doing there job.
by the way no im not a cop.

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 00:13

I shat myself on Sunday night driving along Southern Cross Drive. I thought it was a cabbie too! I pulled in front of him coz I was stuck behind some slow-ass and I pretty much cut off the cop and then booted it. My speedo doesn't work so I dunno how fast I was going, but it was faster than everyone else except for a Pulsar infront of me. Was just about to give it a boot full when I looked in the mirror and did a triple-take and realised it was a jam sandwich behind me. Slowed down a bit but was still cruising faster than the majority, then they fanged up beside me and sat there for a few seconds. I started to pick my nose so they thought I didn't know they were there and started to think about my quads with sock filters and un-engineered racing seats when they took off after the Pulsar!

Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 08:01

was at a cruise with some mates. The call of "we wanna see smoke" came over the cb. Thinking it was a bad idea i had a quick look around for cops and didn't see any. Started doin a u-turn and tramped it, sliding sideways down street only to notice the front of the car was pointing towards a cop car (other side of divided road/grass in middle). Luckily after that the next road wasnt' far away so i got away.
When i first got my p's i was driving home one night from cruising. Got half way home and a cop was coming other way, he does a u-turn and for some reason i freaked out and decided to boot it off through some streets. Unfortunetly one of the streets i happend to take was a dead end street. i knew i was stuffed so jumped outa the car and stood beside it. Cops roll up, look at me, look at my car then move a bit and do it again. About this time im thinking WTF (i was sitting about 40k's over limit whole time) About this time they just drove off leaving me to wonder what the hell was goin on and if they were coming back. After 10 minutes of just sitting there I jumped in my car kept on goin home.

I supported Toymods
Location: Plumpton/sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 10:05

They came over and paid me a visit later that night got taken to the cop shop where one of the wankers told me that he was going to punch me out for trying to run him over, Then they wanted to confiscate my ride and when they asked me where my car was my answer was ( IM NOT TELLING )Which made them somwhat angree with me, he then told that he will find it and ill never get it back, so I said YOU WONT FIND IT ITS HIDDEN, he was then told to leave the room by his sargent who finned my for doing a burnout $406 and 3 demerits, but hay I still got my car

Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 10:17

Cops about 2 years ago threatend to impound the liberty over some burnout incident (whole heap of mates were ripping and i was watching) i had nothing to hide so i sat as they bailed. The look on their faces was priceless when i told them that they could if they wanted to cos i didnt' care about the car. They soon realised i wasn't gonna dob mates in so let me go knowing that threatening to impound the car wasn't gonna work.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 10:33

probably just come and baseball bat your car

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Tue, 20 July 2004 10:52

siktoy: DAMN thats a bit... well my fime i jst got is 208 a 3 points... heres a good cop story though... mate of mine was flying home because of a family domestic, cop pulls him over and gives the speding spill... my mate says to him 'look just hurry up and give the fine i dont have time to tlak cause domestic at home'... cop looks at him freaks out and escorts my mate all the way home through all red lights 
my mate gets like 4 red light camera fines, takes them to cop shop and they got withdrawn... SWEEET

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 00:41

fade-e wrote on Tue, 20 July 2004 20:52 | cop looks at him freaks out and escorts my mate all the way home through all red lights 
my mate gets like 4 red light camera fines, takes them to cop shop and they got withdrawn... SWEEET
That is friggin' AWESOME!!!

Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 09:35

few months ago some guys decided to dump some oil at a round-a-bout for other guys to have some fun (yes, stupid i know). Anyways a guy i know was goin through it when a local copper comes up the street and attempts to chase after him. As he hits the oil he tramps it causing ass to step out, goes over a gutter and hits a pole. Same copper about a year before that was booting down a street and hit one of those concrete tree guards trashing the front end of the car.

Location: Ballarat, Victoria
Registered: March 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 11:24

joel walked in on my when i was having a shower once, i was pretty embarrassed

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 11:43

well here's my latest cop story.
i was driving along a tasmanian highway with my friend, and he wanted to see how fast the supra could go, so i thought i would just get it abit over the 110km speed limit, before i knew it the speedo was reading 176km/h and there was a cop car driving the same direction, i was going to fast to slow down so i ended up flying past this cop in the other lane. Boy did that get there attention. The flashing blue and red lights in the rear view mirror gives you that feeling of "fuck i'm so fucked" $400 fine and 4 demerit points.
The cop couldn't act angry about it, he was actually having a hard time not luaghing at me for some reason, maybe it was just my haircut.

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 12:03

Hey ding did u get ur car imported 2 tassie or did u have 2 drive it over from melb ?
I've got a really emmbarssing cop story :
I was drag racing with a mate on a road out of the way from houses other cars etc. And this cop does a drive by and sees us goin 4 it. so we split up and the cop ends up following me. The car chase went 4 like 10 mins then more cop cars come(they have 2 cum from town which is like 15 mins away if u don't speed)
So ihave 4 cop cars chasing me i'm doing all the dukes of hazard shit trying 2 get away. In the end i got away but they got my plates and were waiting 4 me at home. My mum told them all they needer 2 no.
I got charged with dangerous driving and only just missed a jail sentance.
If there is any1 supider than me then god help u

Location: tas
Registered: June 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 12:31

wow mookie, that's phyco! and what car were you running away from the cops in? the cops are supposed to backoff when the chase hits 140km/h.
yeah i had to bring my car from melb over on the spirit. I think theres only 1 other MKIII supra in tas.

Location: Posts: 992738234
Registered: February 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 12:43

mookies full of shit and i dont like him...

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 12:46

The cops don't back off after a predetermined speed that'd be stupid. Especially on freeways where 140kph is only 30 kays over the limit. I asked a cop whether this fable is true to which he just started laughing. I think they will only back off if they beleive that continuing the pursuit will endanger pedestrians and other road users as well as the person they are trying to catch. Now this could be at 100 kays or 140 kays or 200 kays. If there are any cops on these forums maybe they can resolve this myth better than I have managed.

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 12:57

I was running away from the cops in my car SA63 celica.
I've seen at least 3 supras like urs i think i'm not sure which end of tassie r u in.
Ben: I'm also pretty sure the cops will back off if they think innocent ppl could get hurt . Cuz i heard a story about how sum cops watched this guy drive off in a stolen car but didn't chase after him cuz it was in the cbd they radioed in and the crims got caught like 2 kays away.
For fuck sake Token get over youself i tell u what u r 1 bitch that needs a slap around 2 knock sum sence in2 ur fucking head. mate u think ur all that but when u look in the mirror r u happy with what u see???
Have u ever read ur own posts ???
Ur adding ppl 2 ur msn who don't want 2 talk 2 u
what is with that?
take a hint mate u suck.
No unless there is something constructive u want to add then don't say a thing.
It's ppl like u that rasicts target

Location: Posts: 992738234
Registered: February 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 13:48

Mookie wrote on Wed, 21 July 2004 22:57 |
For fuck sake Token get over youself i tell u what u r 1 bitch that needs a slap around 2 knock sum sence in2 ur fucking head. mate u think ur all that but when u look in the mirror r u happy with what u see???
Have u ever read ur own posts ???
Ur adding ppl 2 ur msn who don't want 2 talk 2 u
what is with that?
take a hint mate u suck.
No unless there is something constructive u want to add then don't say a thing.
It's ppl like u that rasicts target
HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR, don't cry princess...have you ever read YOUR own posts? Well come down to the next dyno day in melb ill be there...
Oh yes i think im all that mr "i run that shit"....
so scared, so very scared....

I supported Toymods
Location: Plumpton/sydney
Registered: November 2003

Location: Posts: 992738234
Registered: February 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 14:32

Siktoy ra23 wrote on Thu, 22 July 2004 00:29 |
Mookie wrote on Wed, 21 July 2004 22:03 | If there is any1 supider than me then god help u
he answered his own question can you spell or not (inbreed)

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003

Location: Posts: 992738234
Registered: February 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 15:01

Mookie wrote on Thu, 22 July 2004 00:48 | Well i'm fucking sorry 4 not proof reading my post i didn't think they had 2 perfect.
I still don't understand how i can b inbred ???
Explain this to me ?????
U have been sniffing too much petrol i think boys
If u buy me a ticket on the ferry i might cum over and kick ur ass on the dyno's bitch
ha ha ha you edited it and its still all fucked up...

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Wed, 21 July 2004 23:04


Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Thu, 22 July 2004 07:39

Good Call token 
Bloody tasmanian's

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Thu, 22 July 2004 13:49

Ive had a police helicopter with a spot light hovering over the top of me.
Would have been about a year ago in my V8 commonwhore. Some might know of the 'runs' (i dunno are they still going) where they meed at the cumberland Hwy maccas in liverpool then cruise out to Appin road SW Sydney.
Anyway we met at maccas and they we drive out to Appin. would have been like 100 or so cars it was getting a bit out of control. Watching a few tools have a bit of fun and the usual "cops" was yelled. Everyone bails and we head back to Campbelltown.
After a breif stop in Campbelltown we thought we would try catch up with the bunch at another meeting place, these being Ingleburn industrial area or an industrial area in Narellan. So we head to Ingleburn and it was dead. So we call it a night (we being 3 cars) while we were parked side by side across the road.
Then, from no where comes an unmarked cop car from behind. So i start to drive off and he rounds me up. I join my mates and here copes the cop chopper!! He hovers over us with the mile wide spot light for about 15 mins while our cars where searched (inside only) and get our details. Gave me something to tell my friends anyway.

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 05:14

Token there is a good chance i'll b comming over 4 a few days so u wanna meet me ?????? c or u not man enough ??
I'm not taking my car so there is noway i'm racing u

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 06:26

mookie, token
shut up
if you wanna keep pooling shit on each other do it elsewhere.

I supported Toymods
Location: Central Coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 06:45

Mookie wrote on Wed, 21 July 2004 22:03 | In the end i got away but they got my plates and were waiting 4 me at home. My mum told them all they needer 2 no.
Quote: | Explain this to me ?????
Quote: | If there is any1 supider than me then god help u
It just gets better!
Oh and dude, maybe you should try typing your comments in word first, Spell check AND Grammar check it, then copy paste it into your little thread!! haha

Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 08:12

haahahahhaa OWNED!

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 10:51

rvrolla wrote on Fri, 23 July 2004 16:45 |
Mookie wrote on Wed, 21 July 2004 22:03 | In the end i got away but they got my plates and were waiting 4 me at home. My mum told them all they needer 2 no.
Quote: | Explain this to me ?????
Quote: | If there is any1 supider than me then god help u
It just gets better!
Oh and dude, maybe you should try typing your comments in word first, Spell check AND Grammar check it, then copy paste it into your little thread!! haha
its funny but wats wrong with the middle 1?

Location: Posts: 992738234
Registered: February 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 10:54

Because in the first quote it states that his parents were waiting for him, and in the 2nd it says that he has no relitives...

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 10:57

ohhhh, lol wat a dumb ass! and thanks again 4 clearing up more stuff i didnt understand.

Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Fri, 23 July 2004 11:40

You are the weakest link.......... goodbye!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Sat, 24 July 2004 05:51

Token, stop pretending you're so cool. And Mookie, shut up.

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Sat, 24 July 2004 08:17

My parents not being blood relatives makes them no relation in the context of my supposed inbred status

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Stupid stunt of the month
Sat, 24 July 2004 08:43
Ooooh, so it's only technically not incest... You have sex with them but because they aren't blood relations its ok?
Just joking Mookie... I don't want to take anyones side, I just saw the call and took it... Couldn't resist. I'm weak.