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Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 06:10
what seemed to start off as changing the head gasket on my 22re and turned into a dilemma
since we changed the gasket the engine would back fire badly so the mechanic recommended several different things so far ive had the head reconditioned the valves replaced new afm and new ignition system and the engine still wont seem to run
we cant seem to get it to idle at all and even at 2500 rpm it shakes madly and there seems to be a chuffling noise coming out of the afm
it almost seems as if its only running on 2 cyclinders but we cant be too sure of that atm any help i can get on the situation would be grateful
also im just considering getting rid of the 22re the way its running and throwing in a 1g the heart says yes but the bank account says no

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 06:18

who did the headgasket? if it was a mechanic then i would give him the car and say 'FIX IT CAUSE YOU STUFFED IT?'
if it was you then how exactly did you replace it? did you hake everything off first and replace the headgasket or just took of the head with everything still attached?
if everything was still attached then there is no reason at all that it would be anything other then the headgasket put on wrong (it can happen) or got damaged while being put pon and bolted down...
if you pulled everything off to get to the head and replace the gasket then all gaskets need to be replaced from head up otherwise it WILL leak no matter what you try (this is what i have found in the past)

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 06:38

i find it hard to believe that valves were bent from a backfire (but im not an expert)
is the backfire from the exhaust or plenum/air filter?
could be timing needs adjusting? i havent seen a 22re so are they OHC/DOHC or UHC?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 06:43

the valves that got bent were on the intake side on cyclinder 3 and 4 it was the little shaft part thats was bent so that they wouldnt close properly on time
the timing was really bad when it first happened but then we fixed it and the mechanic said the timing was close to perfect and the timing is the same as before so were stumped for ideas most likely having the guy look at it again tomorrow
and the 22re is ohc

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 06:50

in that case did you put the cam back on in the right place? you could gave it that cylinder one is open but cylinder 4 is firing and THAT WOULD DEFINATELY BEND VALVES and even BLOW THINGS UP
very dangerous having cam put on wrong/wrong angle
when you took the head of did you measure the cam/crank chain to get the right placement? there is a dot on crank and on cam that need to be aligned correctly... this is usually done before taing head off by counting the number of joints on the chain from dot to dot when cylinder 1 is at TDC
very possible and most likely cam on wrong issue...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 07:46

when we took the head off and put it back on we had the 2 dots lined up but it may be possible what your saying there ive suggested it might be on the wrong angle but my dad insisted that it was right

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: 22re problems
Sun, 25 July 2004 07:52

yeah but it could be off by 180deg... which why im saying first cyl open and fourth firing...

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 09:50

What is happening now for you sounds exactly like when me & my dad did the timing chain on the 22RE in my ra65 about 3 years ago. We were out a tooth or 2 on the cam chain, and had to slip the top cam gear forward onto a dowel and then turn the cranksgadt and then slip in back on again (if I remember right).
See, the dot you line up is slightly offset to one side (IIRC) which is confusing. Sorry I can't remember any more, but your symptoms sounds exactly the same.
Location: brisbane
Registered: March 2004
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 09:58

your cam timing is stuffed, take it to a real mechanic

Location: Rocklea qld
Registered: February 2003
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 12:11

or possibly dizzy timing. Arent the dizzies in the head. But i agree. If you didnt know exactly how to do it apart from doing some dots you shouldnt have done it.
Location: brisbane
Registered: March 2004
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 13:12

dizzy is run off cam gear, its the cam timing that is wrong if there is bent valves
Location: brisbane
Registered: March 2004
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 13:14

i have a spare 22re here that i dont want, if you want the head pm me
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 13:21

cthulhu wrote on Sun, 25 July 2004 16:10 | <snip>
we cant seem to get it to idle at all and even at 2500 rpm it shakes madly and there seems to be a chuffling noise coming out of the afm
it almost seems as if its only running on 2 cyclinders but we cant be too sure of that atm any help i can get on the situation would be grateful
also im just considering getting rid of the 22re the way its running and throwing in a 1g the heart says yes but the bank account says no
sounds like timing is way out (hence the cam timing suggestions ) and/or plug leads not on right spots on dizzi (wrong firing order)
bent valve can only be dud cam timing
so instead of throwing yet more money at a boat anchor, spend even more on the 1G. Seeing as your dad helped, make him pay half

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Location: brisbane
Registered: March 2004
Re: 22re problems
Thu, 29 July 2004 23:27

you need to have the dot on the cam exactly where it was before in relationship to the chain as well as the position of the cam
i would have thought a free cylinder head would be cheaper than a new car but what do i know

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: 22re problems
Fri, 30 July 2004 13:59

Yes, straight up was what I did the first time, but IIRC the dot is off to one side. Can't remember which. Join the Old Celica Club @ and ask the 22RE gurus there.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: March 2003
Re: 22re problems
Fri, 06 August 2004 14:19
well we found the problem the rockers were too loose to make contact so the valves werent opening fully or at all but the problems are now fixed the block has a crack or something and is pissing oil everywhere so were throwing it away