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May 2004
random call from the police Thu, 29 July 2004 01:43 Go to next message
I just recieved a phone call from the local sergeant informing me of their recent efforts to curb speed on Mt Nebo Road. I live at the top of the mountain, but have never recieved a speeding fine from a camera on that road. He said something along the lines of "we have visited that location 30 times since May, and we're extremely successful in catching offenders, with a top speed of 126km/h in a 70 zone (car overtaking a bike)". He was speaking with a tone that made the call sound like a warning... Does anyone have any idea why the police makes calls like this? How do they know who i am and where i live? (yes, i know they obviously have everyones adresses/number plates, but i cant imagine they go around calling all young ppl in the areas they have speed cameras).

This is after being pulled over by undercover cops at the university of queensland for a "friendly chat" (wasn't doing anything remotely illegal).

Also, i drive a pretty standard ae86, so i can't imagine their picking on me cause im a "hoon"

Interestingly, has anyone ever heard of the police keeping a hoon register? A friend from work found out about the register when placed on it by a officer in the Gap. Apparently u don't have to commit an offence, its just a list they keep of "likely suspects".
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Baulko Hillo
April 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 29 July 2004 02:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shocked Far out, that's a bit strange and a bit of a worry dude. I'd be laying low for a while and being very careful.
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ghetto area 2745
November 2003
Re: random call from the police Thu, 29 July 2004 07:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i know the feeling Laughing
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toowoomba qld
March 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 29 July 2004 07:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wtf? thats freaky Confused Eye Spin
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April 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 00:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
One of your neighbor's/friend may of told the police that your a
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Baulko Hillo
April 2004
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 05:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SEXY 16 wrote on Thu, 29 July 2004 17:27

i know the feeling Laughing

Are we talking Ireland or Aus???

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ghetto area 2745
November 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 07:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ireland i even made the 6 o clock news Laughing
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April 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 07:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You sure it was a cop and not someone trying to shitstir?
Still i guess they could have been bored and wanted something to do.
Reminds me of the cop who was completly bored one night so he rang another cop shop and acted like he was deppressed and was about to top himself.Had the guy going on the phone for about 10 mins before he hung up. Laughing
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ghetto area 2745
November 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 08:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tell the cops to fuck off and mind there own buisness and do there job like there expose to do i would have hung up on them or told them to come to the house in person
i hate the police with a passion more so in northern ireland
that is why i am banned from ever obtaining a licence there for life.....stupid police car got in the road of my 86 doing 70mph side on after a night out and a 45 minute chase from them Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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October 2002
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 09:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sexy 16: hats all well and good, but if they did get a complaint from someone who called the cops with the plates, then all they do is put his plates marked in the computer as VOI, vehicle of interest, then when a cop sees him they rape his ass for only having his indicator on for 1.9 secs b4 changing lanes instead of 2 secs
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toowoomba qld
March 2004
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 12:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mr DOHC wrote on Fri, 30 July 2004 19:53

sexy 16: hats all well and good, but if they did get a complaint from someone who called the cops with the plates, then all they do is put his plates marked in the computer as VOI, vehicle of interest, then when a cop sees him they rape his ass for only having his indicator on for 1.9 secs b4 changing lanes instead of 2 secs

I agree with you. once they have your number plate they try to pick on you over the smallest things

[Updated on: Fri, 30 July 2004 12:44]

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Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 13:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SEXY 16 wrote on Fri, 30 July 2004 18:13

tell the cops to fuck off and mind there own buisness and do there job like there expose to do i would have hung up on them or told them to come to the house in person
i hate the police with a passion more so in northern ireland
that is why i am banned from ever obtaining a licence there for life.....stupid police car got in the road of my 86 doing 70mph side on after a night out and a 45 minute chase from them Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Mate, that is dead set awesome...congratulations Laughing
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ghetto area 2745
November 2003
Re: random call from the police Fri, 30 July 2004 23:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is pretty funny looking back will be 4 years this christmas
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May 2004
Re: random call from the police Sat, 31 July 2004 03:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'm pretty sure it was a legitimate policeman, cause he made reference to complaints i've made to them before.

but, as ac/dc says... you've gotta catch me if u want me to hang.
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ghetto area 2745
November 2003
Re: random call from the police Sat, 31 July 2004 06:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if they have no evidence then they have nuffin to go on
wave at them as you drive pass that really shit stirs them
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May 2002
Re: random call from the police Sun, 01 August 2004 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
might be worthwhile changing your plates? doesnt cost much, some people reckon it helps when they are constantly getting hastled.
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May 2003
Re: random call from the police Sun, 01 August 2004 16:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hmmmm evosti has the right idea
practiced and proven idea
just remember if your plates are stolen they have to be canceled and replaced and since you desire to drive asap they have to issue you with new different plates rather than you wait several weeks for the old plates
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October 2003
Re: random call from the police Mon, 02 August 2004 05:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Get a lawyer .
they tried to put my house and this other guys house on surrveilace .
My lawyer told them no they can't and they didn't .
He said something about targeting without reason/cause something like that . Just cuz we r young and have fast cars.
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July 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 03 August 2004 03:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the police no alot more about u than u expect. use the freedom of infomation laws (in australia) if u want to know wat they know about u.
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Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: random call from the police Wed, 04 August 2004 08:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
one of my sisters mates had cops up his arse all week following him on his motorbike, they were undercovers but not very good at it, he went into a servo one night and they were waiting outside...he ate EIGHT pies waiting for them to leave and they remained waiting for him to come out, woulda freaked me out!
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January 2004
Re: random call from the police Wed, 04 August 2004 09:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
umm EIGHT pies? if u ask me thats the FREAKY part Laughing
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MR. 2
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July 2002
Re: random call from the police Wed, 04 August 2004 09:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that hoonn register is very true actully, i have been told about it by several good sources, however its only stored under the local cop shops that you live around or are often seen around, not regional. ALso i know they have quite alenghy list of numberplates from the runs, even spectators. Again this is from a very reliable source.
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January 2004
Re: random call from the police Wed, 04 August 2004 09:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
im most prolly on that hoon list

no shit
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Inside a giant turbo (syd...
June 2002
Re: random call from the police Thu, 05 August 2004 06:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cops used to follow me home and wait outside my house, or just follow me randomly. Like whenever a cop car was around they would just follow me. Never pulled me over!
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July 2002
Re: random call from the police Thu, 05 August 2004 08:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Spanktown wrote on Thu, 05 August 2004 16:19

Cops used to follow me home and wait outside my house, or just follow me randomly. Like whenever a cop car was around they would just follow me. Never pulled me over!

same with me now....
i generally just plod along though
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Melbourne, South East
May 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 05 August 2004 13:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeh hate it when cops follow you for no reason
had a cop once infront of me in backstreets, he sees my 'red p plates', indicates to pull over, as soon as i pass him he follows me...hmm..gee i wonder what he was doing aye?

stoopid cops...

i wonder if we can get restraining orders against them... Rolling Eyes
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Occasional Poster

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Fri, 06 August 2004 09:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
in victoria they have can "blacklist" u. im not sure if its official or not... i have been told when pulled over (being stupid) that i am listed as a knowen street racer (i drive a fairly standard commodore wagon) because i was caught leaving the illegal drags one night and that i am on suspicion of doin burnouts etc etc... another night when pulled over i was told by a policeman they where going to start going around to certian peoples houses and inform the person/their parents etc that they are knowen to break the law and that they are being watched... another bloke at trade school said the cops said to him that his listed and if he gets pulled over they will canarie his car etc etc....
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I Supported Toymods

Wollongong, NSW
December 2003
Re: random call from the police Sun, 08 August 2004 01:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Around here the cops must make some sort of note on their computer system for particular cars.... a mate in a (N/A auto 1.8 ) Silvia got pulled over for doing a "burnout" (chirped it off the lights). The next time he got pulled over doing something silly, he was told that his car was "known for burnouts and street racing" Laughing

[Updated on: Sun, 08 August 2004 01:27]

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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Sun, 08 August 2004 03:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Tats wrote on Sun, 08 August 2004 10:57

Around here the cops must make some sort of note on their computer system for particular cars.... a mate in a (N/A auto 1.8 ) Silvia got pulled over for doing a "burnout" (chirped it off the lights). The next time he got pulled over doing something silly, he was told that his car was "known for burnouts and street racing" Laughing

Sell the car and buy something decent...

I know of the blacklist, i have had two cars previously and they have both been on it, thats why i have calmed down with the toyota...
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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Sun, 08 August 2004 03:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh yeah almost forgot...

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Blue Mountains
February 2004
Re: random call from the police Mon, 09 August 2004 05:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I'll just clear a few things up.

Firstly, There is no such things as a 'Hoon list' or a 'Hoon register'.

Secondly, Dont bother changing your plates, the warning on the police system are linked to the car, plates and driver.

Mookie - Tried to put your house under surveilance? Mate, if they did, they wouldnt tell you about it, and they sure as hell wouldnt tell your lawyer about it.

White86 - They probably gave you a ring because they have had a complaint about your style of driving, whether it be road rage, burnouts, speed, etc. The complianant probably grabbed your rego and went into the local cop shop. This pain in the arse person would have wanted you charged etc etc. The Copper, to get rid of the person, would have told them that they will give you a buzz. and warn you. Dont worry about it, its not detrimental.
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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Mon, 09 August 2004 07:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
When i say black list i meant a Vehicle of interest register...

That exists, trust me... Very Happy
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Blue Mountains
February 2004
Re: random call from the police Mon, 09 August 2004 09:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Your Wrong,

Im a police officer , we dont have a vehicle register for people who do burnouts, speed, etc. So unless youve been doing ram raids, a dug courier, arm holdups or a criminal of that calibre, we wont have your car black listed.

For sure, warnings can be placed on your car, and they will be if your caught doing burnouts etc, but these is no such thing as a blacklist of sorts.
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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Mon, 09 August 2004 23:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Russ wrote on Mon, 09 August 2004 19:16

Your Wrong,

Im a police officer , we dont have a vehicle register for people who do burnouts, speed, etc. So unless youve been doing ram raids, a dug courier, arm holdups or a criminal of that calibre, we wont have your car black listed.

For sure, warnings can be placed on your car, and they will be if your caught doing burnouts etc, but these is no such thing as a blacklist of sorts.

Errr....As far as i am led to believe laws such as this depend on what state you are in, if you can prove to me that is doesnt exist in SOUTH AUSTRALIA then I will believe you, becuase it is more than a co-incidence that my old cars were pulled over nearly once a month for "random" stops... Mad
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May 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 10 August 2004 08:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Whether or not there is an official "black list" or "hoon register" is beside the point... I know for a fact that the gap police at least have some sort of record of vehicles they classify as hoons. I have been in a car that was pulled over, with the police having no reason or intention to issue a fine/infringment notice, simply for the offficer to inform him they were taking note of his car.

I also resent any implications that i have been doing burnouts or anything else of that nature, and in fact my only infringment has been a 3 point speeding fine on a straight 5 lane section of road at 12:30 on a tuesday nite (i did not see a single car on my 30km trip home).

Since i started this thread i have had several other runs in with the police and on no occasion have i been guilty or suspected of any sort of offence. This has included being tailed by an undercover car on 3 pizza deliveries in a row (they wait outside the pizza store and follow you for the first 5 minutes, then go back to the store and wait for you again) - this is something that has happened to many of the drivers at my store.

I don't know what complaints have been made against me, or what the grounds of the complaints may be... This doesn't anger me or anything, but it begs the question - how bored do the police get? The Gap must be a suburb completely devoid of any actual crime...
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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 10 August 2004 09:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
white86 wrote on Tue, 10 August 2004 18:12

The Gap must be a suburb completely devoid of any actual crime...

Time to make some then hey...

Any banks around there? Very Happy
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I Supported Toymods

December 2002
Re: random call from the police Fri, 27 August 2004 03:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't know if it's a coincidence or what but when I first bought my car I got pulled over all the time (got RBT'd 5 times in one trip down windsor rd once).
I changed my number plates to some custom plates and since then I hardly ever get pulled over.
It may be because it took a month or so before the police records for the previous owner were changed or it could have been the plates but it was quite freaky being pulled over so much.

When it was happening I assumed it was only because my car looked modified even though it is 100% original... but I haven't been pulled over for ages now!

As I said it could just be coincidence but it was really strange being pulled over that much before and now very rarely being pulled over.
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Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: random call from the police Fri, 27 August 2004 09:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message

When I first got my car I got into a drag with some guy in the SS Torana Hatchback. We hit over 120kph over Tom Uglies bridge and went like this all the way to Caringbah.

We finally pulled over, and he shows his cop badge and stuff. He was off duty and told me to be more careful and if I keep driving like that I'll get killed or caught.

I never forgot that 'cos I thought it quite bizarre. Touch wood, never been followed or hassled by cops yet - and hope to keep it that way.

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July 2003
Re: random call from the police Mon, 13 September 2004 03:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I used to own a mitsu Cordia, It used to be A highway patrol car, swaped the motor out for a VR4 motor had a run at a "secluded rd", 2 months later at 11pm siting d little carpark next to marconi club (Waiting for a mate to show up) I get a surprise visit from 3 hwypatrol cars n 2 paddy wagons, the pull up high beams on torches out, start asking me a million question about drugs my driving history and the mods on the car, they searched my car top to bottom inside and out but amazingly for got to search my boot, I told them Id been to the runs once but that was ages ago n the car was mainly for occasional track days.
They then persisted with the drag racing n that I'd been "sited" at illegal meets on several occasions to which i replied I was just spectating they then calmed down with questions and the torches and seeing the car didnt have anything wrong with it (was engineered) they settled down and began asking me how the car went n just random stuff like that, they said that they had previously had reports from residents about drug deals and stuff like that, but seeing that i was "clean" they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.
Sold the car a few months later, And have stayed away from the Runs ever since.
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I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: random call from the police Mon, 13 September 2004 12:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
AE86Boy wrote on Mon, 13 September 2004 13:46

I used to own a mitsu Cordia, It used to be A highway patrol car, swaped the motor out for a VR4 motor had a run at a "secluded rd", 2 months later at 11pm siting d little carpark next to marconi club (Waiting for a mate to show up) I get a surprise visit from 3 hwypatrol cars n 2 paddy wagons, the pull up high beams on torches out, start asking me a million question about drugs my driving history and the mods on the car, they searched my car top to bottom inside and out but amazingly for got to search my boot, I told them Id been to the runs once but that was ages ago n the car was mainly for occasional track days.
They then persisted with the drag racing n that I'd been "sited" at illegal meets on several occasions to which i replied I was just spectating they then calmed down with questions and the torches and seeing the car didnt have anything wrong with it (was engineered) they settled down and began asking me how the car went n just random stuff like that, they said that they had previously had reports from residents about drug deals and stuff like that, but seeing that i was "clean" they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.
Sold the car a few months later, And have stayed away from the Runs ever since.

probably a good idea. Smile
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I Supported Toymods

Nthn Beaches, Sydney
October 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 19 October 2004 05:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Was only reading this thread a day or two ago, so figured i'd add what just happened to me on the way home.

Was behind a cop at the lights, and as we take off everyone does the sit 10-15 below cause he's there, but i figure as long as you behave yourself what's the problem? so i move into the middle and end up unlongside him as we go down a hill into an 80 zone where its real easy to speed, so i'm keeping a good eye on the speedo, keeping it bang on the limit. (Roseville Bridge for those of you who know it.) The cop starts pacing me exactly alongside, door handle to door handle, and a bloke in a fuego with mags gets a little uncomfortable being out in front and drops back level on my left.

So we're line abreast going over the bridge and up the hill, and as amusing as this is i'm over being sandwiched, so i slow down right on the 70 signs and drop back a little on them. Soon after this, the cop comes back alongside, then behind, so i'm spot on 70 now.

Another couple of clicks up the rd he's right alongside again, so i leave my lane change and left turn down the wakehurst parkway a little late thinking i'd shake him, but he sudddenly decides he needs to turn here too, jumps 3 lanes to do it, and pulls up alongside me at the lights.

This is pissing me off by now cause he's not being so subtle about it, and my car is completely standard from the outside, so why's he onto me? We're several back when the lights go green and it merges from 2 to 1 lane right after the lights, everyone does the standard 1 for 1 thing, and i'm there indicating, he leaves me not quite enough room, then squirts it up alongside and squeezes me out!

He's acting like an arrogant prick, so i give him the horn for a second or so to let him know what i'm thinking, then settle in thinking its done. We get to the bottom of the hill where there's room and he throws the lights on and waves me over, gets me out of the car, and goes, "you got a problem mate? whats with the attitude?"

I thought i replied reasonably politely, "road etiquette? I thought we would've merged like any other courteous roadusers, was my indicator not working?"

"You should be careful, that attitude will get you in a lot of trouble one day"

taking that as a veiled threat, i said, "was it my imagination or have you been following me since eastern valley way?"

He then tells me how i should change my driving habits to be a better roaduser, and i have a hard time not telling him the same thing, but just bite my tongue and go get back in my car.

I don't know about this vehicle register, and i probably didn't help the situation with the horn, but i sure as hell didn't do anything wrong, and he never said why he pulled me over. I've got my share of speeding tickets, but nothing for a while, and all before i changed plates. Incidently one of those tickets was on the parkway from an undercover. I was doing a bit under 100, 15 over, when this magna catches up and jams right up my arse. Wanting to get a little room between myself and this lunatic, (there's nowhere he can overtake), i punch it up to 120 and he throws on the lights. Not saying i didn't deserve that one, but i would've only been over half as much if he hadn't tailgated me.

But what do you do?
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Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: random call from the police Tue, 19 October 2004 06:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that's crazy stories bro!

what a nutter cop. Was laughing at your responses.. great stuff! Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

January 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 19 October 2004 13:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
AE86Boy wrote on Mon, 13 September 2004 13:16

they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.

fucken cops.. Mad hate them
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I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 19 October 2004 14:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Arch wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 23:28

AE86Boy wrote on Mon, 13 September 2004 13:16

they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.

fucken cops.. Mad hate them

arch do you want to say it or can I? Smile
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I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: random call from the police Tue, 19 October 2004 14:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
MR 1GGTE wrote on Tue, 10 August 2004 09:40

Russ wrote on Mon, 09 August 2004 19:16

Your Wrong,

Im a police officer , we dont have a vehicle register for people who do burnouts, speed, etc. So unless youve been doing ram raids, a dug courier, arm holdups or a criminal of that calibre, we wont have your car black listed.

For sure, warnings can be placed on your car, and they will be if your caught doing burnouts etc, but these is no such thing as a blacklist of sorts.

Errr....As far as i am led to believe laws such as this depend on what state you are in, if you can prove to me that is doesnt exist in SOUTH AUSTRALIA then I will believe you, becuase it is more than a co-incidence that my old cars were pulled over nearly once a month for "random" stops... Mad

I'm pretty sure the Newcastle police keep a register, once my mate got pulled over for doing 50? 60? something like that at the tugs (40 zone) and after the cop grills him a bit he says 'I see you haven't been noted in our little book, I'll let you off with a warning this time' or something to that effect.
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Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: random call from the police Wed, 20 October 2004 00:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sometimes when I pull into my driveway at night, about 5 minutes later a cop car goes past... Kinda freaky huh Smile

And i'm sure they have a VOI list here in SA, the KE70 we have often prompted cops to turn around and follow it. The cops always went out of their way to follow it, which pissed me off to no end.

The frequency of cops annoying me has lowered a lot now, probably because my XX isnt ricey looking, it just has a nice exhaust and the sound of turbos Confused Embarassed
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January 2004
Re: random call from the police Wed, 20 October 2004 05:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey Peeack that story didnt hapen to be about me did it?? Embarassed

But here in newcastle there is a list, i have been pulled over for supposedly speeding, but he let me off for bald tyres, and finishes with, "your car has been added to our list, so you had better watch how you drive from now on".

1 week later i got pulled over by a HWP car because apparently i had a BOV.. Mad I replied with no i dont, i have a factory plumback and the car is fully engineered. He said dont bother telling that to me, tell the RTA. I was then made to follow him to the Carrington RTA (PITS) where i got fkd over for having excessive movement in the steering rack, and got hit with a nice little RED sticker!

I dont want to paint all police with the same brush... but for fk sake, sometimes they just take things too far, im never rude to them, if i was doin something wrong i wouldnt have minded the fines etc, but i was driving like miss fkn daisy.

Why dont the old timers in their Datto 1200's, or the bogans in their VC commodores gets fkd over?? I spend good $$ on keeping my car in good condition...

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I supported Toymods

September 2004
Re: random call from the police Wed, 20 October 2004 12:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hahhaha yeah mate, that was you Wink
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January 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 00:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
MR 1GGTE wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 23:38

Arch wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 23:28

AE86Boy wrote on Mon, 13 September 2004 13:16

they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.

fucken cops.. Mad hate them

arch do you want to say it or can I? Smile

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 01:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Arch wrote on Thu, 21 October 2004 10:17

MR 1GGTE wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 23:38

Arch wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 23:28

AE86Boy wrote on Mon, 13 September 2004 13:16

they started to joke around saying that they were hoping to find some drugs so they could unwind after knock off time.

fucken cops.. Mad hate them

arch do you want to say it or can I? Smile


HAHA thats the spririt only it has to be a tad larger try the tags and you will be cooking with gas Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 01:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
BLACK_JZA wrote on Wed, 20 October 2004 15:27

1 week later i got pulled over by a HWP car because apparently i had a BOV.. Mad I replied with no i dont, i have a factory plumback and the car is fully engineered. He said dont bother telling that to me, tell the RTA. I was then made to follow him to the Carrington RTA (PITS) where i got fkd over for having excessive movement in the steering rack, and got hit with a nice little RED sticker!

I know that the bastards are gonna pick on me soon... I have no BOV at all, but the 1G-GTE tends to make a nice BOV like sound anyway! I'm sure they'll find excuses to screw me over more and more, simply because i'm a hoon in my japanese car Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Occasional Poster

November 2003
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 03:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have had sketchy cops pull me over twice on Warringah Rd.
Once was because i had my foggies on. I was pulling out at some lights and there was a cop car goin the opposite direction. As i turned, he put his lights on and did a u-turn at the lights from the outside lane (accross 6 lanes) completely cutting off another car whom was incidently my friend and almost caused him to run into the traffic lights. Pulled me over and didn't end up charging me with anything but just said look out cause other "tight ass cops" (his exact words) will book you for it.
Second time was in exactly the same spot just opposite the big forestway intersection heading towards chatswood. This time for an RBT and i'd only had like 3 beers over the last 6 hours so i knew i was ok. I indicated to pull out and needed to get accross 3 lanes to turn into forestway when a car goes past (prob speeding) and the cop car pulls off COMPLETELY cuts me off and runs through the red almost causing another accident at the traffic lights.
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Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 08:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Look you've probably been dobbed in as a hoon and the copper was just doing his job calling everyone and letting them know to be careful. He's a local cop and he doesn't want any accidents in the area so good on him.

Don't take it personally.
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Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: random call from the police Thu, 21 October 2004 09:06 Go to previous message
Tats wrote on Sun, 08 August 2004 11:27

Around here the cops must make some sort of note on their computer system for particular cars.... a mate in a (N/A auto 1.8 ) Silvia got pulled over for doing a "burnout" (chirped it off the lights). The next time he got pulled over doing something silly, he was told that his car was "known for burnouts and street racing" Laughing

In the rain I was at the top of a steep hill and my car being an auto I just took my foot off the break and accelerator so it was able to stay still. The light goes green and this light stays green for about 3 seconds (literally, it's ok going the other direction but going home sux). I right at the front and I pushed the accelerator all the way in and I had wheel spin for abour 2 of those 3 seconds lol. Would've liked a cop to be there only to find out the car was auto Laughing
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