Hi there,
Does anyone know if a late model ma70 or jza70 crossmember would bolt into a mx83 cressida since they are similar/related cars? If it did, wouldn't this mean you could use jza mounts and a mid-sumped jz motor like stenno did when converting his ma70?
This is just an idea, please be gentle.
Any thoughts?
Hi there,
Does anyone know if a late model ma70 or jza70 crossmember would bolt into a mx83 cressida since they are similar/related cars? If it did, wouldn't this mean you could use jza mounts and a mid-sumped jz motor like stenno did when converting his ma70?
This is just an idea, please be gentle.
Any thoughts?
ma70s are mid sump anyway..so he wouldnt have needed to change the xmember!
But according to his site you need the later model crosmember (from 91 onwards I think) or jza70 crossmember and JZA70 mounts to make it a bolt in propostion. As the crossmember is different to the original ma70 one that was designed for the 7M. They updated the crossmember in the later series just like they did to cressidas.