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Location: Australia
Registered: July 2004
Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 08:21
Just wondering, how's my mate, ol' Token Caramel Swirl? Is he still around or is he still scrubbing the tar off his cock?
So word up g-dawg, how'z da homies and da hoez in da hoooooood (Inglewood)......... (or Westfield).

Location: theres a castle on my hil...
Registered: October 2003
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 08:37

go away trouble maker

Location: Australia
Registered: July 2004
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 08:46

Trouble maker? More like a pragmatist.
What sort of a dickhead has a name like Token Black Guy? Isn't that just the most racist and derogatory handle you have ever seen?
The dickwod deserves to get bagged.
Imagine if you were black, would you like his handle? NEO NAZI MOTHER FUCKER.
Are you just a 'token' black person? No, we are all the same....... rock on Pauline Hanson.

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 10:53

Its a joke... like the character on Southpark who is called Token (he is black).

Location: Tasmania
Registered: June 2004
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 12:36

osomeone has isssues

Location: Tasmania
Registered: June 2004
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 12:36

by the way alfas rule

Location: Elwood, Melb
Registered: August 2003
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 19:02

Isn't Token Black Guy off a Simson's episode, some famous boxer like Fredrick Tadem or something???

Location: 1st street on the right
Registered: November 2002
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sat, 07 August 2004 23:24

Did you ever stop to think maybe he
a) is black
b) doesn't know any other black people on the forum/club
therefore is the TBG.
On your way out change your name to token racist wanker

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Token Triple Decker
Sun, 08 August 2004 00:24
Ovlov244 - You seem to be here only to stir up trouble.
Please leave.