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"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:17
I am seriously pissed off ... I had my car parked in the Castle Hill carpark and headed off to work... only to find when I got back my window was smashed but nothing was taken.. mind you this wasn't the first time they tried to break in... first time around was last week when the pricks/junkies (theives)fucked up my lock so I couldn't even use my key to get into my car... dont think they got in the first car ain't nothing special to look at... dont know why they wanted in? nothing to take anyway!!!!... but this time they broke the friggin window and got into the car and took nothing anyway... thats fucked up man!!!!!! fuckin glass everywhere ... went to the cop shop down the road to report it and was told I wasn't the only car that got fucked on... but anyway just a word of warning to anyone who parks there an goes to work... wish they would just have some CCTV cameras installed even get the security guards to do regular checks, but they are to fuckin lazy sitting on they fat asses in the office..

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:18

note: dont park there.

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:20

That sucks dude Take a day or two off work and go with a mate, sit in his car and wait for them to come...when they get there get out with baseball bats or something

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:31

I should take a bat with me to break their legs....
as for not parking there... bit hard to find somewhere else to park close to the main bus stop

Registered: June 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:39

Where exactly is this carpark? I live in Baulko and do my shopping at castle hill - I wanna make sure I don't park my baby there!

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:42

its the carpark across from maccas...

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:49

Assailant wrote on Wed, 11 August 2004 23:42 | its the carpark across from maccas...
Over the other side of old northern rd?
or showground?
or that little street that maccas driveway is on?

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 13:50

Whichever car park you're talking about is within 1-2 blocks from the cop shop in public view... I don't know why any moron would try to break into a car there!

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 14:01

corner of showground rd one next to castle towers main carpark

Location: Canberra
Registered: February 2004
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Wed, 11 August 2004 23:46

Somebody should start a recycling center for dead heads like these scum. Theiving scum in one side , dog food out the other.

Registered: February 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 00:09

there is definately a ring of car thieves starting to roam the baulhko/castle hill area.
My car was stolen from Baulkam Hills Tafe carpark - i got it back a few hours later but it definately looked like a work from pros.
Assailent - was your ignition barrel tampered with?
I say they were interrupted both times.
I can almost gaurantee you that these thieves are in the same ring as the ones that did my car.

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 00:17

Dude. That sux. 
Sorry to hear.

Location: Inside a giant turbo (syd...
Registered: June 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 05:55

Is that the carpark which you go up the stairs into the towers or is it next to that one? cause a shitload of done up + exspensive cars park there all the time.
Location: toowoomba qld
Registered: March 2004
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 06:07

my aunts Corona got pinched down town last week and they found it near Grantham saturday morning,it had been set on fire . bloody wankers

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Castle Hill, Sydney
Registered: February 2004
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 10:19

i think i know where u said ya been parking...i take it u park ur car and get the bus to work, could u try the indoor carpark outside coles? never heard of any break ins there, thats a lot closer to the bus stop too.
i hope at least one of us toymodders get a chance to catch one of these pricks in the act one day!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 10:30

aww the stealth doesnt help random acts of violence.
but I know I feel safe parking my corona anywhere. middle of the cross... anywhere.

Location: sydney kellyville
Registered: July 2004
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Thu, 12 August 2004 10:48

Dont know about not being safe around here . the wife and i went over to the sisters 5 weeks ago , left here at 6pm and got talking and drinking (tuesday night) anyway we drive back down the road home after midnight and i notice the garage door open . shit someones broken in i think straight away , thats strange that the alarm mob didnt ring us . so i push the off button on the fob and it flashes back already off and thats when it dawned on me i had just driven off when the wife got in the car and not closed the door or put the alarm on so not bad 6 hours garage door open , house unlocked , alarm off , vx ss unlocked keys on kichten bench . that a b$#%h about your car though really pisses me off when people dont respect others property , thanks for letting us know witch car park as i definetly wont use that one again .

Registered: February 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 00:08

Assailant wrote on Thu, 12 August 2004 19:53 | Audioslaver - ignition wasn't touched from what i could see.... but that pretty fucked up... stealing your car from the tafe is unbelievable... who knows could be someone that goes to your tafe??... but i know parking your car anywhere isn't safe around the castle hill/baulko area... well not now.... must be a ring of local junkies live in the area or something...
well..after a few long nights and hard thought about the whole incidient, we managed to draw conclusions that these thieves strike random - and have acquired electrical/mechanical skills ie. know how to get past an immobiliser, can manipulate a central lock system and use professional tools to cut away/melt the ignition. They struck on my car the first day i was back at tafe - so it was unlikely they targeted it. And judging from what they stole - they knew nothing about the car.
check out this thread on what happened: h=40540&rid=2053&S=32b74873387480ffe044db4 a3169f2e7&pl_view=&start=0#msg_362637msg_3 62637
My only advice is don't leave ANY valuables in car - have a decent alarm system with back up battery, and definately a hidden kill switch to ECU/fuel lines.

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 03:05

Audioslaver - Thats pretty fucked what they did to your beast... thats a sweet ride man... damn shame what happened... can't believe how people have no respect for other peoples property.... so did they charge the pricks that took your car and would they have to pay for the stuff they took/or give it back?

Registered: February 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 03:26

dude mate,
The thieves are still on the loose!
They have not been caught, and i've done everything in my power to catch these pricks. But hearing incidences like yours definately helps, so i think if anyone elses ride is stolen/broken into, we could maybe see a possible area/style/time etc. that they operate.
i say leave your car there as a dummy with fake valuables inside, gather up some toymodders and fuck em over senseless!

"Cørønå reåk"
Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 04:06

I thought the cops caught then in the act joyriding in your car??

Registered: February 2003
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 04:18

no mate - read further
it all happened pretty quickly, leaving people on these forums wondering what happened. But these fuckers knew all too well that it would attract too much attention hence dumping it nearby...
rotten scum

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Car broken into twice in 2 weeks.... :(
Fri, 13 August 2004 04:26
Just use my method of a car alarm...
Pay a greek bloke $20 a week to lie down in your boot with a 12 Guage shotgun, when he hears the junkies smash the window he pops up and BOOM...
Bye bye junkies...
Benelli, the ultimate clublock...