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Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 04:43
Just need some confirmation (did a search however there are way too many combinations of hyphens, spaces and acronyms to come up with anything useful).
I'm sticking what is essentially a 3S-GE (with 90mm stroke) into me ta23. Do I specifically need the SA-63 bellhousing? Or will any rwd S-series engine bellhousing do? (ie corona ST141?).
Also - regarding a 3SGTE (1st gen) intake manifold - that *should* fit on the plain old 3S-GE head, but also - would the throttle body off of a 3S-GE (1st gen) fit on a 1st gen 3S-GTE intake manifold? Lastly - I'm assuming that it (the 3S-GTE intake manifold) will foul on the bonnet - what are the solutinos to this - lower engine, modify bonnet - I'm guessing modifications to the bonnet involve legal crap?
Cheers for any help that you are willing to repeat again for the 50th time

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 07:02

the corona bellhousing is the same from what i've seen. same engine and gearbox

Location: Terrigal
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 08:06

Mate with the inlet manifold.. It depends if you mount the engine on the original 15 degree ? angle or not. I've see pictures mounted on the angle, with the bellhousing cut and rotated to straighten up the box. The inlet manifold will be ok then.
But if you have the engine sitting flat, the manifold will hit the bonnet.
Be careful with the bellhousing, there was some S series with a bog warner box. You need the SA63 one that had the toyota W series box.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 08:52

jackel wrote on Sat, 21 August 2004 17:02 | the corona bellhousing is the same from what i've seen. same engine and gearbox
ST141's have a 4-speed Borg-Warner box. How different can you get?

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 11:51

So SA63 bellhousing is the only way to go, hrmmm...
As for the 15 degree angle - I'm guessing it's a case of having to fabricate a cross-member no matter which way you do it so it's better to just mount it on the angle?
And the bellhousing modifications is just a matter of rotating the flange around so to speak?

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 11:57

Oh yeah - does having it at an angle change things in regards to being unbalanced (ie engine mounts under different levels of load) etc?

Registered: May 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 12:38

90mm stroke aye?
SO you went through with the 5s crank?

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 14:22

Yes - that is also being sorted out...slowly There's a bit of work to do though.
Quote: | would the throttle body off of a 3S-GE (1st gen) fit on a 1st gen 3S-GTE intake manifold?
| Does anyone have an answer to this? I'll stop post whoring/acting impatient now!!! It just seems like an easily over-looked question given the billion other questions in the post
Location: Vancouver
Registered: June 2004
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sat, 21 August 2004 22:06

ha ha ha...
the subject of transplanting a 3SGE/GTE into a RWD platform is a much discussed one, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a totally do it yourself one - most answers I've gotten involved really shaky engineering in my opinion.
If you want it done right, you'll have to do it yourself... and that involves figuring it out for yourself too unfortunately...
I myself am in the process of dealing with:
the flywheel issue
the crank pilot engagement issue
the starter issue
the manifolds issue
flywheel = I have to buy a rather expensive piece of 4140HTSR and turn it myself
crank pilot issue = yes you do have to mill about 4-5mm off the engine side of the bellhousing, otherwise the tranny pilot only sits in the pilot bearing about 1-2mm
starter issue = what starter?!? I'm in Canada and all the swap bits that are talked about never made it here in any vehicle I'm aware of. After much research, I decided on a very common Toyota pickup truck 1.4kW starter, mated to a subminiature diameter 106 tooth ring gear from a late 70's 1200 Corolla engine (it's very small diameter for a VERY low MOI), and then the starter will barely clear the block physically, but the motor will grab revs like lightning!!!
manifolds = well, yeah, ummm, I'm going to start with a pile of tubes, a lathe, a mill, and a TIG welder, and that ought to fix the manifolds problem...
I love a challenge, and this is proving to be a real challenge to get this project all tied together - once the transmission is mounted to the engine, I can fall back to all the easy bolt on parts to boost up the power output, so I'm considering this to be the hard part of the project, in fact, it IS the project - bolt on's are easy to deal with (when they actually bolt on without any mods that is...)

Registered: May 2002

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sun, 22 August 2004 01:39

How exactly are you going about changing the throttle position?
Location: Darwin
Registered: August 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sun, 22 August 2004 07:03

ST141 Or a 5 Speed Borg-Warner

Registered: May 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Sun, 22 August 2004 13:11

sent you an email with diagram, hope it makes sese..i cant post pictures on here anymore

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Mon, 23 August 2004 07:11

Quote: | ST141 Or a 5 Speed Borg-Warner
| Err - what are you trying to say here?
Location: Darwin
Registered: August 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Mon, 23 August 2004 09:06

That the ST141 also came with a 5 Speed Borg-warner save's on adapter plates and Changing gearboxes. Though don't know how it would stand up under Horsepower?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Mon, 23 August 2004 22:24

Putting a Borg-Warner piece of crap behind a decent engine like the 3S-GE is a terrible idea! I can't see how it would be any easier than using an SA63 box anyway.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Mon, 23 August 2004 22:57

Availability is always an issue - last SA63 at a toyota wreckers that I saw had no gearbox left on it - but almost everything else.
t_temperley -> that .bmp didn't work dunno what is going on there.
Location: Darwin
Registered: August 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Tue, 24 August 2004 00:22

Didn't know they where so bad, and are easier to find than SA63's.

Location: adelaide
Registered: April 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Tue, 24 August 2004 03:00

fwdboy - go to u-pull-it on womma road, elizabeth. there are 2 sa63's sittin right next to each other and i'm pretty sure both still have gearboxes

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Tue, 24 August 2004 13:01

Yeah I thought I saw some there last time actually, I usually go to the lonsdale one - but if there is still a gearbox for an SA63 up at elizabeth I'll have to pay it a visit.

Location: adelaide
Registered: April 2003
Re: 3SGE into TA-23 Qs.
Tue, 24 August 2004 13:50
yeh i might be headin over there in the next couple days and can have a look if i do, i don't check them cars in any great detail so haven't got much idea of how stripped they are