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I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 12:38
k, batter has to be moved soon.
I have most things worked out (battery mounting will speak to engineer about, along with how regularly the cabling must be tied in)
what I have no idea how to do is connect the huge cluster of wired that usually connect to the battery to the cable I'm going to run to the boot, and insulate the whole thing.
I'm assuming there's a better way to do this than a large amount of solder and electrical tape... but what is it?

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 12:43

Go to a decent auto electrician and buy a decent insulated distribution block. You can get these that have a bolt on one end which you attach the large battery cable to, and then they have a bunch of small holes in it which you clamp your smaller wires in.
Make sure you get a decent insulated item as the cheaper types brake and will cause trouble.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 12:45

auto electricians be the only guys who stock that sort of item?

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 12:55

Or auto-electrical suppliers, such as Ashdowns, Ingrams etc, maybe even a good auto parts store.
I tend to run the battery cable to the starter motor (since this is by far going to draw the most current), then a separate cable from the starter to the distribution block.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 12:58

TE72_Turbo wrote on Tue, 31 August 2004 22:55 |
I tend to run the battery cable to the starter motor (since this is by far going to draw the most current), then a separate cable from the starter to the distribution block.
This is a good idea.
You could also do what I do for my customers and run one cable to the starter and then another to the distribution block.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 13:19

since I've attracted the attention of some people who know about this.....
Pros and cons of going battery to the boot versus one of those odyssey miniature batteries (or similar brand)?

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 13:31

draven wrote on Tue, 31 August 2004 23:19 | cool
since I've attracted the attention of some people who know about this.....
Pros and cons of going battery to the boot versus one of those odyssey miniature batteries (or similar brand)?
Sealed gel cells are over rated and expensive and I would never use them unless I do a boot mount and I know I cant get a decent vent to the outside.
Only down side to boot mounting is the long run/s of cable you need to use which is expensive when using good quality cable and terminations.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 13:33

mmm.... pretty much my thoughts.
and since I already have a battery for the boot and a large chunk of 0 gauge, prolly go that way

Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 13:44

Cool1 wrote on Tue, 31 August 2004 22:28 |
This is a good idea.
You could also do what I do for my customers and run one cable to the starter and then another to the distribution block.
Yup, do this if you have the $$s for the extra cable youll need and the room.
Although the cable from batt->dist-block can be quite a bit smaller than the batt->starter cable.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Tue, 31 August 2004 13:57


Thats what happens when you have a heap of 4AWG, 12AWG and some 8AWG left over from a friend's bling bling stereo install. Oh yeah, and the distro blocks are courtesy of a mate working at Jaycar.

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 02:00

That looks very nice takai...

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:10

thats the dist block i used, about $11 from jaycar.
for the power cable i reccomend you get welders cable from BOC gas, its about $10 per metre and its good shit, better than normal wire due to the fact its got thicker insulation which is what you want when you gotta run it through the fire wall (probably). i mean you have to protect it if it goes through the firewall, but better safe than sorry.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:15

I've already got a big arsed rubber gromit where it's going through the fire wall (in with all the other wiring).
atm I'm working out the logistics of mounting it... where best to do it to maximise boot space, etc.
What size cabling do you recommend for everything, if I run 0 gauge to the starter?

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:19

greg, what kind of box are you planning on using?

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:21

undecided as yet
gonna call engineer tomorrow, ask what he recommends.
possibly do a shane, get a small metal tray fabbed up, space it off the floor and run battery straps over it.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:25

Im using 4awg for the starter. Theoretically max should be around 80A under load. Although ive seen the T50 one run on a 60A fuse.
I got all my 4AWG from a Jaycar reel which a mate bought for his stereo install. Got it for $20.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:30

whatever thickness the wire that originally went to the starter from the battery, thats about the thickness you'll need from the starter to dis block.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:32

EVOSTi wrote on Wed, 01 September 2004 21:30 | whatever thickness the wire that originally went to the starter from the battery, thats about the thickness you'll need from the starter to dis block.
Actually you want the original size plus a quater the size again. As soon as you start adding resistance(connectors and distrubition blocks) you need to increase the size of the cable to decrease the resistance as much as possible.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:47

my bad. ohwell the wire i got going from starter to dis block is thicker than the 3 wires combined that come off the dis block.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:51

EVOSTi wrote on Wed, 01 September 2004 21:47 | my bad. ohwell the wire i got going from starter to dis block is thicker than the 3 wires combined that come off the dis block.
Your not wrong, its just better to increase the size of the cable.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:51

I'm using 0g for the starter... I want to know what to use for the rest of the things. I'm guessing some 4g would be suitable, but I dont want things intermittantly screwing up due to low amps.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 11:59

what wires are you talking about? if you run 0AWG to the starter and say 4AWG to the dis block, what other wires do you need? you just run the other wires to the dis block. the ones that would otherwise go to the battery.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 12:02

thought you were saying 4g to the starter 
blame it on the shift change at work

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 22:43

just run a nice big good quality wire to the starter. and then a nice big wire from the starter to the alt. then if you need power for things tap it off the alt. if things get too crowded there then you need to look at distribution blocks etc.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Wed, 01 September 2004 23:27

Are we talking MA61 here? It's actually really easy to run the cable from the back of the car to the starter without it being seen!
- From the starter run the cable through the existing hole in the passenger side inner guard, behind the strut tower
- Run the cable through the grommet visible under the wheelarch
- Cable appears behind the HVAC blower under the dash
- Run cable down through the existing cable conduit under the door
- From conduit go under the back seat, cable comes up near rear shock tower
- Attach cable to battery in boot
- Done!
In my car you'd almost think the boot-mounted battery was factory fitted... very neat and tidy. 

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 00:01

Got some pics Norbie? I'd like to see how you've done it I'm considering doing it soon as it'd free up the space for some useful neat wiring, as well as taking some weight away from the front end.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 00:19

I'm actually in the process of swapping it all over to my white Supra. I finished pulling the cable out of the blue car yesterday, so when I re-install it later this week I'll take a few snaps. 

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 00:48

That'd be awesome, Thanks!!

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 01:53

How do you guys vent your batteries?
Mine just sits in the boot. Not very healthy for me.

Registered: June 2003
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 02:06

Don't light a match...

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 02:29

a tube from the batter box to the outside world, I have one off the top of the box for any gasses that rais and also have one of the bottom, kinda like a drainage point.

Location: Castle Hill, Sydney
Registered: February 2004
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 07:04

whats the advantage of having the battery in your boot?
or somehwere other than your engine bay?

Registered: June 2003

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 09:47

Yeah I moved mine because there's some 2.5" pipes where the battery used to be. 

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 10:56

that's why I'm moving mine - 2.5" piping prolly exactly where norbie's is.
also a dist block bolted to the firewall will neaten up a lot of wiring.

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 11:02

if my car had a boot i wouldnt even bother with a vent. i dont bother with a vent now and i got a liftback. i figure the battery fumes and the petrol fumes will cancel each other out.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Thu, 02 September 2004 11:13

well, i planto get an engineering certificate (so I dont get violed by the cops)
so I want it all nice and legal.
as my mates keep telling me, I can show the cop how legal my car is after getting pulled over for doubling the speed limit

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Mon, 06 September 2004 01:12

for some peoples info, If you want more examples. BMW mount (some?) of their batteries in their boots from factory. My mums 88 325e cabriolet is like this..

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Mon, 06 September 2004 02:30

ive got mine in the boot
in a boat battery box
i cut a piece of checkerplate and mounted it in the bottom of the box then bolted the checkerplat to the boot floor, i also mounted a battery mount through the checkerplate as well
so nothing can move 
we made like a single terminal in the engine bay that all wires that used to go from the battery run off


I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Mon, 06 September 2004 02:46

Josh, what about venting?

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: battery relocation... help from people who've done it!
Mon, 06 September 2004 02:52
we sealed up the 2 little vent holes in the top of the box and ran a pipe to the side vent in the rear 1/4 panel