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Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 02:19
While I had the 1g-gte in the bay, all those weeks ago, We managed to get it running. While it was running, it idled high... I assume this was the cold idle doing it's job nicely. After some time it just lost power completely... cut out. We tried cranking it but nothing. We then left it to let it cool off, sure enough, it ran again!
What could cause this? Disconnected temp sensor? ECU not getting correct power? My stupidity for not checking if the alarm was disabled? (though I think the last one is unlikely... it used to just not start if the immob was enabled)
Since I haven't had the engine to fiddle with i'm still wondering what the problem is.

Location: south east - melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 02:30

turbo timer malfunction maybe

Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 02:31

it could be temp related, did you have water in it?
My old 1ggt would cut out when it got to hot i.e 38 deg, idling for 5 mins.
Just a suggestion

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 02:34

Yeh had water in it...
I suspect it's the temp sensor.
indian, I dont have no turbo timer!

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:10

you may have a leak somewhere
also up on the throttle body there is a screw to adjust the idle, maybe play with that a bit

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:14

It doesn't seem to be a leak (air leak)... I checked for that.
We tried adjusting the idle screws too, no help.
There is a screw on the throttle body for idle adjust, but there is also a screw on the AFM... what function does it serve?
If the ECU wasnt getting power from say, BATT or B1 or B2 would it do something like this?

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:16

Could be lack of fuel. Are you running a surge tank, is it plumbed up correctly and both pumps working properly

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:25

No surge tank... car came with a 1G-GE, so it was a bolt in job.
All fuel plumbing is correct, and filtered!
Looks like i'm going to get a dyno tune done... We might well have screwed it in and out a bit in order to figure out what was going on 
Fuel pump is getting power, and pumping fuel. Fuel is making it to the fuel rail.
Really need to get the engine back so I can further diagnose this! It's bugging me!

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:28

Sounds like none of the injectors are hooked up or they are all blocked.
Sounds like it was just running on the CSI.
The CSI is designed to work when the water temp is below a set amount.
Once the water temp is above that, it completely shuts off.
Sounds like this is whats happening.

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:29

might be worth checking for error codes ??

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 03:42

There were no error codes.
Injectors were powered, BUT i'm not sure if they were firing. It is possible that they are blocked.. but all of them blocked?
So many questions... I can't wait to get the engine back so I can work out whats going on How much should I expect to pay to have injectors cleaned? Might call FnM and get them to do it for me as a part of the rebuild. Could still be power related I guess.
Looking over the wiring, the ECU has several + power sources... if one of these wasn't getting any positive power, then would it be possible that one of the circuits wasnt working, say the injector switching circuit?

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 06:01

Yes, get them cleaned, definately
I paid 16.50 each injector, inlcuding new seals.
Injector's are earth switched inside the ecu.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 17:43

If the car is idling fine when its cold as you stated above, just high IT IS NOT YOUR INJECTORS. Your injectors work when the car is cold, if you dont belive me try unplugging one of them when the car is cold and idling and see wat happens. One possible thought is that your temp sensor that the ecu uses once its done with the cold start temp sensor might be fuggered, this is a green sensor under the dizzy, the brown one is for cold start, hook up a multi meter and actually see if the sensor is getting some signal.
Cheers Adam

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 21:42

I had a problem just as you describe and it turned out to be the injectors weren't firing just as cruzsida said. I tested the injectors by using an injector plug (with the wire clip removed) and a transformer. By powering each injector with the engine off I was able to hear if they were clicking. A simple knock on the injector body with a big screwdriver gets them going.

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Wed, 01 September 2004 22:02

Fattony, I hope you are right 
Just to help everyone out, when it was idling, we could rev it (though we didnt rev it much since we had no tacho hooked up at the time). I suspect the injectors were fine (afaik they were firing since we tested them using a 1G-GE injector)
Now that you mention it Fattony, that green sensor... I have the strangest feeling that I said "hey, the green sensor is unplugged" as I pulled out the engine... Maybe that was it 
Time will tell it would seem... engine might well be back this weekend.. and pigs might fly.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Thu, 02 September 2004 07:27

Well from what i can gather that you say the motor ran fine (i.e firing on all 6 cyls) for the cold start period and that it still does when its cold, just that the car doesnt work when the cold start disengages. As i said the brown water temp sensor is for cold start and the green one is the one that the ecu uses to read water temp. If your green coloured sensor is dodgy or not plugged in, this might be your problem though i have never ran a 1g without that sensor plugged in so i aint sure if it is used all the time or just when the engine is not running on cold start enrighment.

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Thu, 02 September 2004 08:18

I dont suppose one of you 1G owners would like to try something for me would you? Unplug the green sensor plug... I wanna know if that causes you any trouble straight away or after it warms up and disengages the cold start injector 

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Fri, 03 September 2004 10:24

Look if i can get my car running again this weekend hopefully, i shall do this for you and let you know, but no guareentes tough i am a very lazy person LOL
Cheers Adam

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Fri, 03 September 2004 10:47


Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: 1G-GTE only running for ~5 minutes
Mon, 06 September 2004 02:25
Any luck Fattony??
I didnt get my engine back... might get it back this week!
Oh well, gave me a chance to look at the wiring a bit more