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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 08:01 Go to next message
i put a 2tg/3t hybrid in a few weeks ago, ive slowly been singing it out further and further on the taco...expecting to eventually hit some REAL power
its great up to about 3800rpm, then its about as pathetic as my 3tc was!
is it just because its still a tight engine? only 1000k's on it
ive done a exhuast gas anyliser test on it, the carbs seem to be alright, ignition is looking good, im out of ideas!

edit: all engine info now at bottom of page

[Updated on: Sat, 11 September 2004 22:40]

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 08:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
by the way
did a compression test on it a couple hundred km's ago
got roughly 140psi from each cylinder
i think a run in engine is around 160psi
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Perth, Western Australia
December 2002
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 09:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Might help if you incl;uded induction and exhaust info, timing info, build info, ..., more info in general. You wont gain 20psi once the engine's run in, what pistons, compression or head did you use?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 10:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have a 3T-G. I estimate it has about 160hp. Does a 15 second 0-400m in my 940kg car.

This is with:
3T-C pistons, 1mm over = 86mm
2T-G 88222 head
Wade 305.5 degree camshafts (this is where the real difference is) timed to about 105 degrees.
lightened stock flywheel (makes a difference in acceleration)
Solex Mikuni carbs, old gen. 40mm throttles.
Jets 160 airs, 160 mains, 57.5 idles
32mm main venturis

Ignition: 2T-GEU distributor, standard, vac advance not working, base timing at about 12 degrees. Nothing special here.

good power from 3000-8000rpm. Works best from 4000-7000rpm.

This motor has 150psi on all four. (Expect a higher number with stock cams). Compression ratio is about 9.9:1, or maybe 10:1. Also have Iridium plugs, not sure of the difference. Run premium fuel 97? Would run Optimax if I could get it.
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Forums Junkie

Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 10:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Are the carbs set up properly? No leaking gaskets on them? Also, how's your ignition? Has the engine been to a tune-up specialist and run on a dyno to see what's happening?

You got carbs, then take it to Kleinigs. I took my car there, and it was running like crap, but now it's a little beauty. Worth every cent.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 10:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, a ordinary 2T-G will only be as good as a good 3T-C. What can you expect? The 2T-G has bigger valves, no rockers, and sidedrafts. So if you can rev it cleanly to 7000rpm then the sidedrafts should suck in more fuel/air then the 3T-C carb, and give more power. But, it needs to be running right.

Kepp trying things. You will probably need to take the carbs apart, work out whats what, make sure you have some good linkages (not the dodgy ones you are using), and learn to ballance them. Then, after a while, you may learn to select different jets to tune it right. This takes alot of trial and error sorry. Few mechanics can do it so you will have to learn yourself. Sad
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 10:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah, it aint a 2tg! it has to have more power there!

88260 head, fully rebuilt (polished ports, lapped valves)
10.05:1 compresion
twin dellorto 40mm sidedraughts ramflo foam filters
(32mm chokes, 150 mains, 24o air correctors, 35 pump jets, 60 idles)
288 degree cams 34/74 overlap
bosch GT40 coil, ignition is at 12 degrees, NGK BP6ES plugs
genie 4-1 extractors 2 1/2 inch to first muffler than 2 inch
ACL 3t pistons and rings (86mm bore, 1mm oversize) brand new
new bearings, crank was ground
all in a 960kg T-18 + me 65kg

EVERYTHING has been stripped and if slightly damaged, replaced! everty single part was in prime condition when we built it
so i dont think its any components letting me down.
i've put through a couple tanks of optimax, not a big difference
we are alright to tune the carbs, been silver soldaring/drilling jets here and there last couple of weeks, according to exhuast gas anyliser its made a big difference but not much change in performance, have been having trouble with one bit inparticular, when i punch it it gets VERY rich but i think we fixed that bringing down the mains from 170 to 150
i've tried so many things, no noticeable differcnes anywhere, quite sure its not iginition, i was running 3tc coil but changed to the gt40, didnt make any difference...still running the 3t-c points distributor though
could it be the engine timing? it's the only thing i havent experimented with since ive had the engine running.
only problems we've had is some chronic running on, and cylinder 1 wasnt fireing but gapping plugs again seemed to fixed that
linkages work fine, im definately getting full throttle when my foot plants

maybe im expecting more out of it than it has, but this engine should spank the pants off what the 3tc had, it pulls really well at around 3500rpm, so it should have twice the balls it has there up high, especially with those cams! shouldnt it?
i had a go along side of a modern stock camry, couldnt get in front! shifting around 5 grand.
maybe i should take it up to 7000rpm and see what happens, but at about 5 grand it sounds like im forcing it and it doesnt wanna rev any harder! hence me not wanting to take it on a dyno or a drag strip yet!

this pic is the engine at the moment, only difference since i took the pic is i took out the resistor on the ignition to bring it up to 12v, that didnt make a differnce either.

[Updated on: Sat, 11 September 2004 11:17]

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sat, 11 September 2004 11:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ok i just checked the engine timing (cam timing/valve timing)
cams are straight with eachother so that rules that out!

[Updated on: Sun, 12 September 2004 01:46]

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: why does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sun, 12 September 2004 02:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
OK this is very interesting to me. I have almost the same motor, and mine goes very well. Mine has bigger cams, but yours should go almost as well.

The difference is, mine can ONLY be driven at part throttle up to 3000rpm. And the power comes on strong from 3500 - 7000rpm. Plus it will freely rev to about 8000rpm, depending on the day.

Thie difference is cam timing. I have mine set roughly to 105 degrees on both intake and exhaust (home made degree wheel, not very accurate). This is very mild and has good torque and is very driveable. A standardish motor will have the cam timing set to about 110 degrees, torque will come on early but it won't rev. A more race orientated engine will have the timing closer to 100 degrees.

Your 288 degree cams with 34/74 timing, are set at 110 degrees.
(288/2) -34= 110

Reset the cam lobe centers to about 100 degrees (or 104 degrees if you want to try something conservative first). This will give you more overlap, and open the engine up for good rpm.

In your case this will be 44/64 timing for 100 degrees.

I'm not yet an expert on this, but this is the best info I have from what I have read, and seams to fit with my experience.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sun, 12 September 2004 02:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Don't go by the notches in the cams. You have regrind cams, you NEED to set them up with a degree wheel, and a dial gauge, and someone that knows how to do this. Don't go by marks on the timing cover either, you need to find where true TDC is again.
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sun, 12 September 2004 07:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah we set them to 34/74 when we built the engine
with a dial gauge and a degree wheel and everything

but thats going to be a little hard to do now with the engine in the car isnt it :S?
should i just try advancing intake a knotch and retarding exhuast a knotch and take it for a spin, then if it improves repeat process until i find the best overlap?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Sun, 12 September 2004 08:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes you can try that. (I think I will try that myself actualy!) But realy, we should be able to get a degree wheel in there and to it propper. Just take the fan off and you should have room.
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Forums Junkie

Club President
I supported Toymods

May 2002
icon6.gif  Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 01:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Before you start repostioning your cams at random keep in mind you are dealing with a full impact engine.. IE if your cam timing is out your valves and pistoms will attempt to occupy the same real estate at the same time.. This is generally considered a Bad thing !

Not to sound harsh but I would tend to suggest you are way out of your depth with the Carby set up and itgnition timing. These need to be set under load (ie on a Dyno) and whilst your backyarder style home mechanic may think they can get it right they very rarely do !

A good tune will probablt do the package wonders as it sounds like it should be a good thing. Frank Kleinig would be your man to Tune it and regraph your dizzy ! It won't be cheap but performance is never acheived by the lowest bidder !
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 02:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah i guess i dont want to rewen eevrything now its got this far, leave it to the pro's from here

anybody want to buy a kidney off me?
im looking at about $800 for a full carb and cam tune arent i?

[Updated on: Mon, 13 September 2004 02:59]

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Forums Junkie

Hornsby, Sydney
October 2002
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 08:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
possibly more than that depends where you go. i got my carbs tuned and cost me around 650 (and after doing it i would never do it again, didnt do that much for it), and thats if they can get the replacement jets. as i found out resently that delortos are hard to come by parts

you shouldnt have touched the jets, remember that this engine was professionally built before you got it and went very well, you might want to try and contact ONLINE performance as i believe they did the build before.

the 2tg made 125hp while i think the 2t made 115hp (someone please correct me if im wrong) so theres not much difference, yours is a 3t block but thats not gonna give you heaps more.

[Updated on: Mon, 13 September 2004 08:40]

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 09:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
can the cam timing effect the way the car is running (rich/lean)
because when we took it for a spin with the exhuast gas anyliser
it was extremely lean, and went off the gauge with richness when i punched it
im not going to question my dads skills at tuneing carbs, ive heard about his old holden race engines with webers and SU's he tuned to perfection by the same method we are tuneing mine, same exhuast gas anyliser on the back of the car while hooning around the block
he had the most powerful holden 6 ever dynoed at his local dyno so i think we will be right tuneing mine once we get the cams sorted out
its the twin cam he lacks experience in, if somsone wants to give some input on what overlap should work best, ide love ya help!

[Updated on: Mon, 13 September 2004 09:08]

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 09:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i dont suppose u know what sort of overlap those cams orignally had?
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 13:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have already given the info. Most standard motors will have about 110 degrees between TDC and the center of the cam profile. If you don't know what that means, do some general searching and read up on twincam cam timing. Do lots of reading. Learn the effects of longer duration, different overlap etc. I havn't much experience, but if you want the top end power, set it closer to 100 degrees. But I suspect you have other problems also. Maybe your gas analizer is not reading in a good range, and maybe the engine wants to be a bit rich when you have your foot down. Take note of the jet sizes in my motor, its runs ok, not perfect.

2T-G = 110-115hp
2T = 80hp?
3T-C = 90hp?
3T-G with cams etc. = 160hp

A 2T-G has a greater rev range than a old Holden, so its a bit different. Plus with the 2T-G you can vary the cam timing individualy as you now know.
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Forums Junkie

Club President
I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 22:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message

If its going from lean to Rich..... Your Carbies are way wrong !

I'm not doubting your Dads skill but the old 8 Valve twin cams are an art all of there own. I have had them tuned at LOTS of very highly recommended workshops.. Frank Kleinig was the ONLY guy who ever got any of them just right ! Oh and he can get Dellorto parts too Wink Those in the know.... Know Smile

[Updated on: Mon, 13 September 2004 22:20]

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Forums Junkie

Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Mon, 13 September 2004 22:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Jesse, Rod (El Presidente - Pretty Boy) is right on the mark with this one. As you know, I've got an 18RG which is very similar to the 2TG engine, and over the years I have taken it to many tune-up shops and it's never performed as I would expect. Actually, I was a little disappointed at the performance of the engine.

I bit the bullet and, upon many recommendations, took the car to Frank Kleinig Motors, and, as you have seen my posts, the engine now goes like a little ripper.

Trust me, spend the dosh and get Frank to do it. He knows the old Toyota twin cam engines and their carbie set-ups. He knows the Weber, Solex and DeLorot carbs - 'cos he was talking to me about them. It cost me about $750 to get the carbs pulled down, rebuilt, plugs, points, and dyno tuned. The best money I have spent on the car so far 'cos it's like a new engine. It took about a week for him to do it.

Frank's number is 9896-3672, and he's at 5 Amax Avenue, Girraween.

I'd love to see 2 new posts from you. The first post is "I took the car to Kleinigs", and the 2nd post "Got the car back and I cannot beleive the grunt my engine has!" Smile

Go on, do it! We all want to see your T18 tearing up the bitumen and scaring women and children almost as much as you do. Smile Hey, I'd like to come over and check it out when it's all done.

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: WHY does my 3tg act like a 3tc Tue, 14 September 2004 02:57 Go to previous message
yeah i think im talked into it, if his that good! his that good!
and i want my engine to be a little ripper after all the time and money poured into it so far its not fair to skimp on the fine tuneing, or in my case,complete tuneing!
i'll have to work my butt off through the holidays and get the dosh, but sounds like she'll be worth it!
is it alright to have it revving its tits off on a dyno already?
still a little tight i think, only done about 1000k's

thanks everyone!

maybe in a a few weeks that post will be up Smile

[Updated on: Tue, 14 September 2004 02:59]

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