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Location: Melbourne, VIC
Registered: May 2002
MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 07:15
I'm looking for a wheel to replace the truck-like one on the RA60. I measured it to be ~14.5" diameter. Can anyone tell me if the MA61 wheel is any smaller?
if not, is there any other wheels in the toyota family that'd fit on ok? I dont know much about boss kits or whatever but I want something stockish looking (blue interior btw).

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 08:25

Pretty sure the Supra one is similar to the celica one.
If you don't have any luck with something Toyota, I still have an Autotecnica black leather steeringwheel for sale. You would need a boss though., under 'forsale'

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 09:25

Take him up on the aftermarket wheel, the Supra one is a tad bigger and with a thicker rim!!! I've got a smaller wheel in the XX, and that is SOOO much nicer to use!

Location: Melbourne, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 10:58

jeezus. Most are power assisted so why such a big wheel?
Stefan, I tried the site although it seems to be down? If you could send me a pic and price that'd be good.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 11:54

I actually like the wheel in my MA61... the steering has a nice quick ratio so the size of the wheel doesn't matter as much. Those tiny little steering wheels some people have annoy me, it's like driving a video game!

Location: Melbourne, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 12:01

yeah I do appreciate it doesn't take many turns lock-to-lock which is cool. I'd actually prefer a smaller wheel for two reasons:
a) more knee/leg room
b) heavier steering, it feels a bit over-assisted sometimes

I Supported Toymods
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 12:04

Hello All.
Of an owner/driver of a Celica and a Celica Supra (of the same year). I much prefer the Celica's Steering wheel to the Supra's one because of it being much thicker in diameter thus easier to hold in the hand. Diameter of the wheel is the same for both. The Supra's wheel is thin and bony with a fancy patten all over it...
That is my 2 cents worth.

Location: Melbourne, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 12:09

That's interesting because my Celicas wheel is very thin (thinner than the Supra one).

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 12:16

My Celica wheel was very thin. The Supra one was a bit thicker, and now I have a cover on it too, so its bigger again. Its pretty nice to use but...
as it was said, its nice to have a bit more knee room. The XX has a 350mm MOMO ripoff, which is a really nice size, as I like to have the wheel angled down a lot, which makes it hard to get my knees under.

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Mon, 23 September 2002 23:56

Sorry, I forgot that my server is relocating and will be down until Friday. I don't think this messageboard lets you upload a pic, so I guess I'll just have to email you.

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Tue, 24 September 2002 00:00

BTW If you want to see what my wheel looks like in the meantime, it is the same oldschool style as a Momo Montecarlo. It is nice and thick too - thicker than the wheel I now have on - and I think it's about 13.5-13.75" diameter.

Location: Hobart, Tas
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Tue, 24 September 2002 00:09

I know you sent me some pics of your car once but I can't find your email address. You'll have to email me at so I can send photos.
BTW justcallmefrank - none of the links in your site seem to work, which is a shame 'cos it looks like a nice site and I'm interested in the pics of your car, how to remove the dash etc. I'll link to you if you like once my server is back up.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: MA61 steering wheel
Tue, 24 September 2002 00:27
Haha, yeah dude. I lost my whole HDD and I'm trying to piece the site back together. I got it started, and put my new car up, but at the moment I'm kinda snowed with assignments.