Location: Windy Wellington (NZ) but...
Registered: February 2004
FS: AE86 Light Switch Units x2
Thu, 16 September 2004 01:33
Now befor you ae86 drivers with fucked up dash light start jumping up and down for joy just hang on. I have two unit which have both been in my car one is the original and one is from an AE86 foung at haveys in frankston.
they have both stopped working in my car one just a week ago (IE no dash lamps) but i know if your good with a soldering iron you can redo all the conections to get them up and working again (but being a lazy person and sick of cutting my hands up on crashed cars i went to toyota and got the last unit in OZ at a mere snippit of $223.15)
so im open to offers i can post interstate for extra as i know the feeling of having to wait for these things.