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Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2003
ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 02:55
does everyone else find heel-toe-ing in the ae86's bloody uncomfortable?
The accelerator pedal sits further in towards the firewall than the brake pedal - meaning you have to bend your ankle at a wicked andle to blip the throttle when downchaging etc....
has anyone modified their pedal or anything similar to combat this?
or do i just have an unflexible ankle?

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 02:58

I find that I can't heel-toe in the classic sense with the stock pedal setup. I've been thinking about what changes I have to make to get that all happening but haven't arrived at a solution yet.
I still give the throttle a blip on downshifts but it means coming off the brake pedal... not ideal...

Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 03:07

I either have to come off the brakes for a second to blip the throttle - which unsteadies the car before a corner..
Or risk compression lockup if i dont match the revs before a downchange.
are Jap spec ae86 pedals the same?

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 03:44

Mmmm after a doing it for awhile my right foot will start to cramp up. But i think my foot is screwed anyway
Location: wangaratta
Registered: May 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 03:49

this may sound stupid, but can you space the accelerater pedal out further, by 'chocking' the back of it out???
its probably easier than moving the brake forward???

Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:03

yeah i wouldnt want to move the brake.. i like having brakes..
maybee a dodgy aftermarket screw on pedal would space it out a bit.. or i could glue a chunk of wood on top

Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:07

If the brake pedal is not on the floor when fully pressed in, you could take the brake pedal out of the car and bend it towards the floor.

Location: Brisvegas
Registered: June 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:09

i had this problem on my old sprinter...the brake was further to the front than the accelerator. When i bought my current one i didnt have this issue...the pedals had been aligned
i know you can adjust pretty sure its the brake

Location: VIC, Sth Frankston.
Registered: July 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:20

for me to heel n toe, i have to use my heel on the brake and toe on the go pedal. my foot refused to twist the opposite way. Normal driving, I just blip the throttle on downshifts.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:38

how is your sitting position..if u sit close enough u can heal toe easily..
i always adjust my seat to the position where i can healtoe comfortably..

Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:47

I sit pretty close.. and a tad higher than normal.
its only ever a problem at track or drift days.. Just thought more '86 drivers might experience the same thing.

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 05:29

I can heal toe with great difficulty in the rona but the steering wheel is to be and gets in the way of my leg, the brake pedal is worn down on one corner cos my foot cant be placed flat on it cos my legs cant get under the wheeland thus not fluch with the brake pedal.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 05:35

the accel pedal on my ra65 is further back than my brake pedal but i have no problems heal toeing with it, then again i have rather large feet so that could help.
Your best bet would be to adjust the seat so that you legs are int eh most confortable position but still clear the steering wheel... its hard to describe but u'll know when u get it right because everything just "feels" right. also, u should be braking pretty hard to heal toe, makes things much easier

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 05:46

no matter where the seat is I cant clear the wheel my legs are a lot longer than my torso which means even when I sit back they still get in the way of the wheel, I can heel toe I use to do it but havent done for ages but it just hard to do it in my seating position. Put it this way my brother is 6 foot 2 and i'm just ubder six foot but my legs are longer

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 06:50

so basicly ur a mutant freak? oh well
Cant u adjust the steering wheel height? or is it fixed, thats probably the problem

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 06:53

im japanese sized so my ae86 is good for me, i sit pretty close and ive got sparco "grip" pedals on my 86 so hell toe is easy as hell
even get a little satisfying "breeep" when you have wet soles

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 07:08

yep steering wheel is fixed and yes my proportions are a bit out of wack.

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 07:35

Do most of you's break with you heel and throttle with your toe? or do you break with your toe? I think i'm kinda penguin toed so I find it easier to break with my heel.

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 07:39

4ageeza wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 17:35 | Do most of you's break with you heel and throttle with your toe? or do you break with your toe? I think i'm kinda penguin toed so I find it easier to break with my heel.

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004

Location: Castle Hill, Sydney
Registered: February 2004

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 08:48

Try 6' 5" in a Sprinter. Hard to fit at all.
My accelerator is a fair bit below the brake but can heel and toe ok. Toe brake and heel (or more accurately, side of foot) gas. I can only do it in skate shoes with nice fat soles, it doesn't work in any shoes that have a cut-away in the side or a little heel (like Doc's).
I'd imagine it'd wouldn't be too hard to space out the accel, or drop the brake if you really wanted.

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 09:02

when i put my razo pedals on the accelerator pedal had three adjustments to choose from, this allowed me to move the pedal closer to the brake. the adjustments worked in a scissor action

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 09:02



Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 09:57

4ageeza wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 17:35 | Do most of you's break with you heel and throttle with your toe? or do you break with your toe? I think i'm kinda penguin toed so I find it easier to break with my heel.
You is teh FREAK Joel!!!
And yeah, I have a bitch of a time heel-toeing in mine too on the street. On the track tho, it's different coz I'm mashing the brake pedal so hard that it becomes the easiest thing I've ever done.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 10:18

lol u guys are funny.....jap pedal is heaps different then aussie....i have one in my car and heel toeing is easy as pie (mmmmmmmmm pie) i know someoene who might have a jap pedal for sale, i highly recomend this as i tried driving my friends sprinter and yea...not a chance at heel toeing, in mine i only twist my foot like 30 degrees and its enough to rub the bottom of the accelerator yeah jap is heaps betta, now all of u go out and search or check ae92's i heard rumors that they can be adapted to fit

Location: Perth WA
Registered: June 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 12:21

I'm small as and i find heel and toeing my 86 easy as pie(Thank you Best Motoring foot cams!!!). I guess being small has it's advantages?????

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2004

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 12:34

i got jap pedals with after market pedals on them. easy to heel toe

Banned user
Location: ADELAIDE - The Drift City
Registered: July 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 13:16

piss easy for me...
i heel and toe in every car i drive. In the ae86 tho i dont acctually touch the peddle itself but rather that L bar that it attaches too.

Location: qld
Registered: October 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 13:46

i have no probs, but i use my foot sideways so my big toe is on brake pedal and little toe on the bar of the accelarator. on the tech side of things, the jap accel pedals sit closer and further out from the firewall than the aus spec, look at the 2 side by side to see the diff. jap spec much easier......

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 14:08

Every time this comes up, I find it amusing. For my own interest, several times I've tried bending, welding bits on to, etc. pedals, and gained little from it - in most cars, the stock setup works just fine for me. I simply use one side of my foot on the brake, the other on the throttle, and have no trouble controlling both of them independantly of each other the whole time. Everyone I've ever seen try and copy the way I do it can't, and I don't know why.. but hey! Initially, I used to find it a bit hard in Aussie cars (Holden, Ford) with a manual box, because the pedals seemed to be a bit wide apart, but somehow I just learnt to get over it and it's no problem now. And no, I don't have a plank of wood for a foot or anything - I actually reckon I've got a damned good looking foot

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 14:14

my accel is so far down, and my brake is so far up, that even when i push teh brake all the way to the ground i still have to reach so very hard to hit the accel.

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 14:18

Whatever it is, somehow I just don't find I have any trouble with that at all...
Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 14:30

I'm not 100% sure what you guys are looking for, and I may be waaaaaaaaay off the mark with this, but as an experienced user of an 18 speed gearbox (20 years driving long distance semi's) couldn't you just do it the way the truckies do it? Drop road speed by the brake, shift into neutral (no clutch) rev the engine (aka blip the throttle) then downshift (again no clutch). Matching road speed with engine speed is the critical factor.
In all the time I drove long haul I only ever used the clutch to get the vehicle moving from a standing start or to put it in 1st gear (with clutchbrakes that's necessary)
Just a suggestion, like I said, perhaps I'm way off the mark.
Location: Canberra, ACT
Registered: September 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 20:25

pffft, you are all brake-booster-loving GIRLS. My KE26 has unboosted brakes, and it makes heel-toe EASY AS PIE. Except I don't use my heel at all. The ball of my right foot mashes the brake pedal, and two or three toes blip the throttle. This technique works in many cars*, and saves your ankles!
* hence Falcadores aren't worthy

Banned user
Location: ADELAIDE - The Drift City
Registered: July 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 20:49

RodTE72 wrote on Wed, 20 October 2004 00:00 | Ummmmmmmm
I'm not 100% sure what you guys are looking for, and I may be waaaaaaaaay off the mark with this, but as an experienced user of an 18 speed gearbox (20 years driving long distance semi's) couldn't you just do it the way the truckies do it? Drop road speed by the brake, shift into neutral (no clutch) rev the engine (aka blip the throttle) then downshift (again no clutch). Matching road speed with engine speed is the critical factor.
In all the time I drove long haul I only ever used the clutch to get the vehicle moving from a standing start or to put it in 1st gear (with clutchbrakes that's necessary)
Just a suggestion, like I said, perhaps I'm way off the mark.
this would work in a dogbox, but in a scynromesh box it would take longer to change gears.
yeah im with Mrshin on this one... not sure why it is, but i find it easy
that said, you can raise the accel peddle further up, use some spacers behind the bracket on the firewall to bring it out a bit.

Location: Parramatta
Registered: July 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Tue, 19 October 2004 23:00

here is an easy fix... you know those rice pedals they make at the markets etc... get some and then you can bring them closer in together or if the acclerator is lower then the brake then just but the accl pedal on so that it brings in alignment with eachother or vice verca. it works i have done this and belive me its much easier because you can have the pedals a shit load closer.

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Wed, 20 October 2004 05:21

u could buy one of those after market pedals thats a giant foot to fit on the go fast pedal
pretty sure that would work
Location: mel
Registered: March 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Wed, 20 October 2004 05:39

4ageeza wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 17:35 | Do most of you's break with you heel and throttle with your toe? or do you break with your toe? I think i'm kinda penguin toed so I find it easier to break with my heel.
That is how some trucks driver hill start the full loaded truck, when the handbrake will not hold the full loaded truck.

Location: Melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 01:47

have you guys never stretched your ankles before?
i have no probs heel n toeing and i'm a short asian with a shoe size of 8.5.

Location: Melb
Registered: May 2002

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 02:28

I dunno what everyone is complaining about, my car is sweet. although you taller people might bang your knees on the steering wheel/column. Get a longer boss kit and sit further back.
I get cramps now when i drive a regular car that has a high up sitting position, my shins, cos i have to flex my foot up to stay off the go pedal.

Location: Adelaide, drift capital
Registered: May 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 02:55

Does anyone double clutch when heel-toeing or just rev match?
By habit I only rev match when downshifting from 5th to 4th and from 4th to 3rd, but i double clutch when going from 3rd to 2nd.

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 03:01

I sat in genkins 86 a few months ago, it was cramped and my knees were hitting the steeringwheel... and i'm not very tall at all, about 5'10.5" i guess
Then again, he has a bride racing seat which is really far forward on the furthest back setting 
My XX is alright with seating though, as long as the steering wheel doesn't get in the way of my knee's once again. It's all about the seating adjustments!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 03:15

why the hell do u double clutch....ur not driving a truck...and this is not the fast and the furious u only double clutch in dog boxes on trucks ...its completly useless for any other application unless ur clutch is completly buggered...

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 03:26

My clutch is buggered, so sometimes I have to double clutch.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: November 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 03:28

Quote: | application unless ur clutch is completly buggered
unless your synchros are buggered..
doble de-clutching is not really necessary for modern synchro gearboxes - matching the revs on downchanges however is invaluable..

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 04:14

4ageeza wrote on Thu, 21 October 2004 12:55 | Does anyone double clutch when heel-toeing or just rev match?
By habit I only rev match when downshifting from 5th to 4th and from 4th to 3rd, but i double clutch when going from 3rd to 2nd.
Sometimes - I did it alot when my synchros were shagged (into 2nd only) and I sometimes do it out of habit.
I recommend that you adjust the accel pedal if any as it is usually separate from the pedal box and about 20 times easier to bend than the brake pedal, you can whack it in and out testing each adjustment (try that with the brake!).
Personally I find heel and toeing easy as well as left foot braking and using no clutch.
To those who brake with their heel and blip with their toes - youse are FREAKS and I NEVER want to ride in a car with you.

Location: S.E suberbs, Vic
Registered: December 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 06:49

I found my sprinter has a much greater spacing inbetween the accelerator peddle and the brake than my AE-71 Corolla, I have been meaning to for a while to get another AE-71 peddle and put it in my sprinter to see if it fits.

Location: perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: ae86 - heel toe
Thu, 21 October 2004 07:18
heel and toe = easy for me
i first learnt how to do it in my previous car (CB lancer) the pedals were quite level so it was a shock when i first tried it in the ae86, which has the accelerator far down.
but im used to it now and can do it just by rolling my foot to the right
::brag, brag::