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Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 04:36
Err - I've got a few weight saving features that have unexpectedly (well actually I was expecting them) come with the TA23 shell that I purchased. What are ppls advice in this regard, the chassis rail looks farked on both the passenger and drivers side just near where they meet the rear-wheel arch.
Aside from this bit of structural rust though, the car isn't too bad (bits of bad rust near front and rear windscreens needs to be cut out etc). Should I rebuild these chassis rails or just look for a new shell? Other problem is that I'm guessing this car has been in some kind of accident as there is this wierd warpage pattern on the passenger side footwell. See the accompanying photos (don't pay attention to shoddy colour balance was night and lighting was limited )
First the passenger side chassis rail rust

Secondly the drivers side (check out that farken huge hole)

And lastly the wierd warpage (or what seems to be warpage) of the passenger side footwell (not sure if the drivers side is the same, haven't had a look)
Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 08:02

Hi Dude, umm TA23 Celica's are built using the Unibody construction method. They have very short subframe rails at the front to support the engine and suspension towers(inner guards). They also have stumpy rails at the rear, to locate the rear suspension components. What you have in your pics, are known as rocker panels or sill panels. You can buy these in sections, and replace them. Over 18 months ago I posted the address of a guy in QLD that will supply all types of rust repair panels. The warpage in the floor is typical of a car that has been involved in a shunt! NO 1 thing I suggest you do, is grab a tape measure, and check the whole body for square.
regards Chuck.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 10:04

Awesome - thanks a billion...I'm a bit of a reject when it comes to stuff that isn't an engine 
Will check the car for squareness - I guess it'll have to be pulled straight if it's out (I know of a few places that do this)...i'm guessing it won't ever be as strong as it was though. I know that the car has been in a front ender, but it didn't actually look so bad - I doubt the car is out by much but that warpage looks pretty horrible?
I'll look for that address off the guy (was there a ph # as well?) to try and get replacement ones. When you say unibody construction is that similar to monocoque design? No real extensive tower-tower sub/space frame?

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 10:14

Craig Vayne Sheetmetal Fabrications
Phone: (07) 4122 2326
Got it - seems this topic comes up every now and then my bad!

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 10:46

ChuckLandwehr wrote on Tue, 19 October 2004 18:02 | Hi Dude, umm TA23 Celica's are built using the Unibody construction method. They have very short subframe rails at the front to support the engine and suspension towers(inner guards). They also have stumpy rails at the rear, to locate the rear suspension components. What you have in your pics, are known as rocker panels or sill panels. You can buy these in sections, and replace them. Over 18 months ago I posted the address of a guy in QLD that will supply all types of rust repair panels. The warpage in the floor is typical of a car that has been involved in a shunt! NO 1 thing I suggest you do, is grab a tape measure, and check the whole body for square.
regards Chuck.
do you know if the guy does TA22 sections aswell?

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 10:55

by using the search function (as I should have earlier) you will discover that he fabricates them from example - so yes - if you can get a TA22 sill panel to him (even if it's rooted) he can probably fabb one up.
Location: ipswich queensland
Registered: April 2004
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Tue, 19 October 2004 22:47

i have replace both of my rocker panels and im just curious as to whether ur out sides look bad or not. ive put a link to a sample of how bad mine was.we were half way through fixin it wen i took the photo. bare in mind that we built these sections in our back yard with a hammer and a chunk of wood.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Wed, 20 October 2004 06:54

Yeah the outsides look a little bit farked - will probably replace them etc as I get further stuck into it!

Location: Rocky Mountains, Canada
Registered: May 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Wed, 20 October 2004 07:58

The rippling in the floor is just the sound deadning material.
The steel under it will be fine.
As for the hole in the passenger side floor, that will lead into the sill panel.
Have you taken the guards off?
Odds are there is lots more rust at the bottom of the FR guard around where it meets the sill and in the sill itself

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: TA23 Body Q...
Wed, 20 October 2004 11:23
That ain't sound deadening material - that's the bare stuff...already got rid of that dead weight! (although I will be adding some back in, although limited amounts)
Still working on all the panels and stuff, and got a bit distracted trying to work out this 3S/5S hybrid stuff while I was at it