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Location: Castle Hill
Registered: August 2003
I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 13:08
At last...I was driving the GF home, and decided to keep driving past her house for my own amusement, there are always birds hangin around her road, and I always aim at them to make her cry, but they always get out of my way! NOT TODAY!
Driving along, steer towards the 2 pegions in the gutter, they run INTO the road, one flys, his friend stayed... BUMP...BUMP...looked in rear vision mirror...feathers everywhere!!!
I know it is cruel, I have nothing against pigeons, only indian minor birds, but a hit is a hit!!!
and the look on the GFs face, hahaha classic!
Well yeah, just thought I'd share that with you guys before I go off to bed, to sleep, before I massively fail my HSC Maths exam tomorrow morning!
And just a quick question to any hippy/spiritual people that read GF told me that I will get Karma for hitting the bird, I just want to know what kind of Karma will I be recieving?, something nice and minor like a scraped knee, or something more savage like being squashed by a giant truck when I am stupid enough to walk into its path, or a happy medium like getting alcomohol poisoning on my birthday in 2 weeks?

Location: Perth
Registered: September 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 13:29

You killed a pidgeon. As you know, pidgeons are the only creatures on earth with a negative IQ. For penance you will probably become somewhat smarter, and your spelling and grammar will improve.

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 13:56

dont trust slab or block beer, only keg beer is best! or drink some wine, full body wine should do you good

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 15:10

give me your details. Im phoning the rspca

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 15:34

i agree with fractoid, birds are dumb and stoopid, nature give them wings to fly for them to use when FLEEING!! BUT NOOO!!! they decide to use their legs and walk towards to the further side kerb on the road while our cars are approaching near them..
Location: Somewhere on a dirt bowl ...
Registered: August 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 15:51

WHITCHY wrote on Mon, 25 October 2004 23:08 | At last...I was driving the GF home, and decided to keep driving past her house for my own amusement, there are always birds hangin around her road, and I always aim at them to make her cry, but they always get out of my way! NOT TODAY!
Driving along, steer towards the 2 pegions in the gutter, they run INTO the road, one flys, his friend stayed... BUMP...BUMP...looked in rear vision mirror...feathers everywhere!!!
I know it is cruel, I have nothing against pigeons, only indian minor birds, but a hit is a hit!!!
and the look on the GFs face, hahaha classic!
By the sound of it she needs a real man.
And just a quick question to any hippy/sQuote: | piritual people that read GF told me that I will get Karma for hitting the bird, I just want to know what kind of Karma will I be recieving?, something nice and minor like a scraped knee, or something more savage like being squashed by a giant truck when I am stupid enough to walk into its path, or a happy medium like getting alcomohol poisoning on my birthday in 2 weeks?
Nah, the karma would be her new man would be kicking you in the nuts. 

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 20:55

WHITCHY wrote on Mon, 25 October 2004 23:08 | And just a quick question to any hippy/spiritual people that read GF told me that I will get Karma for hitting the bird, I just want to know what kind of Karma will I be recieving?, something nice and minor like a scraped knee, or something more savage like being squashed by a giant truck when I am stupid enough to walk into its path, or a happy medium like getting alcomohol poisoning on my birthday in 2 weeks?
I was just having a drag on a massive reefer and finished painting more flowers on the car, while listening to the Mama's & the Pappas, when I saw this post. Karma is gonna bite you hard, my laddie! Better take extra care when crossing the road yourself next time. You shoulda hit a cat 'cos they're evil creatures and only good karma will come to you for that. Besides, they're triple the points of a bird. 

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Mon, 25 October 2004 23:35

olihaub wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 09:10 |
old_mr2 wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 01:10 | give me your details. Im phoning the rspca
no offence BUT
like they could do anything
besides u dont even know if it was a feral bird or not
and also the rspca only gets involved when u r starving or hurting animals repetitively
instant death is not wot they deal with
oh and like hes gonna give u his details now hahahahaha
grow a brain
Um, old_mr2 seemed to be joking... grow a brain.
Edit: fixed the wrong name.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 03:58

Should have left the bird in there and got the numberplates BRD KLR 
Also, you pansy! It's a bird.. with guts everywhere

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 04:20


Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 04:43

Arent those pigeon racing breeders pretty bad? Like if they realise a bird has no potential they just ring it's neck. Maybe they should drop em off at WITCHY's GFs street instead?

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 04:49

HyDrA wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 13:28 | Should have left the bird in there and got the numberplates BRD KLR 
Also, you pansy! It's a bird.. with guts everywhere 
Yeah the blood on my school uniform looked real good

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 05:33

Haha blood on a school uniform is cool though, the chicks dig the blood-thirsty psycho types

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 06:48

i was driving along at 100 and saw one, hit it, felt bad all the way home
i have a conciouss (spelled wrong too)

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 07:22

I hit a bunny rabbit once. Dumb thing ran into my tire.
I almost killed a cat aswell but I decided to do an endo instead
(in a van-The rear wheels came off the ground)
Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 07:33

I hit a dog once, scared the shit out of me. Got out to see if it was ok and the bastard ran away from me! (well f*ck you then punk)

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 07:51

as far as i know the pidgeons (those grey city ones) arnt native anyway so your arguably doing the enviroment a service by killing one. so you might get positive karma. that being said i dont run them over in my street cos i feel bad if i kill something for no reason

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 08:27

HyDrA wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 15:03 | Haha blood on a school uniform is cool though, the chicks dig the blood-thirsty psycho types
not at my school they didnt

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 08:34

Not to sound rascist but i almost killed this aboriginal guy that lives in a primary school on my way to work this morning at 4.30... Came over a crest doing an "undisclosed" speed to find him staggering across the road on his pushie high on paint. Had to do some gnarly evasive driving but all parties came out ok....

Location: Elwood, Melb
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 09:44

HAha you get 1 point.
I have 7 points so far, that includes running over a fox late at night just after I put on new rims, not good, but luckly no damage.

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 09:52

this is one funny thread!
especially like the original post, the flock of birds and the way out of left field aboriginal ones! aaaahhhh...
The only thing I have ever hit was a possum. I was driving through Mooloolaba car park and my friends says "look a big rat" as it was crossing the road right in front of me. I still tried to swerve but the stupid thing played dead in front of my wheel. After that, he wasn't playing anymore. It wasn't a rat BTW.
This is disgusting but later on that night I drove past again and it looked like someone had dropped a burnout on it. It didn't look very nice.

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002

Location: 1st street on the right
Registered: November 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 10:57

Maybe it was a racing pidgeon trying to drag you off.
Oh well a wins a win.
Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 10:57

Hehehe thats slack man.
Once on the way to work a indian minor came in front of me so i slammed on the brakes but i still hit it and felt sorry until i got to work and sore my mesh on my bumper was half torn .

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 14:49

i hate birds now !
i spent a shitload of time washing my car today then went inside, 5 minutes later there was a huge white patch in the middle of my roof

Location: Sydney, The Hills District
Registered: December 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 23:00

I'm all for running the faarkers down, especially those Indian Minna's, I do think its time we all focus our efforts on the bird to end them all


Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Tue, 26 October 2004 23:33

a kookaburra flew into my windscreen about a week ago. i was doing about 100 and when i saw it coming i slowed down and hit it at about 70. i clouldnt see it land behind me so maybee it was ok. i still felt pretty bad though. stupid bird
Registered: November 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 04:47

That kooka' was swooping in to grab your sausage off the barbie mate, if you know what I mean.....
Hope you had the windows up dude !
I've cleaned up what we call a '28' parrot over here in WA, its a stupid bird, that gets into our fruit trees. This one swooped low across the front of me and met my right front tyre face to face. He/she was just a bundle of feathers after that.
Stunned a rabbit near Bright a few years ago when driving thru there with an ex G/F. She loved me for it (a little later in the car) for going back to rescue the thing which was stunned, and woke up as soon as I picked it up. Bloody mongrel fur bag rippped the crap out of my wrist with its back legs before I flung the b@st#rd over the roof of the car, across the road and over the fence.....the look on the G/F's face was in-describable....
Climbed back into my car with blood dripping off me so we finally found a use for the first aid kit we had with us and I later learned that a little blood on the B/F turns the G/F on......nice.....
Also cleaned up two or three long brown snakes, soaking up the heat just on sunset on country roads. Did not stop to check on them afterwards.....dead rabbits waking up scared me out of that habit.... !

Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 08:02

Call CSI
Anyways, u really hit a flock of galahs, and got a pird stuck head first in the grille
Aint yall a bunch!

Location: Adelaide - Race Central
Registered: June 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 09:48

1 point pigeon
2 points galah
3 points cat
-3 points dog
4 points fox
6 points duck
8 points kangaroo
10 points cattle
20 points for hitting Big Bird!!
Bonus points for getting stuck in grille
Double bonus if the internals of the animal is present

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 11:20

GT4's do have a " bird catcher " - mines " swallowed " a sparrow in the hoodscoop + it lived to tell the tale to its bird friends ..
Since then - no bird has been near the " grey thing that eats you and SPITS YOU OUT! " the word must have spread ..
Cleaned up A cat though - felt awful for days ( even though i loathe cats )

Location: Newcastle NSW
Registered: June 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 12:42

whats a possum and rabbit worth?
ive hit
1 kangaroo 8 points
2 possums ? points
1 rabbit ? points
2 minor birds 2 points?
so far that takes me to 10 points pending 2 possums and a rabbit
i want a cat they are the ultimate trophy but im too scared to hit anything in my current car, too much fibreglass needed repairing after that roo

Location: Newcastle
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 14:10

Ah I like cats
And dont liek hitting things full stop, messy and I hate the idea of killing something in such a way. Since I hit one cat and saw it convulse uncontrolably out of pain and die in my rear view mirror, I stopped and moved it to the sid eof the road so it wouldnt get squashed, it was obviously someones pet, and just the way a dead creatures body is limp, it is sickening.
Plus yes I do luv animals in general but yea...

Location: Newcastle
Registered: June 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Wed, 27 October 2004 14:20

olihaub wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 09:10 |
old_mr2 wrote on Tue, 26 October 2004 01:10 | give me your details. Im phoning the rspca
no offence BUT
like they could do anything
besides u dont even know if it was a feral bird or not
and also the rspca only gets involved when u r starving or hurting animals repetitively
instant death is not wot they deal with
oh and like hes gonna give u his details now hahahahaha
grow a brain
hehe. give me your details. Im phoning your mother

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 01:38

A mate's dad hit a wild parrot when we were its head stuck in the grill, when we got home, pulled it out, and amazing it was alive, and reasonably in tact. Let it go, and it hung around there home for years, you could hand feed it and it would sit on your arm and stuff...
Pretty cool.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 05:14

I've got
2 x pidgeons 2 points (do i get a bonus for getting them at the same time ?)
1 x murrey river cod fish (how many points is that worth it was bout 3 foot long and prolly a foot wide)

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 06:28

How did you hit a cod with your car?
Location: Adelaide
Registered: April 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 06:35

It was on the road, someone must have caught it in the torrens and threw it on the road.
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 08:10

Apollo you are wrong. Karma (or Kammha as it is traditionally spelt) can occur in this life or the next. Bad kammha can also be lessened in recurrence by becoming enlightened. If he keeps killing birds for no reason then he is creating more bad karma. If he becomes enlightened and respects all for what it is, (seeing as all objects are the same, bird, human, plant, rock) then the bad karma will be outweighed if you like, by his enlightening.

Location: Canberra
Registered: October 2004
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 12:18

Tsk Tsk Tsk Whitchy
You are a bad person!

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 12:50

muaythaiman wrote on Thu, 28 October 2004 18:10 | Apollo you are wrong. Karma (or Kammha as it is traditionally spelt) can occur in this life or the next. Bad kammha can also be lessened in recurrence by becoming enlightened. If he keeps killing birds for no reason then he is creating more bad karma. If he becomes enlightened and respects all for what it is, (seeing as all objects are the same, bird, human, plant, rock) then the bad karma will be outweighed if you like, by his enlightening.
I just deleted 500 words on the topic of why most people these days have NFI what they are talking about when they loosly use the term karma, but I just CBF'd going there anymore. Just to give you a little to think about: Christians don't believe in karma. It's not in their belief system unlike a buddist's. They have heaven and hell and the 10 commandments, not rebirth and balancing out the universe. Look up the term poetic justice instead.
So then, your point is what? Because you've just re-written mine and said it's wrong, which made you contradict yourself.

Location: Elwood, Melb
Registered: August 2003
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 14:04

jonchai wrote on Wed, 27 October 2004 19:48 | 1 point pigeon
2 points galah
3 points cat
-3 points dog
4 points fox
6 points duck
8 points kangaroo
10 points cattle
20 points for hitting Big Bird!!
Bonus points for getting stuck in grille
Double bonus if the internals of the animal is present

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Thu, 28 October 2004 14:10

i ran over a dogma with my karma once
this dude i met once hit a pigeon with his car, except repalce the word "pigeon" with "owl" and replace the word "car" with "motorbike helmet while riding his motorbike"

Location: Newcastle NSW
Registered: June 2002
Re: I got my first Bird!!!
Fri, 29 October 2004 09:13
Alainve wrote on Wed, 27 October 2004 22:42 | whats a possum and rabbit worth?
ive hit
1 kangaroo 8 points
2 possums ? points
1 rabbit ? points
2 minor birds 2 points?
so far that takes me to 10 points pending 2 possums and a rabbit
i want a cat they are the ultimate trophy but im too scared to hit anything in my current car, too much fibreglass needed repairing after that roo
i scored a pidgeon on the rebound yesterday it got brushed by another car then went straight under my wheels with a cloud of feathers. theres something disturbing about the noise a bird makes whilst poping under 2 car tyres