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Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
tacho issue's
Fri, 05 November 2004 22:38
heya guys can anyone please help me out with this lil question.
i have a ae71 corolla and want to run the standard tacho with a quad coil setup running off a microtech ltx8 ecu, what do i have to do to the wiring to make it work off the 4 coils, or is there some where off or to the ecu that i can bridge off??? cheers

Location: VIC, Sth Frankston.
Registered: July 2003
Re: tacho issue's
Fri, 05 November 2004 23:14

good morning 
umm, i am not at all sure this is correct, but from what little electronics knowledge i have, and from things i have heard, this is how its done...

sorry about the quality n such. I made it myself 
Not sure about the current capability of the diodes, i wouldnt think it would be heaps. Hopefully this gives an idea..

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: tacho issue's
Fri, 05 November 2004 23:45

thanks for the diagram, i just need to know the specs for the diodes!!

Location: VIC, Sth Frankston.
Registered: July 2003
Re: tacho issue's
Fri, 05 November 2004 23:56

you could try some 1n5404 diodes, rated to 8 amps.
Location: sydney
Registered: March 2003
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: tacho issue's
Sat, 06 November 2004 02:34

plus if you find you are popping the diodes regularly (perhaps from resonance in the coils and HEI systems that run at higher voltages) you might want to add some kind of input protection to each incoming signal - probably a relatively robust zenner diode that goes to ground? (e.g. if input signal is >50V then send off to ground - probably via a resister for current limiting purposes.)
the electronic's guys will know more about wiring up something more durable that your diagram.
i'm just a hack when it comes to this stuff,

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: tacho issue's
Sat, 06 November 2004 06:49

cheers for your help guys, i will give it a go, and see what happens!!
thanks everyone

Location: Rosanna, Melb
Registered: June 2002
Re: tacho issue's
Sat, 06 November 2004 08:29

If you have a tacho out from your ECU I can send you a circuit that'll fix this signal so you can plug it into your stock tacho. It'll be a little sluggish, but works fine.
Gimme a PM if you're interested. I'll have to draw it and scan it. Needs a relay, a transistor and a resistor, so should cost ~$5 to make.

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: tacho issue's
Sat, 06 November 2004 12:37

D1,2,3,4 (add as many as you have coils) are 1N4004 - they don't have to carry stuff all current, no need for 8 amp numbers
ZD1 is a 1N4744
R1 is a 1K resistor
Should cost less than $1
Location: nth ringwood, Victoria
Registered: August 2002
Re: tacho issue's
Sat, 06 November 2004 23:38

on the motec we run 1 of the aux to run tacho then we use a relay to modify the signal can you do that with the micro tech
Registered: February 2004
Re: tacho issue's
Sun, 07 November 2004 03:35

Go see Sixworks for a tacho booster/converter. A few friends with aftermarket ecu's have them and the tach works great. He has a website too at

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002