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Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
best books to buy for Tech information
Sat, 06 November 2004 11:27
Just thought id throw this one to the dogs
What books/reference guides to all have in relation to modifying their cars
I hear " 20th century performance " is one of the best writeups available to buy as refernece and tech advice for modding cars
What else is out there worthy of mention !

Location: Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
Registered: January 2003
Re: best books to buy for Tech information
Sat, 06 November 2004 11:34

that all depends what you are after..
the Carrol smith books are always popular, and for even more techy (and less applicable perhaps) are the old P.Smith books.
Cya, Stewart

Location: Finland
Registered: November 2002
Re: best books to buy for Tech information
Sat, 06 November 2004 12:52

I just bought A. Graham Bell's Modern Engine tuning. I haven't read yet more than first two chapters but this book looks seemly book of basic theory.

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Registered: December 2002

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Registered: June 2002
Re: best books to buy for Tech information
Sun, 07 November 2004 05:38
20th century performance is OK, but not the best, i definately learned a few things from it, but the author's unscientific methods and assumptions leave something to be desired.
having bought it, it is a book i would rather have borrowed.
i very, very highly reccommend maximum boost, by coky bell, this is the best resource on turbocharging i have come across.
you can tell if a book is any good pretty quickly by thumbing trough it at your local technical bookshop, dotn be afraid to buy anything that looks good as you will learn heaps by it.
buy all and any of carrol smith's books, i still need to do this, i borrowed them from my uni library (engineer to win and tune to win) they are very good.