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I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 02:29

that's been talked about for a while... but at the moment the car manufacturers have enough clout to keep it at bay.
plus there's the issue of practicality..... it costs them more to puta limiter on, and the 5% of people who are actually willing to go faster than that are the same 5% who are willing to diable the limiter.
plus there's the argument about people who want to take their car to track days, etc.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 02:36

Bunch of wankers....only fuckwits would see their speedo as an incentive to speed on public roads anyway, and how many of those can afford a typhoon??
what about customers who pay a mint to own, register, and maintain a high performance vehicle who want to take their car to a track to get up to those speeds?? whats next?? inbuilt speed limiters at 110km/h??
this is just a rehash of the debate a year or 2 ago about imposing a static power to weight ratio for all australian cars so that no matter what style of car, or how heavy, the engine will be tuned to provide the same power to weight hence giving al lcars the same acceleration curve...

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 02:42

lucky my car is not "new" 
and the speedo says 240! w00t!

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 03:01

i say go ahead only cause im in NSW

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 03:54

I don't know about you guys but I personally don't look at the speedo when driving at high speeds (e.g. WSID etc.)
I would be quite happy if they made the speedo half the size and installed a larger tacho in the centre of the instrument cluster.

I Supported Toymods
Location: south Melbourne/KL
Registered: June 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 04:13

It's all FORD's fault for false/misleading advertising!! Even a 4agze can go well over 200km/h without speed cut!
Did u see the advert on the news?? win a NEW playstation 2!! WTF!!
It would be funny to see a 15yr old 4age overtaking a typhoon at 130km/h

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 06:12

it's on all new cars...i think i'll just keep the ae82

I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 08:02

EvilJack wrote on Tue, 09 November 2004 14:01 | i say go ahead only cause im in NSW
Quote: | THE Victorian Government wants to restrict speedometers on all new cars in Australia at 130km/h.
Heh, doesn't matter if our premier is a dick. You're still gunna suffer the consequences
Ah well, I don't even know the limit on my speedo. As a side note: does anyone know the limits of the MA61 speedo?

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 12:17

I don't know the limit on mine either as I've never gone that fast in it.
As for the topic, for sure there will be a dime a dozen shops open up that will specialize in speed limit removers. 
Actually, I'm having a guess, a simple chip swap will do it.
Anyway, it would sure hurt the car manufacturers as who would then buy a hsv or a xr6 turbo / xr8 when just a shitty little 4 cylinder or bog stock 6 will then suffice? Heck, why buy new when a 2nd hand is not limited?
300KW of powa! Pity you can only experience it for 2 seconds before the limiter kicks in. 
Anyhow, it's just a knee-jerk reaction with a bandaid solution is all it is.
They need to look at why people speed, their shitty levels of driving competence, and the state of the roads. But that's too hard and doesn't please the moron "outraged" crowed.
Plus there are those like me that the limit itself isn't the concern, it's the dictatorship attitude to having it put in place along with too much else lately that takes even more freedom from us.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: June 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 13:51

I totally agree Apollo.
I can't really understand how seeing the number "240" printed on the speedo would want you to get the car there, is this guy retarded? I think so.... what a douche bag
on a side note my speedo is digital and only displays the speed I am going with no indication of what the max the speedo goes to.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 09 November 2004 14:44

b1gb3n wrote on Tue, 09 November 2004 12:13 | It's all FORD's fault for false/misleading advertising!! Even a 4agze can go well over 200km/h without speed cut!
It wasn't misleading advertising, its a lack of advertising, they refused to release the top speed.
Frankly, this is all bullshit and another example of a public figure trying to drum up support by pandering to the conservative people who seem to have all the influence.
Location: Kilsyth, Melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:20

do many people on here, when speeding, check to see wot they are doin? personally i am concentrating on things around me to make sure i don't hit anything. yet another brilliant plan by some political dikhead

Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:28

Well, there'll probably still be a benifit buying a HSV or equilivent when limited. towing, cruising and accelerating, it'll leave everything else for dead.
I'd imagine that the speed limiter would help cut accidents caused by pplaters and the likes, "borrowing" their dads car for the evening. Yes, it would be damn easy to get rid of, but the people who can afford to blow $50K on a car, then go to the trouble of removing the restricter will have some sense about them.
People do speed just for the bragging rights. Remember the "what's you fastest speed" topic? How many poeple posted in that one. I bet there was at least 1 person that went out and flogged their poor stock corolla looking for that elusive 2-ton.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:29

This is true, but the predominant number of accidents aren't caused by speed, they're caused by people not bloody paying attention. They need to focus their attention to where it's needed rather than bandaiding a fictional problem.

Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:45

They've reduced the speed limit and done all sorts of stuff over the last 4 years and the road toll has remained static.
TRY SOMETHING ELSE! Its not speed that kills.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:49

if they limit my car to 130, the new game will be to see how many corners in a row i can sit on the speed limitier for 
(this is hills corners not highway ones)

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 00:54

my perception was that the cars weren't actually limited to 130km/ph but thats all the speedo read to. The idea is pointless if ppl are killed doing less than this now which majority are there is no point, the solution is better driver training but that doesn't generate funds so they wont do it. The truth is the government needs us to speed to support them, the same as gambling, alcohol cigarettes etc etc. They wont do anything that prevents it from happenig as they have a conflict of interest on the issue. Not to mention the fact that the ppl that suggest this shit the pedestrian councils are a bunch of absolute fuckwits that think ppl walk everywhere. Blame car owners for hitting an innocent pedestrian when that pedestrian could be stoned/drunk off there nut yet the driver is still at fault

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 01:07

justcallmefrank wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 10:29 | This is true, but the predominant number of accidents aren't caused by speed, they're caused by people not bloody paying attention. They need to focus their attention to where it's needed rather than bandaiding a fictional problem.
Exactly. Most crashes are less than 30km/h. And as you said, due to not paying attention. Especially at roundabouts and other things like driveways and turn lefts. People are watching to their right instead of whats going on infront. And even at such a low speed, it's damn easy to write a car off.
Quote: | Well, there'll probably still be a benifit buying a HSV or equilivent when limited. towing, cruising and accelerating, it'll leave everything else for dead.
They'll buy a 4wd instead. It'll be cheaper too and more useful than a speed limited "sports" car.

I supported Toymods
Registered: August 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 01:18

meh no care here
ill NEVER own a car built/sold in australia
fucking domestic shit...

Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 01:40

Apollo wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 12:07 |
Exactly. Most crashes are less than 30km/h. And as you said, due to not paying attention. Especially at roundabouts and other things like driveways and turn lefts. People are watching to their right instead of whats going on infront. And even at such a low speed, it's damn easy to write a car off.
I don't think these are the kinds of situations they are targeting. Also someone said about lower speed limits not helping, I don't think it's the people obeying the speed limits who are causing all that many speed-related accidents. I think it's targetted at 18-25 year olds who have either won lottery, or borrowed their dads car.
I'm against about everything else the government do, but I think that speed limiting cars is a good idea. It doesn't really restrict enthusiests, but will slow down the hoons. That said, if they limit cars to 180, then hoons are still going way too fast. Really they'd have to slow them down to 140, or lower, to make a difference, which prolly isn't going to happen.

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 10:50

RA28 wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 11:40 |
Apollo wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 12:07 |
Exactly. Most crashes are less than 30km/h. And as you said, due to not paying attention. Especially at roundabouts and other things like driveways and turn lefts. People are watching to their right instead of whats going on infront. And even at such a low speed, it's damn easy to write a car off.
I don't think these are the kinds of situations they are targeting. Also someone said about lower speed limits not helping, I don't think it's the people obeying the speed limits who are causing all that many speed-related accidents. I think it's targetted at 18-25 year olds who have either won lottery, or borrowed their dads car.
I'm against about everything else the government do, but I think that speed limiting cars is a good idea. It doesn't really restrict enthusiests, but will slow down the hoons. That said, if they limit cars to 180, then hoons are still going way too fast. Really they'd have to slow them down to 140, or lower, to make a difference, which prolly isn't going to happen.
| Yea, I went off on a tangent there. But yes, I would support a speed limited compulsory car for those in that age bracket, because I've been there myself. You don't need to go 130+ to deliver pizza. But even a 130km/h speed is still too fast for those types of people you mentioned. And suddenly if they want to go fast, they'll have to take themselves to the track like they should.
But along with that as well, the insurance companies will have to change their policies so little johnny can't take his dads' V8 commonwhore for a spin. Also maybe bringing in that 25+ sticker on cars would also be compulsory.
Quote: | meh no care here
ill NEVER own a car built/sold in australia
fucking domestic shit...
| You'd be assured that it would be incorporated into the compliancing process for sure if it was passed that every car had to be limited. Suddenly that makes that import that much more expensive and involves you no matter what.

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 11:32

Meh who cares
we live in a technology age people
electronic speed cut who cares
how many people on this forum could rig up a by pass in under five min
im willing to bet atleast 50 ehheheeh
how many people on here already drive speed limmited cars (jap imports) and have got the speed limmit deleted
pfft who cares
the cops just want it so u cant steal a car and go past the limmit were they call of the chase
anyways its late and im tired so this post is probly full of mistakes

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 11:38

australia is going down the shitter when it comes to cars i reckon...some fukin geniu sits in his office thinking up how many ways he/she can fuck around with the people
But i dont think it'd get passed through
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 22:28

SupraPete wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 10:45 | They've reduced the speed limit and done all sorts of stuff over the last 4 years and the road toll has remained static.
TRY SOMETHING ELSE! Its not speed that kills.
I cant remember where i read it, but there was a study conducted about road accidents and apparently the majority happen at or below the speed limit.
I've always been an advocate of investing money in more driver training instead of speed restrictions.
How about using the revenue raised from radar traps to reeducate repeat traffic related offenders or something like wont stop people from "speeding" so they may as well teach people how to handle their vehicles in bad situations.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 22:40

political stunt. Nothing more.
They no it wont happen this decade. Bracks is a Wanker. This is just another one of his continual attempts to attract support from certain sectors of the community. He knows they bills won't be drafted, nor get through parliment. However it lookso as though he is trying. Well I say he is out of touch with the mainstream....and reality.

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 22:43

sales in HKS SCD's and autometer 5" Speedos will soar!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 22:58

I've read (and this may not be true) that more than half of accidents happen in rural areas. The reasons for this are that people in such areas travel long distances, in bad lighting conditions, with no runoff on the roads (trees right on the curb in some areas) and on rough roads. These accidents happen at or below the speed limit.
I also read on a Victorian website that ~20% of accidents involve speed. I think thats pritty good as when I drive I think more than 60% of road users speed. Think about that for a bit.
Driving in a straight line isn't difficult. The problems start to happen when people don't slow down around intersections and the like. Speed limits obviously wont fix this. Only driver skill will.
As for speedos set to 130, I don't care. Limiting the car to 130 though... thats another story.
But yes, as has been said, the govornment doesn't want to stop you speeding. It just wants to catch you doing it so it can make money. Otherwise why would they charge you money for an offence? It's demented! I would have a lot more respect for the govornments road rules if they just put a $20 admin fee on all fines, and just deducted points. Although, I also think that the current law enforcement is far too strict and the whole system is fairly jenky.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 23:48

I think that if your speedo didn't go over 130kph then they would have a hard time giving you a speeding ticket for travelling over 130kph.
Let them go ahead and bring on the 130kph speedo I say!

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 10 November 2004 23:57

i definately agree with the cause of most accidents being people not paying attention. about a week ago i was on the harbour bridge in heavy traffic, me and the 4WD next to me been dead stopped for about 5-10 seconds when i heard about a 1/2 sec screech, and then a bang as a car ran up the arse of the 4WD. the 4WD didnt take much damage but i was just thinking 'thank god i wasnt in that lane' my car woulda got nailed.
i wouldnt car if they limited the speedo to 130, for starters i barely look at my speedo anyway. and usually the only times i go over 130 are when im going up the coast on holidays or something like that.
as for limiting the car's speed, thats fukd up. what if you want to go to the NT and have to drive those unlimited roads at 130. we went there a few years ago with my family and even my mum was doing 200, i was too young to drive though

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Thu, 11 November 2004 10:07

too bad vdo makes 280 km/ph speedos will just get one of them or a road angel etc that determines speed accurately through gps. Too many ways around it there is no limiter just a 130 km/ph speedo so its just stupid the tacho will help you indiacte spped anyway ie in my car 5th gear = 40km/ph per 1000rpm therefore at 5000rpm its doing 200km/ph they didn't think of that did they. Even a limiter means shit all look at the jap german cars or prime examples trucks supposed to be limited to 100kmph bah they have ways around it.

Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Thu, 11 November 2004 12:24

Corona RT142 wrote on Thu, 11 November 2004 21:07 | too bad vdo makes 280 km/ph speedos will just get one of them or a road angel etc that determines speed accurately through gps. Too many ways around it there is no limiter just a 130 km/ph speedo so its just stupid the tacho will help you indiacte spped anyway ie in my car 5th gear = 40km/ph per 1000rpm therefore at 5000rpm its doing 200km/ph they didn't think of that did they. Even a limiter means shit all look at the jap german cars or prime examples trucks supposed to be limited to 100kmph bah they have ways around it.
Obviously if people really want to they'll get around it. Speed limiters and such are just a deterrant, stopping the peolple who will have a run just cause they can. Most of the people who are dangerous on the roads will hopefully not have the ability or not be bothered to beat the restrictions.
Same with the speedo limit. shit, you could get some mates with stop watches and time you down the road if you wanted, but could most people be bothered? sure, they could get an aftermarket speedo, gps tracking, or whatever but most people will just buy another 6 pack and get over it. It's these people who shouldn't be going fast in the first place.

Location: Perth
Registered: September 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Thu, 11 November 2004 14:18

[quote title=RA28 wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 09:40]Apollo wrote on Wed, 10 November 2004 12:07 |
I don't think these are the kinds of situations they are targeting. Also someone said about lower speed limits not helping, I don't think it's the people obeying the speed limits who are causing all that many speed-related accidents. I think it's targetted at 18-25 year olds who have either won lottery, or borrowed their dads car.
I'm against about everything else the government do, but I think that speed limiting cars is a good idea. It doesn't really restrict enthusiests, but will slow down the hoons. That said, if they limit cars to 180, then hoons are still going way too fast. Really they'd have to slow them down to 140, or lower, to make a difference, which prolly isn't going to happen.
| So you agree with the idea, you just have a different PCTS (personal comfortable top speed). Thing is, you reckon 140 is OK, but some dipshit out there is probably going to think 50 is 'as fast as anyone should need to go' because it's their PCTS, and it's people like that that actually get out there and try to get this stuff passed.
I reckon train drivers to actually drive, give them experience in various situations at various speeds under controlled (ie. non-fatal when they cock up) conditions, and then they'll be able to choose their own speeds. High speed crashes always get in the paper, but from the statistics they're only a tiny percentage of actual casualties - focus on eliminating the stupid mistakes and people who can't drive, and you'll get results rather than just pissing people off.
OTOH, I'd be all for the 130km/h speed limiter if it meant they got rid of posted speed limits and let you do 'up to your speed limiter'... *grins at supra*

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Fri, 12 November 2004 05:01

LOL. "Up to your speed limiter". My speed limiter is called drag vs. power output. 
I think speed limits should be a bit more relaxed. How is it that a 70 zone is always a 70 zone?
In the middle of the day on a slightly overcast day (so no glare) in dry non windy conditions, I can drive down a road near me at 70.
In the middle of the night when it's foggy and pissing down with rain, and there are high crosswinds, I'm still allowed to hit that road at 70... Why? Why is that?
I think they should target bad driving, drink driving, people on drugs while driving, and bad road conditions. Not just speed. It's also too easy to get your licence these days.
They should probably improve public transport to get some of the more lazy drivers off the road.

Location: Geelong, Vic
Registered: June 2004
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Sat, 13 November 2004 08:37

well there will always be imports. good old Japan

Location: melb
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 16 November 2004 15:56

Its only the speedo they want to change not a limiter put on it..
Its a purely psychological thing...which I would support.
People are total dickheads on the road...especially anyone in a slightly powerful car (eg commodores - there is something wrong with the attitude of most ...ego..ooohh all that power) and anything that reduces the ego hoon attitde on the road should be supported...wether or not it has a massive impact is not important, it would cost the manufactures nothing and if it were applied to all manufactures totally fair.
manufactures in this country were against it...why? - because they sell most of their cars based on the perceived power/performance image (look at the holden V8 ute ad...which is blatantly hoon) - anything that diminishes this marketing ploy they are obviously against..
The government should encourage the local manufactures to produce more environmentally friend cars like the Prius-which has been a huge success in america unlike the monaro..then maybe we wouldnt be killing as many iraqis.
The local manufactures are narrow minded and backward looking.

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 16 November 2004 22:23

The thing is though thast could make it more dangerous as morons that don't undersatnd tachos will have no idea of how fast the car is going past that point.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 16 November 2004 22:28

Corona RT142 wrote on Wed, 17 November 2004 09:23 | The thing is though thast could make it more dangerous as morons that don't undersatnd tachos will have no idea of how fast the car is going past that point.
Who cares? If they don't understand tachos, knowing how many KPH they are doing isn't going to help them.

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Tue, 16 November 2004 23:36

Ahh well , he's offended car owners , and bike owners. Do we expect bracks to get in next time ? nahh ..
The guys a peanut - he'll bend over for any possible vote winning promise to the conservatives / greens / etc etc ..
as for false advertising - ahve a look at fords ads VS holdens ..
perfect exapmle:
Holden SS ute - Doing doughnuts, making noise , smoking tyres etc etc
Ford Xr8 ute - Ute trundles down the road , probably 10 KMH ... Burbleburbleburble , Chicks coming out of everywhere .. Tagline " ford xr8 ute - great pulling power "
Which one here shows " hoon " activities Go ford for taking the piss out of normal " car " ads 

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2003
Re: 130km/h speedo limit sought
Wed, 17 November 2004 06:14
rather than legislatign against speedos let legislate in favour of increasing driver education skills and for higher speed limits ?
oh sorry im dreaming hey :/