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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 02:24 Go to next message


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May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 03:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Tell us what you really think.
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No really. Totally awesome. THE best game I have ever played.

Makes doom 3 look like the steaming pile of poo that it really is.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 04:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
joorsh wrote on Wed, 17 November 2004 12:06

Makes doom 3 look like the steaming pile of poo that it really is.

Thats cos it is. Far Cry shits on Doom 3 from a great height.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 05:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whats wrong with doom3? doom3 was pretty good and so was farcry, now its time 4 some hl2, trade my project sprinter for a amd64 3400 & 6800GT any1? Razz
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 05:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Doom3 sucked balls in terms of fun compared to Far Cry.

I really need a new PC, at least I'm trying to justify one anyway Razz That said, I can play 1280x1024 full graphics on Far Cry even with my XP 2500+ and Radeon 9800XT.
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 05:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I did some more work on my LAN shop today (bloody gvt forms!). Should be good with 24 PCs playing HL2!!
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 05:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
install hl2 RIGHT NOW (4:57)! going to work at 5:25 OMFG NO
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 06:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What sort of processor, ram and graphics card do you need?

How much is it?

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Forums Junkie

Gawler, SA
August 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 07:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Doesnt require a lot, should be good on most computers. Ive got a 2.8Ghz + an nvidia 5900 and its good for 1280x1024 max.

$70 odd in shops or $35 off ebay Smile
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 08:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Is it REALLY that good though?

I'm considering buying the silver version from steam. Only works out to about $77AUD, and that's cheaper by what I've seen so far for just the normal store version which is the bronze version if I was to go and buy it from the stores.
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Forums Junkie

Gawler, SA
August 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 08:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Definately, been playing for for about 8 hours all up so far (unlocked last night at 6:30 so you get an idea). Pretty dam far and the gravity gun rocks. Fun combos

Grav gun + paintcans
Grav gun + rotary saw blades Evil or Very Mad
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 08:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Actually, I've got one more question before I decide, if I used my CC on steam, would the amount that's charged just be the cost of the game? Or does the bank add some stupid amount in fees because I'm buying in USD?
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Forums Junkie

August 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 08:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
only played the first 15 mins of it right now im watching my bro play it...bastard lol
gotta love the pet Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 08:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I love finding glass bottles and dropping them on patrollers heads from windows Very Happy

and yer - gravity-gun launching stuff is Mhad.

It's nice to have a game that takes more than 4 hours to finish - unlike bloody halo2 and medal of honour.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 11:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its like $80 at target (intro pricE) Shocked
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Forums Junkie

Gawler, SA
August 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 14:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I wish I had a 'dog' like in the game Laughing

I kinda wondering though why are the aliens you killed in the first one now your allies? I must have missed that somewhere but I finished the first and there wasnt really an explanation there.

[Updated on: Wed, 17 November 2004 14:05]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 14:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
joorsh wrote on Wed, 17 November 2004 16:26

It's nice to have a game that takes more than 4 hours to finish - unlike bloody halo2 and medal of honour.

Dude, you'll love Far Cry on one of the harder settings. I'd been playing for ages and thought i'd nearly finished. Told my mates what I was up to, and I'd just past half way... Laughing

I must get HL2 though...but AFTER exams, as if I need another distraction.
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 23:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lol I wouldn't allow myself to touch Halo2 till I had finished my last assignment

is HalfLife2 on the xbox yet?
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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Wed, 17 November 2004 23:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Damn black spider-like headcrabs... they do a lot of damage!!

I love picking up the huge circular saw blades wit the gravity gun and propelling them at the zombies... chops them in half!

Also, with the GG, you pick up an explosive barrel and throw it at one of the hanging bodies.... it'll do loops!! Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Thu, 18 November 2004 00:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I love just randomly pulling shit apart with the gravity gun, like heaters, bits off signs, etc.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Fri, 19 November 2004 11:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
F**k this is annoying Mad Did it take anyone else 2 hours to install the game???

The CD install went alright, then Steam had to update Rolling Eyes Unlock the game Rolling Eyes and so on... And I have to be on-line to play it, or else 'cannot contact Steam server' even though i've got the settings so I can use use off-line play...

When I buy a game I ought to be able to play it, think i'm gonna take it back tomorrow Sad
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Fri, 19 November 2004 12:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I pre-installed Half-life 2 over steam about a month ago. When I bought HL2, I just put in my CD key into steam and away I went. pretty straightforeward for me!
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Fri, 19 November 2004 15:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I just started getting into it. I thought it was really dissapointing that there is no DM multiplayer. CS is good, but it's exactly the same as Half Life 1.

Single playing is ok so far, but I prefer net games.
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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Sat, 20 November 2004 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I put it on 5 hours ago, just now come up for a breather. It works fine on my system - Ath1800+ with GF2ti video card (I'm not upgrading my home PC as I won't need it for gaming soon)

Had to keep going to the bathroom as theres so much adrenalin going through my system.

What an awesome game Shocked Its better than Half-Life 1 and thats saying something!

Just got the shotty, those spider/humans that are on all 4s scare the sh1t outa me when they jump out!

I wonder if I can sell my yahoo email/messanger account ""
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Sat, 20 November 2004 11:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
All complaints about Steam aside Mad This game is awesome Very Happy

Bit the bullet & bought an extra 512mb ram (bringing me up to 768mb total) and it runs fine, even on my crappy 32mb video card. I'd hate to see the game running on their 'minimum' requirements No No No

[Updated on: Sat, 20 November 2004 11:25]

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 10:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is it me or was this game short and the ending ghey with teh aids Confused
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Forums Junkie

Gawler, SA
August 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 10:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Short and very very brief ending. I guess they didnt want to put to much explanation into it because there needs to be some surprise for HL2 expansion and HL3.

I want more dammit Mad
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 10:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just like the matrix.... i hope it dont endup getting all gay and shit with some gay ending where every one wins and a sex scene Rolling Eyes

edit: in hl3 that is

[Updated on: Mon, 22 November 2004 10:59]

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Forums Junkie

July 2002
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 13:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It is too short. The end is very reminicient of HL1

Its like HL1 but without going to the other world and going through all the crap there.

Well Worlds of Warcraft comes out today. I'm gonna buy it at lunch time and probably play it for the next month or so.
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 14:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
worlds of warcraft, GOOD!
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 22 November 2004 14:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WOOHOO! Junkie!

Just happened Smile
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Half Life 2 Tue, 23 November 2004 00:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is wow pay to play?
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Half Life 2 Mon, 29 November 2004 15:43 Go to previous message
Toymods game ratings...

RICH PPL CRITERIA with highend specs pcs their dad bought them
*half life 2 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*doom3 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*farcry Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*NFSu 2 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

POOR PPL CRITERIA who still plays halflife one with their fully sick voodoo 2 cards
*half life 2 Very Happy Very Happy
*doom3 Sad
*farcry Smile Smile
*NFSu 2 Smile Smile

AE86 OWNERS who like games, specially seeing thier fav car in a game.
*half life 2 Surprised Surprised Surprised
*doom3 Surprised Surprised Surprised Surprised
*farcry Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*NFSu 2 Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile OR Mad (plus a minus 1)

FAILING STUDENTS ( like myself )
*half life 2 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*doom3 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*farcry Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
*NFSu 2 Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

[Updated on: Mon, 29 November 2004 15:45]

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