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Forums Junkie

Banned user

ADELAIDE - The Drift City
July 2002
SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 08:23 Go to next message
Why must the SA section be locked just because the actions of a few people? Why not ban these members or restrict them from posting in the SA section from here on in.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 08:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

what he said....
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January 2004
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 08:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if u read what was posted in there just prior to the 'lock up', you would realise that obvoiusly the person who posted it had no care whatsoever about keeping the SA section open.

i dont think u can stop them from being total idiots no matter what u do. its a shame. where can i organise my iced bbq cruises now?

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July 2003
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 09:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
those idiots


whoever you are: its all your fault

**** off and dont come back
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Occasional Poster

October 2004
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 11:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message

[Updated on: Mon, 22 November 2004 11:19]

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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 11:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message

i wish i knew exactly what was happening so i could advise further, but alas i do not.

It is safe to assume however that this decision was NOT made lightly and is no doubt the best/fairest/safest and utmost effective course of action that the Toymods board took.

Anyway - rather than jumping up and down screaming in the public area like little kids who have had their playstations taken away, why not email the board directly to find out what happened and see what the future plans are that the board has???

Hope to see that email soon....
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Forums Junkie

Banned user

ADELAIDE - The Drift City
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 12:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well we're not exactally jumping up and down screaming, just want to know why the section was locked thats all.

eamil address to send email too pls?
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 12:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it was an exaggerated similie mate..... nevermind

as always, as listed in all the important sticky threads etc etc etc

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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 17:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Anyway - rather than jumping up and down screaming in the public area like little kids who have had their playstations taken away, why not email the board directly to find out what happened and see what the future plans are that the board has???
This is the feedback section isn't it? I dunno what stuff has been edited out in this thread, but really we are ALL being treated like little kids just because a few people are acting like them. I'm just going to go all parochial and start muttering about eastern-staters...I say 'whatever' this rate I might as well go back to the rally community rather than the local SA modifying community - too many tossers Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 22:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ummmm Mr Witzl i actually sent a board member a PM regarding the SA section and am yet to recieve a reply Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 22:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FWDboy wrote on Tue, 23 November 2004 04:30

This is the feedback section isn't it?

I agree this is the feedback section and definitely the place to ask questions like this.


I say 'whatever' this rate I might as well go back to the rally community rather than the local SA modifying community - too many tossers Very Happy

This is the whole point, we don't want people acting like tools on the forum. There were a hell of a lot of people getting involved in the arguments in the SA section.

Simon-AE86 wrote on Tue, 22 November 2004 19:23

Why must the SA section be locked just because the actions of a few people? Why not ban these members or restrict them from posting in the SA section from here on in.

OK lets take a look at who posted in the threads that were deleted.

big JON
J i m m y
RA65 Sleeka

These are the people who posted either specifically on the topic that was happening, or as discussion which had nothing to do with organising events, in those threads. Now I feel for some of these people as they just wanted the pain to stop but it was done.

Are you suggesting we ban all of these people?

There have been a huge number of warnings for the rubbish that goes on in the interstate sections. Surely if people are old enough to drive they are old enough to know that if you constantly ignore the rules there will be consequences.

We do not need people bringing these forums and club into disrepute.

I have actually had PM's from SA people thanking me for locking the section as it was embarrassing for them to be associated with what goes on in there.
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Siktoy ra23
Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: SA section locked Mon, 22 November 2004 22:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!!!
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Tue, 23 November 2004 00:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I have actually had PM's from SA people thanking me for locking the section as it was embarrassing for them to be associated with what goes on in there.
I can't help but agree with that sentiment.
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Forums Junkie

Gawler, SA
August 2003
Re: SA section locked Tue, 23 November 2004 01:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What about if someone knocked up a forums on some free webspace to cater for crap threads and then the SA section can be left for proper material? Would it get unlocked if that happened?
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: SA section locked Tue, 23 November 2004 03:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Callifo wrote on Tue, 23 November 2004 12:43

What about if someone knocked up a forums on some free webspace to cater for crap threads and then the SA section can be left for proper material? Would it get unlocked if that happened?

What is different between that situation and how it has been since at least March when we really cracked down and enforced the events only rule?

There has always been other forums out there for people to talk rubbish on, and this forum has been here for a fair while with a section for people from SA to organise Toyota events on. That didn't stop people from posting any random rubbish they wanted in the SA section though.

I'm sure in an ideal world where people were responsible and cared about ruining things for others your plan would work, but in reality it is no different to how things have been before this action.
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Forums Junkie

Club President
I supported Toymods

May 2002
icon1.gif  Re: SA section locked Tue, 23 November 2004 08:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I have posted an Official Update in the SA section to keep everyone up to date with the current state of discussions.

Simon-AE86, This is Indeed the section for discussions of this nature and I/we appreciate you posting it in the right section.

Mr 1GGTE, This time as per last time you have either misread or simply ignored the boards requests. We make it quite clear and it is clearly written. If you wish to discuss something further with the board. EMAIL them not PM them !!!

An email to the board or a thread in this section allows ALL the board to see your point/question etc and look into it. A PM is not the way to go about it.

The Toymods Board will discuss this further and once a decission has been reached we wil let everyone know.

In the mean time I personally encourage those of you serious about the Modified Toyota scene to continue on amongst yourselfs. I would hate to see a random allegation against some of your members be the downfall of the SA Toyota movement. I do however support the boards current action 100%

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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: SA section locked Tue, 23 November 2004 22:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Personally guys it's about time this happened.
As much as we need / use the SA section we also abuse the hell out of them ... to the point that it has turned some people off of being part of the modified scene in Adelaide.

All I ask is that the board possibly contact some of us good SA people to hear our thoughts on their possible decision, but I also understand that these forums / website are for 'Toymods Members' as in the actual car club, and that the decision is the Toymods boards.

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I supported Toymods

SA; Home of Car Scene BS
January 2004
Re: SA section locked Wed, 24 November 2004 15:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
13_954 wrote on Mon, 22 November 2004 19:50

those idiots


whoever you are: its all your fault

**** off and dont come back

Just to let you know dude, if you were actually reading the posts, Jon, myself and Luke all said nothing except for people to shut up so that we dont get the forums locked. As for you telling us to **** off and not come back, im sorry but i think ok, yes it was coz of us that this sh*t was posted but look at the number of people that had to have thier say.... Jon, Luke and myself all told everyone to stay out of it and that way danielle would've just got banned and everything would have been sorted... But no... everyone else had to have their say about this crap.

Sorry... but it needed to be said, because everyone is blaming jon, myself and luke for the banning when in actual fact you all contributed to it by responding, even after we asked everyone to drop it..

As for the SA section being locked, we all were warned, we all knew the consequences and i agree that it was well deserved.. sorry to say it, but its true, why do you think that the 3 main people involed in this crap didnt post, we were all aware that the forum was gonna get locked, but no... once again, everyone had to have their say and now will suffer the consequences...

Sorry for the long post everyone, but really, i thought it was about time that i spoke for the people involved. I think its stupid that everyone is blaming us, when everyone could clearly see we were the ones asking people to please stop posting... (the posts had been reported and thats where it was supposed to end) Just have a look at the members who posted...
We were warned on several occasions and many members abused that right.. And now our forum is locked... Be mature about it... Its ok, we'll keep going on the way we are now... nothing has changed, and im sure soon enough, the toymods board will allow us to repost in the SA section..

A huge thank you goes out to Rod (thetoyman75).. you know what for Very Happy

And to the Toymods Board... Hopefully you will come to the right conclusion, but you know that i for one will respect and understand any choice that you make..

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Occasional Poster

October 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 25 November 2004 10:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
13_954 wrote on Mon, 22 November 2004 19:50

those idiots


whoever you are: its all your fault

**** off and dont come back

bahahahha that is the biggest wanker comment i have read on these forums. Those 4 people are what the arugument and shit was about but they didnt keep posting about it (except danielle but damn she has some good comments to say).

Seriously though its quite disappionting to see moderators with such harshness to general chatter. A car club is where "friends" who share a common intrest come to chat to other friends about cars and life in general. Its a club..... clubs are meant to be sociable not stricly car talk. True there is a limit to how much general talk there is and that usually limited to 1 thread on normal forums and all is happy there. Id just like to give u an example. Ausrotory has taken the same path as the mods on here banning all general chit chat in all state threads and then they started to ban it all together...... most people have left his club and a new forums has been formed under the name Australian Rotorys (or sumthing like that) and that is booming and a great place for rotor loves to go because it has 1 thread in each state section for general chit chat. Really i dont blame anyone from SA and anyone that posted in there for what happened. I blame over moderation. Its a car CLUB..... stop destroying the club side to it moderators.

This will probably be deleted and ill probably will be too but i think i have put up a fair arguement and if it deleted it proves my point of over moderation and having a right to speach.

[Updated on: Thu, 25 November 2004 10:58]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 25 November 2004 10:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
new SA FORUM!!! Very Happy
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big JON

September 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 25 November 2004 11:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
13_954 wrote on Mon, 22 November 2004 19:50

those idiots


whoever you are: its all your fault

**** off and dont come back

Oh right, so this is my fault how? INNOCENT BYSTANDER HERE

MR 1GGTE wrote on Thu, 25 November 2004 21:15

new SA FORUM!!! Very Happy

Damn straight!!

I dont blame the mods for deleting the threads, or locking the forum. It really was deserved. i remember when i posted my drag times in the sa section, all that was said was "how much of an idiot are you?", but this time people went over the top, thats why it got deleted. Not because of what was posted, but because every man and his dog went to town and blew it out of proportion instead of reading it, having a laugh, whatever, and moving on.

So dont say its because of these four people. One person started it, but every single one of you that posted in those two threads is at fault too.

/end rant

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Forums Junkie

Banned user

ADELAIDE - The Drift City
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Thu, 25 November 2004 12:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
at fault? for posting owned pics "peronal attacks are not allowed"? i think not...

[Updated on: Thu, 25 November 2004 21:59] by Moderator

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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: SA section locked Thu, 25 November 2004 21:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Browny, the rules about the state sections have been in place for a long time. I realise with your grand 36 posts 72% of which are in the SA section since you registered on the 1st of October you may not have been aware of what has happened before. However the rules are clearly stated at the top of the state sections.

We have an area specifically for non car discussion. I see you've never actually posted there though. So what you're saying is that not having an area for random chat will kill the forum but you choose not to use the area dedicated to what you're after. What you mean is that you want everything to run the way you want, to hell with what the people that run it want and what the aims of the site are.

As to the "over moderation", what would you suggest we do with threads that are full of personally defamatory material posted in a state events section? It appears that you think they should have been left there. If that's the case and you are one of the moderators for the new SA forum then I hope you've got a good lawyer. There is no reason why that rubbish should have been posted onto a car forum. We do not need this kind of rubbish tarnishing the name of Toymods.


A car club is where "friends" who share a common intrest come to chat to other friends about cars and life in general. Its a club..... clubs are meant to be sociable not stricly car talk.

As to this comment, are you a member of an actual official car club? Not just a member of a forum or a group of people who like to call themselves a club. Toymods is one of the most social car clubs I can think of. There are several people who don't want to join for the simple fact that the club is so social. This forum has been specifically aimed at being social, spreading info and serving the needs of our club members. This is why the outhouse exists so people can have non-car related chat. The problem seems to be that you guys aren't willing to accept that there is an area dedicated to this and just want to chat with SA only.

This forum is about a Toyota community built around the Toymods car club. Splitting the discussion up into separate state areas does not accomplish this aim.
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: SA section locked Fri, 26 November 2004 10:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Alright, i have been following this thread for a while, and finally i will post. But i have thoguht long and hard about this.

As someone who is currently considering moving to Adelaide, and has been following the SA forums occasionally for a while now just to get a feel for the scene. To be honest i havnt been impressed much. I have respect for some of the members in SA but in my personal opinion i think the amount of disrespect on the SA forums (vic too) for not only the moderators but each other as well is disgusting. If i was reading this from the point of view of a new member interested in Toyotas living in Adelaide i think i woudl be turned off from even approaching any of the SA members.
As for over moderation, while i think it may be slightly harsh sometimes, i think its is well proportioned and for good reasons as well. The chance of litigation over defamation is quite high. Indeed one of the forums i am on took the owner of the board to court for defamation.

All in all i am in full agreement with the board's decision to lock the SA forums, and i have recently even been reviewing my own decisions and whether i will take part in the SA Toymods scene if i move to Adelaide.
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Forums Junkie

Banned user

ADELAIDE - The Drift City
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Fri, 26 November 2004 11:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what people fail to realise that is the "sa toymod members" are acctually just a bunch of people who like to get out and drive their friggen cars. this forum is simply a vent for when we are not driving.

speaking on behalf of the drivers type of people, they couldnt really care less about the BS that goes on
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: SA section locked Fri, 26 November 2004 12:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Seriously though its quite disappionting to see moderators with such harshness to general chatter. A car club is where "friends" who share a common intrest come to chat to other friends about cars and life in general. Its a club..... clubs are meant to be sociable not stricly car talk.

the outhouse is what you are describing, go there and post your dribble.


True there is a limit to how much general talk there is and that usually limited to 1 thread on normal forums and all is happy there.

again, you are describing what the forum already has.

i think the point is that the state sections are for state EVENTS. the 'SA' type chatter can be held in the outhouse under "what do you think about blahblhalah in adelaide" or "lookin for shops in sa for gearboxes" or "i hate mandy coz shes a tart (SA)" etcetc

that way if its piss funny then we can all laff or cry Wink
rather than ppl who only rear THEIR state

easily understandable.. but if you wanna talk just shit all day. is ther place for you.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: SA section locked Sun, 28 November 2004 01:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

As someone who is currently considering moving to Adelaide, and has been following the SA forums occasionally for a while now just to get a feel for the scene. To be honest i havnt been impressed much. I have respect for some of the members in SA but in my personal opinion i think the amount of disrespect on the SA forums (vic too) for not only the moderators but each other as well is disgusting. If i was reading this from the point of view of a new member interested in Toyotas living in Adelaide i think i woudl be turned off from even approaching any of the SA members.
takai - just don't approac the ones that post all the crap! I think what you are saying is exactly WHY toymods is moderating the forums so harshly because I personally believe (and I guess the Toymods board agrees) that the shit posted on the forums is misrepresentative of the car scene over here and will deter people from investigating or participating. There will always be a vocal few that like to shoot their mouths off about such and such because they are right and someone else is wrong. But that doesn't mean that they represent the majority of SA, it just means they have alot of spare time for internet forums.
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: SA section locked Tue, 30 November 2004 02:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Out of interest:

has the Toymods board met - and discussed the future of SA section?

If it has been determined that it won't be reopened, well and good.
If it will be reopened - is there any indication as to when / how / what restrictions will be placed upon etc etc?

Cheers for the info (if any is available)
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: SA section locked Tue, 30 November 2004 13:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Next board meeting is a couple of weeks. Being that is so close to christmas it all depends on a number of factors (predominantly time) as to whether a decision is made on the SA section and what actions are to be taken etc.

Basically, as soon as something is decided, it will be announced.
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: SA section locked Tue, 30 November 2004 22:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cheers Witzl

*just quietly --> don't rush a decision I'm sure there is more important things to discuss*
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Forums Junkie

Rocky Mountains, Canada
May 2002
Re: SA section locked Fri, 03 December 2004 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

what people fail to realise that is the "sa toymod members" are acctually just a bunch of people who like to get out and drive their friggen cars.

Not true.
I think quite a few people were using owning a Toyota as an excuse to chat about unrelated crap on the SA forum.


this forum is simply a vent for when we are not driving.

Well, this is the problem isnt it?
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 00:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The SA section has been unlocked.

Of course it is still only for events and not discussions. If this is abused it will have to be dealt with more permanently.
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Forums Junkie

August 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 01:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just have a secret SA thread.
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Forums Junkie

August 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 01:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Im lost dont wory about me.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 01:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message

obviously Rolling Eyes

besides if we wan to jibber some local crap then TCC is where that takes place Smile

Toymods will be used specifically for events only Smile
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 06:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Guys I went to post an event in SA section

about the upcomming classic celica club cruise on the 19th (yes I know I've posted about it in cruises and events)

when I did - it comes up asking for a posting password?

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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 07:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ra23mad wrote on Thu, 16 December 2004 17:06

Guys I went to post an event in SA section

about the upcomming classic celica club cruise on the 19th (yes I know I've posted about it in cruises and events)

when I did - it comes up asking for a posting password?

My mistake.

I took the removed the password but I didn't remove the prompt for the password, if you just used a blank one it would have worked.

I've fixed it now. At least I think I have let me know if there's any other issues.

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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: SA section locked Thu, 16 December 2004 10:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Heh Cheers Smile It's always the smallest thing that causes a problem

I didn't even think of trying no password Smile

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Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: SA section locked Sat, 15 January 2005 15:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Here's a suggestion.

Maybe have re-open the SA section BUT only to official toymods members who reside in SA.
It's like how certain actions are denied to us because we're not administrators. Have it so that their nick has to be on the list for them to use it.
If anyone starts to abuse it, have their membership cancelled and have them permanently banned or maybe banned for a period of 3 months or something like that.

This way only the people of SA can access the SA forum and only the SA people are responsible for keeping it up/not abusing it so if it gets shut down a second time - it's all their fault.
Trial it maybe and see how it goes?
Just a thought.

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Forums Junkie

January 2004
Re: SA section locked Sun, 16 January 2005 08:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i see 2 probs with ur plan thu187

first, there is no sa version of 'toymods' as a club.

and secondly, the sa section is already open, and has been for a month. Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: SA section locked Sun, 16 January 2005 22:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ARCH: no shit, welcome to last year champ (literally) Laughing Laughing
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Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: SA section locked Tue, 18 January 2005 13:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL my bad Laughing Embarassed Razz Rolling Eyes Shocked
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Forums Junkie

September 2004
Re: SA section locked Tue, 18 January 2005 13:49 Go to previous message
Double post Embarassed

[Updated on: Tue, 18 January 2005 13:49]

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