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Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Throttle cable/pedal
Sun, 05 December 2004 22:15
What throttle cable and pedal do people use in a ra23? IE what pedal bolts in and what cable was used?
I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Sun, 05 December 2004 22:20
my RA28 uses an RA65 item, was already installed by previous owner but doesnt look like anything had to be customised
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Sun, 05 December 2004 22:50
Sweet mate, thanks, that' shoudl do the trick.
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2004
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Mon, 06 December 2004 01:49
i did mine on the weekend.
I used the pedal from a ra40
works a treat! a LOT better to drive now. wish i did it ages ago.
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 00:27
Thanks mate.. I assume though that the ra40 is a cable setup, and not a rod setup like the ra23?? Bolts in good? feels the shiznit?
Location: Brisbane
Registered: August 2003
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 00:55
Does the RA40 still have the massive pedal that pivots at the floor, or does it have the smaller pedal that pivots from the top like the brake and clutch?
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 03:26
Pivot at the floor I would imagine
Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 03:53
RA40 has a non-floor pivot pedal but it is still throttle linkage not cable.
RA65 is teh go
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 04:33
ra65 pivots off what exactly?
And it's cable right?
Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 05:08
I'm runnig a ra65 in my crown had to drill the firewall to suit it.
Its cable and pivots off the fire wall
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 05:12
that's probably the stuff then, cos I need cable and pivoting off the firewall. Depending on the bolt holes I'd say
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2004
Re: Throttle cable/pedal
Thu, 09 December 2004 08:40
yea i modified the ra40 pedal to use a cable.
ra40 pivots off the firewall like any newer car.