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Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Wed, 16 October 2002 05:28
3TG turbo Manifold and Turbo
Im after 1 of these
so if u have 1 or know any1 that does plz let me know

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Wed, 16 October 2002 06:45

i sold one of those with manifold last weekend for $200 and chucked in a turbo dump and exhaust to suit for free

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Wed, 16 October 2002 06:55

Bugger :\
i had been putting it off but it looks like i shouldnt have been
well if any1 else has 1 let me know

Location: hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Thu, 17 October 2002 11:46

hey dude!
i have a re-built CT20 of my 3T-GTE thats had 10,000 km of use!
it cost me $600 for a rebuild so im asking $380 for it!
dont have a maniflod though!

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Thu, 17 October 2002 15:38

is the tubo water or oil cooled??

Location: hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Fri, 18 October 2002 07:11

no its oil cooled but apparently it is rather easy to convert to water cooled!
are u intersted?

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Fri, 18 October 2002 07:30

nah not really sorry
thanks anyway tho
i more just after the manifold right now
and i think ill get a ct26 if i can

Location: hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Sat, 19 October 2002 02:26

just a word of advice!
are u thinking of bolting a CT26 on a 3TG or 2TG?
if u are dont bother!
ive already tried this and no power gain can be achieved!
the CT26 turbo takes a shit load of time to spool up and doesnt do anything than a stock CT20 will do!
i put a CT26 on my 3TG and found that there was humungous amounts of LAG and it wouldnt spool up till about 5000 rpm, which was even useless on the race track!
just something for u to think about !
thanks ben!

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Sat, 19 October 2002 03:00

fair enough then:)
have u got any pics of your turbo?

Location: hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Sat, 19 October 2002 13:34

can have for u tommorow by lunchtime!
will take pics first thing tommorow morning!

Forum Sponsor
Location: Shepparton (Vic)
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Mon, 21 October 2002 23:35

I have a 3TGTE exaust m/f to sell .

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Tue, 22 October 2002 03:43

Blacksprinter RE: Word Of Advice.
I have a 3T GTE fitted with a CT26. It makes boost at about 3000rpm (not much worse than the pathetic CT20). The power curve on the dyno almost mimics that of the CT20 until you get higher in the rpm band. This is when the CT 20 falls flat on it's face, and the CT 26 shows a clean pair of heels.
I have so far found the following.
1: At the same boost the CT 26 makes more power.
2: The torque curve is above that of the CT 20.
3: Top end power is up by approx 30HP (at the wheels)
4: 1/4mile time has so far improved by almost 1 second.
The most important thing in my mind is that fuel is supplied in line with increased airflow.
There is absolutely no point in putting a turbo as big as a CT 26 on a 3T without cranking the boost up (if you run stock boost then the CT 20 will eat the CT 26).
These are just my findings.

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Tue, 22 October 2002 06:38

There are actually 4 or 5 T series engine running larger Turbo's in and around the Toymods Sceen.
Jasons is the most well known and given it is a Stock 3TGTE excluding the Aftermarket Management, larger injectors and forged pistons. ( I was there wilst it was built) and its only other change is the Turbo and manifold I recon a 12.1 Quarter mile time is pretty damn good !
There is also a 3TGTE with a CT20B in the club that is responding well to the upgrade.
My 2TG is receiving a GT25 and there is an engine similar to mine being built a little ways south with a high flowed CT26.
I can only assume there were some teething problems with your CT26 trial.
Can I ask why you are now selling your CT20 ?
Keep in mind all the engines mentioned above are being built to run above standard boost !

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: 3TG Turbo Manifold and Turbo
Tue, 22 October 2002 09:36
I too have had a CT26 on my 3TGTE, and can only say that you [blacksprinter) may have had some teething problems with your setup. My 3T responded extremely well to the CT26, particularly at higher revs where the CT20 suffocated (as mentioned by Yellorolla also).
Even after I upgraded the compressor wheel to a Garrett TO4 'V' trim (as pictured in my avatar) the boost response was still acceptable, and yielded further power gains.