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Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 12:42
i was just wondering wot kind of money it would cost me to get
-new pistons
-heads reconditioned
-and any other stuff
im looking for about 160hp to 180hp without doing anything to the bottom end unless it is totally nessesary.
it will have a pair of reconditioned webbers that are tuned, a new set of extractors and cams.
and also were would i get pistons from

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 13:22

while this has been started i may aswell ask my q aswell
i want to put a 18rgeu in a RA28 and i wana kno wot mods exaclly u need to do this and cost exculding engine and how hard it would b to do urself
itd b sweet if someone can help out

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: October 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 13:24

anywhere from 2- 10 dependant on what you do.
first decide what cam your getting and ask arround for advice from reputable builders (ones that have had experience with these motors)
head roughly $500 with springs and valves (sourced from swmotorsport only for later 253 and 270 series heads)
pistons go for 9.7:1 probably over 150 each from toyota if they are still available.
preped block ive been quoted 150- 300 for bath/bore shave etc. also ive been quoted 400-500 for sleeves which i think is pretty reasonable
then you have a full gasket and seal kit with bearings arround 3 or 350?
rings 100
then there is the oil pump recomended to replace (ask toyota about that one $$$)
timing gear 400+ (those guides are dear!) plus any cogs that need replacing
then there is the fuel pump and water pump to be replaced if needed (I would)
then there is the carb rebuilds, tune, and dizzy regraph (if needed probably necessary if there is a fairly wild cam there)
and all the other bits and pieces i have forgotten like hoses etc and nothing done to the bottom end (like balanceing linish etc)
PLUS labour!
and even then i dont think you would see 180hp 160 is a more realistic goal with standard bottom end.

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 13:29

would it be possible to just slap a new set of cams new pistons assuming the sleves are in good condition and recondition the heads. and also would the freshly rebuilt carbies and new extractors make much of a diffirence.

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: October 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 13:54

Meat_rack wrote on Wed, 29 December 2004 23:29 | would it be possible to just slap a new set of cams new pistons assuming the sleves are in good condition and recondition the heads. and also would the freshly rebuilt carbies and new extractors make much of a diffirence.
short answer no.
long answer, think of it this way. if you slapped in some new parts think about what you would need.
pulling the enfine apart = new gaskets and seals. It would be stupid not to replace bearings also.
new pistons = new rings. new pistons and new rings = reconditioned block. You can leave the block as is if you enjoy pulling your engine down just after you have run it for the first time.
timing components why would you leave old timing components in with saggy chains worn guides and weak tensioners. They could jump a tooth or break resulting in a whole bunch of noise and then a whole lot of silence.
etc etc etc
get the idea?

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 14:00

thanx for the advice i think i wall ge the block and shit fully done and do it right so i can get some fair humpty out of it.

Location: Rocklea qld
Registered: February 2003
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 21:59

If you get over size pistons then the block will need boring out and honing anyway.
Theres always the option of using 20r,21r or 22r pistons(cant remember exactly which ones) and getting a 22re crank ground down to fit and using some bigger cams and webbers. supposivly makes it out near 2.4litre but not sure if thats true. Then you would be looking at a bit of go. but like everything its gonna cost you lots of $$$$ and theres no point skimping on anything

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Wed, 29 December 2004 23:17

9.7:1 pistons = NOT AVAILABLE from toyota.
8.7:1 pistons = $180ea at trade
basic head reconditioning will cost around $300-400 depending on what needs replacing. Price will go VERY high very quickly if you start asking for porting, oversize valves etc etc. This is where you can make a decent amount of power in NA form combined with some largish cams.
Cams. Expect anywhere from $600 a pair upwards for custom billets. DONT GO FOR REGRINDS, they are bad. Of course with anything high lift or much over the stock ones, you will have to get some new valve springs.
Boring out the block is the best way to increase displacement, you can get almost 2.2L just from boring. I wouldnt stroke it as the revability would go out the window (ie - NOTHING 22R etc)
With something like this you would be getting close to your target 160HP, but NOT 180HP. You would also be up for around $4000.
You would be better off turboing the bastard
Location: brisbane
Registered: February 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Thu, 30 December 2004 00:23

I have just spent 3500 on a freshen up for my 2.2l thats not including new pistons or valves etc as it already had all the good gear in it that was basically machine work, balancing gaskets, bearings,and new clutch&pressure plate.If you want big hp it is gonna be very expensive.are you racing it or road car if for road car keep it realistic and think about how it will be in day to day traffic.

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Thu, 30 December 2004 00:34

it will be road car that i just want a bit more power out of. but if i get keen ill turbo it and maybe take it to a drag race.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Thu, 30 December 2004 15:01

i got the works done to my head and that retailed for around the $2500-$3000 mark {not what i paid tho }
i have regrinds, they are fine, the only reason not to go for regrinds is that it can make it harder to setup, but if u r geting the works done, it doesnt really matter
Location: nth ringwood, Victoria
Registered: August 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Thu, 30 December 2004 22:59

clive cams in melb have the TRD rally grind profiles 304 and 288 for the exhaust. andrew vibert was using these in his rally car for the tsroker 2tg but TRD do it for both motors

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Fri, 31 December 2004 02:49

yeh im thinkin somethin good wit a bit of power to drive around in but wot bout just droping one in a RA28 wot mods u ave to do wit brackets and other stuff????

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 03:12

Were you typing drunk or is that how you actually talk?

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 03:38

sry mate i knew wot i was tokin bout lol but i wasnt reading it bak....
ill rewrite it
i want a 18rg basicly stock wit a bit more power then a stock one to ave some fun with. i dont wana spend much money and also want to kno wot u need to put a 18rgeu in a ra28 i think thats betta. and wot would b the betta way to go about it just buy a 18rg then put fuel injection on it or just go get a 18rgeu?
i cant believe i wrote that lol i wasnt drunk either

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: October 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 09:15

Justice wrote on Sat, 01 January 2005 13:38 | sry mate i knew wot i was tokin bout lol but i wasnt reading it bak....
ill rewrite it
i want a 18rg basicly stock wit a bit more power then a stock one to ave some fun with. i dont wana spend much money and also want to kno wot u need to put a 18rgeu in a ra28 i think thats betta. and wot would b the betta way to go about it just buy a 18rg then put fuel injection on it or just go get a 18rgeu?
i cant believe i wrote that lol i wasnt drunk either
third time lucky?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 11:55

What are they teaching kids in schools these days?

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 11:58

not much by the looks Justice's typing.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 12:21

Justice wrote on Sat, 01 January 2005 14:38 | sry mate i knew wot i was tokin bout lol but i wasnt reading it bak....
ill rewrite it
i want a 18rg basicly stock wit a bit more power then a stock one to ave some fun with. i dont wana spend much money and also want to kno wot u need to put a 18rgeu in a ra28 i think thats betta. and wot would b the betta way to go about it just buy a 18rg then put fuel injection on it or just go get a 18rgeu?
i cant believe i wrote that lol i wasnt drunk either
Jeez you must be tokin some good stuff Justice!
If you want to make more power on a stock motor put in some high octane fuel and advance your timing a couple of degrees.
Anything much beyond this will mean you have to modify your tractor motor beyond its stock form.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 12:25

but first, a short course in english might help

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 12:27

Toobs wrote on Sat, 01 January 2005 22:21 | tractor motor
Do I detect a hint of elitism? 

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: 18rg mods
Sat, 01 January 2005 12:33

he's just jealous of our bearing size

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004

Location: townsville NQLD
Registered: February 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Sun, 02 January 2005 02:47

Justice wrote on Sun, 02 January 2005 02:08 | asking what you would need to just put a 18rgeu in a ra28 any adjustments because i am changing the engine from a 18rc to 18rgeu.
this should be easily found by searching. but anyway, if the car had a R series engine in it then any othere R series engine will bolt onto that bellhousing at least (not neccesarily engine mounts will bolt up and there maybe sump clashes).
the 18r-g engines are pretty much just a 18r-c block with a 18rg timing case and head so it will bolt in no worries (it did with mine anyway). there is a couple mods that have to be done like throttle setup etc. but that is only minor.

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004
Re: 18rg mods
Sun, 02 January 2005 14:50

thanks man
i honestly cant believe it took that long to get a straight forward answer like that lol
thanks again i just gotta find a 18rgeu thats running now and the $$$$$$$$$
Location: Ballarat
Registered: January 2005
Re: 18rg mods
Fri, 07 January 2005 04:37

If it helps at all, i managed to put a fully rebuilt 18RG in my RA28 celica for just under $650.00. The engine cost me $280.00 from a local wreaker, and the rest was sourced from local performance shops, ebay (international bidding from australia) and the purchase of an original factory 18RG manual (don't do ANY work without one of these!). just by shopping around i found a full gasket kit for this engine for $95.00 AU! The most expensive was $320.00 US. Rings, bearings, bottom end gaskets are all 18RC standard. just a few things you need to look for, the oil stick is different and in a different spot, and you need to make sure that the plumbing is setup correctly (crankcase vetilation and the like. Hope this helps. Also i have a near complete 18RG in pieces that i might be persuaded to part with! . Let me know if you need anything
Stevie K.

Location: perth
Registered: May 2004