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Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Nominating for board positions
Tue, 18 January 2005 03:58
I discovered last night after asking a few questions, that I have an issue with one of the rules in constitution relating to nominating for board positions.
From what I understand, a person is only allowed to nominate for one position only.
While I can see some logic in this, there is a downside that I'd like to bring up.
The best way to illustrate this is what I was planning.
I have been considering nominating for the treasurer position. Mos, due to no fault of his own, had previously been having troubles keeping up, and so, to possibly allow him try a different position, I was thinking about having a go, so to speak.
I think I've got the necessary skills to do it; good with figures & budgeting, plus works hours that 99% of the time leave late afternoons, evenings, & nights free to dedicate to whatever I'd like to do.
I asked Mos about this at the club meeting just gone & he said he would be renominating for this position.
Fair enough, and considering that he has previously been carrying out this role, a much better chance of being re-elected than I would be of being elected.
Now here comes the problem.
If I nominate for this position, and then lose in a vote, I CANNOT try to be elected for any other position and would have to wait another full year to try again.
I can understand the dilemma of people nominating for multiple positions, and then possibly being elected to multiple positions though. A suggestion to fix this would be for that person to have to choose between the positions offered to them, and the one not chosen would have to be re-voted to get a different person. But this could add time to the AGM.
I would also suggest a capping of nominating for 2 positions to lessen the chance of multiple elections to positions.
This would give a person like me a chance to nominate for say, both the treasurer's position (to see how I'd go), and also for an ordinary member's position (as a possible fall back & to allow me to dedicate some time to having a say in the running of the club, something I'd like to dedicate some of my time & effort to doing)
I understand that this is pretty short notice, and don't expect for the situation to change before the AGM, but leave it for your consideration.
Sorry about the long post, but I couldn't figure a way to make it any shorter.

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: October 2004
Re: Nominating for board positions
Tue, 18 January 2005 06:42

was wondering if we could get a full listing on the postions available on the board and when the nominateeing will occur.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Nominating for board positions
Tue, 18 January 2005 07:54

this should be up in this section soon.
in fact, look at the 2004 board positions which is still a sticky. THe only changes there is the addition of the "special events co-ordinator" position.

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: October 2004
Re: Nominating for board positions
Tue, 18 January 2005 08:16

in regards to the postion of I.T. Co-ordinator.
now im very interesting in running for it, but my life is very unpredictable. are we able to apoint 2 I.T people of this position as to have a backup and also a secondary contact for anyone of the board that needs help.

Toymods Vice President
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Nominating for board positions
Thu, 20 January 2005 03:29

I understand your concerns here, I was concerned about running the first time in case I didn't get elected as well.
The aim of the rule of only being allowed to run for one position is to get people to run only for the position in which they think they can best serve the club. It is also aimed at stopping people from trying to just get elected by playing the numbers and hoping they get elected for any one of the roles. I know you're not suggesting this should be how it is but that's what ends up happening.
In reality, in pretty much all democratic elections you are only allowed to run for one seat. It's one of the basic rules of the modern democratic process.
The idea of having a "fallback" board position doesn't really sit very well with me. People have to really want to do the specific job they run for otherwise the job just doesn't get done and the club suffers as a whole. Believe me we have direct experience of this situation.
Having said that I would like to encourage any member who thinks they can help the club in one of the positions available on the board to definately run for that position. It doesn't matter if someone currently on the board is running for it already or anybody else for that matter. We have a vote so that the members can make the decision of who they want to be guiding the club and I'd like them to have the opportunity to make a choice.
The three questions I ask anyone thinking of running for a position are:
- Do I have the skills needed to fulfill the role
- Do I have the motivation to perform the tasks needed for the next twelve months
- Do I have the time to dedicate to the club
If the answer to these three questions is yes then I'd have no qualms about nominating any member.

Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Nominating for board positions
Thu, 20 January 2005 04:29
Thanks Josh.
"Fallback" is probably the wrong word for what I was thinking, as I reckon I could do either position, and would put equal effort into either if elected, but it would allow someone to still make the commitment if they were wishing to.
Kind of thinking back 2 years ago when the 4 of us went for the ordinary members position & I just missed after 2 revotes.
Quote: | It is also aimed at stopping people from trying to just get elected by playing the numbers and hoping they get elected for any one of the roles
This is why I suggested limiting nominating to a maximum number.
Quote: | In reality, in pretty much all democratic elections you are only allowed to run for one seat. It's one of the basic rules of the modern democratic process.
Apart from politics & this club, this is the only place I've seen this rule applied. Mind you, I'm not involved in any private sector business, so I'm not saying it doesn't exist elsewhere.