I was just wondering how much of a benefit you can get from an SAFC with stock fuel system (injectors and pump) on a 1G-GTE??? I have heard that the SAFC is unable to lean out the fuel enough when using the 440cc injectors - causing overfuelling. Has anyone tried this??
I thought they only had problems when you ask to 'add' too much fuel.
And remember, they can only 'subtract' a max of 30%. If the 440cc injectors are too big, -30% won't may not bring this back.
PS i have never worked on a 1G-GTE before, so this is just my opinion. I'm just going off what's in my manual, and my experience in backyard tuning of SAFC's. I believe that the SAFC's excel in tuning a stock engines' A/F ratios.
If the subtracion of 30% rule on a SAFC is true then 440c injectors will add to much feul as they are more than 30% bigger than the stock items of somewhat 245odd cc (depends on generation of motor).