I think that when the NEW THREAD button is pressed in the Toymods section the next screen that should appear to the thread creator is another window that requires action and asks whether or not the end user has done a search in which he is then obliged to answer yes or no.
I think this kind of awareness is necessary cause a lot of people dont realise that the search exists, also I dont think that forum Junkies should have to do this cause they should know better even if they are post whores.
Yes, the mandatory search, or even a screen strongly suggesting a search be done BEFORE a new thread can be created would be a good idea.
And sure, sometimes a search can be hard to sift through, but spend a bit of time and do some work and you'll learn a lot, even if some of it is off-topic. And how many times can those in the know really be bothered typing the same detailed explanations?
Moral of the story: Don't expect everything served up on a plate, and go get your hands dirty, we are talking cars after all.