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Location: QLD
Registered: October 2004
Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 16:40
Im extremely curious by the alcohol absinthe, having not tried it myself. I have heard it has heightening and lowering effects, and can make people hallucinate. I recently found a bottlo that sells it. it is 70$ though, quite dear.
Can anyone say that they have had it/heard anything about it?

Location: Perth
Registered: June 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 19:38

Must say I am a bit of an expert on the stuff as its been my drink of choice for around a year.
It has to be the hardest stuff around, banned in many countries due to its LSD ingredient. There are many different types and if you search the net you are sure to find heaps of info regarding all of them and the correct way to drink it.
There are 2 alcohol contents as far as I have found, 70% and 80%.
While it's not recommended at all, I usually drink it straight, shots is the best. The first few put you on your arse but they get easier.
Get yourself a bottle, make sure it's the 80% stuff and have fun.
The first time I had it, I felt drunk, but a different kind of drunk.
I was army rolling around the house squirting people with my super soaker, I spear tackled a pot plant cause I swear it had a go at me, and I was using a rolled up TV guide as a mobile phone cause I needed to 'exit the Matrix'.
Anyway it's good shit if you can handle it, but it needs to be consumed in the correct fashion.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: March 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 22:09

Nice work Gabe
You didn't try holding the floor down coz it was going to fall up?
I got a couple of bucks nights coming up (one is a 3 night weekend job up the Sunny Coast) so Absinthe might hae to make an apearance
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 22:10

Fark, This stuff sounds crazy... and they can legally sell this???
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 22:15

"The effect on the individual is subjective, and can best be described as a kind of heightened clarity of mind and vision, mildly ponderous and sparkling, and warmed by the effect of the alcohol. This seems to wear off after 20 or 30 minutes, leaving one with an alcohol buzz. 2-3 glasses seems to do the trick. More than that, depending on the proof of the alcohol, will just make you very drunk."
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 22:44

decoyslikecurves wrote on Sun, 30 January 2005 02:40 | Im extremely curious by the alcohol absinthe, having not tried it myself. I have heard it has heightening and lowering effects, and can make people hallucinate. I recently found a bottlo that sells it. it is 70$ though, quite dear.
Can anyone say that they have had it/heard anything about it?
Mates brother bought back a few bottles of Absinthe from Andorra.
From what we've been able to find out, absinthe doesn't have "LSD ingredients" in it but another form of natural hallucinogen called wormwood.
The "proper" way to have it apparently(as my mates brother learned when he was traveling Europe) was to pour the shot into the glass over a flaming sugar cube. Not sure what this does, but it does taste different.
I find it GREAT to start the night off but don't think i could spend the whole night drinking it. Its also good for a bit of a pick me up when one starts feeling really groggy during the night 
Oh, and if you do manage to get a bottle with a wormwood stick in it, chew on the stick
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sat, 29 January 2005 22:58

I di a search on google, I found a site that had heaps of info on the ingredients, how to serve it, how to make it, rumours about it..
Just do a search and you'll find what you need to know...
Location: QLD
Registered: October 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 00:25

This sounds like fun. Anyone else have any experiences with it?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 04:43

haha i've never had this, but my generally non-drinking gf had one shot... ah, it was an... interesting... night.
definately having a go myself now tho!

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 04:52

not just any wormwood - artemesian (sp?) wormwood. it's good stuff 
Just be aware there's real absinthe and fake absinthe. bottle shops that sell it are generally selling the fake stuff - absinthe flavoured vodka basically.
The real stuff is quite hard to come by unless you know the right people.
If anyone on here is the right person, I'd like to order a bottle
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 05:02

I didnt know that the stuff found in bottle shops is sometimes fake. I've only ever drunk stuff bought from overseas(interesting how people with military passports never seem to get questioned when declaring items whilst comming back through customs )

Location: Perth
Registered: June 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 05:08

draven wrote on Sun, 30 January 2005 12:52 | not just any wormwood - artemesian (sp?) wormwood. it's good stuff 
Just be aware there's real absinthe and fake absinthe. bottle shops that sell it are generally selling the fake stuff - absinthe flavoured vodka basically.
The real stuff is quite hard to come by unless you know the right people.
If anyone on here is the right person, I'd like to order a bottle 
Quite true.
The stuff I get is the real deal.
You can tell because they stamp the wormwood content (in mg/L) into the glass bottle. The importers put the label over it for some reason, but remove the sticker and it is there.
The fake stuff (and there are plenty around) don't have this stamped into the bottle.

Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 07:18

this all sounds very interesting and definetly worth trying. im not sure that iv heard of this stuff before. anyone know where i might be able to get some legit stuff in adelaide??

Location: Perth
Registered: June 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 07:39

May I suggest a group buy?

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 07:50

gabe wrote on Sun, 30 January 2005 17:39 | May I suggest a group buy?
Count me in.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 07:53

me too
Location: Sutherland Shire!!
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 08:20

ive read about the stuff before i dont think any bottlos in aus sell the real stuff because its illegal, ur not meant to bring it into aus for the same reason but u can get it brought over to add it to your collection but not drink it theres some website u can go to to get it brought over here cant be bothered looking for it tho

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003

Location: sydney
Registered: August 2003

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 12:07

An FAQ on pretty much everything you would ever want to know about absinthe.... don't get too excited about psychedelic effects though, it would be much cheaper to just go buy some random shit off a guy on the street then spend so much on a good bottle.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 12:47

the hallucinagenic affects are minimal compared to an acid trip, but are pronounced compared to vodka.... it mellows some people, gives others psychotic episodes...
and for those who haven't tried it: some people love it, others hate it.. so don't get too excited

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 12:50

True that...

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 13:48

just smoke sage.

I supported Toymods On probation
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 13:49

Or Salvia

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 17:00

hmmm, i turn 18 in may... gabe.. interested in a little dealy deal?
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Sun, 30 January 2005 20:50

I cant beleive it... I brought up the topic at work and it seemed I was the only one who hadn't tried it...
Maybe us toymodders aren't as adventurous as we think in terms of Recreational Drugs...
Count me in for group buy...

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 00:37

One of my mates loves the stuff and is a bit of a guru with regards to which are the good real ones and which are fake etc. He goes wacko on it, ive had a few shots while drinking beer a couple of times and didnt feel any unusual effects. Perhaps I just need to drink alot more of it.
Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 00:59

Surely there are newer and better drugs to obtain the same effect? I'd say put the $70 back in your pocket (until you come across someone selling 2c-b)

Location: sydney
Registered: August 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 02:40

Skip wrote on Mon, 31 January 2005 11:37 | ive had a few shots while drinking beer a couple of times and didnt feel any unusual effects. Perhaps I just need to drink alot more of it.
bad idea back in the 1800's there were a string of absinthe enduced murders after they found out it had something to do with the yeast that caused some reaction making people violent or something like that
i wouldnt really recommend it. ill look for an article on it

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 08:32

I call bs on that.
partly due to the fact that the 1800s was full of interesting explanations of stuff (note "interesting", not "factual"), and also the other things yeast is found in (beer for example)

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 11:10

omg anyone who has eaten bread or drunk beer in the last 24 hours will soon be on a murderous rampage were all doomed DDDOOOOOMMEEEDDD i tell u


I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 11:32

Nolan wrote on Mon, 31 January 2005 21:10 | and BREAD
omg anyone who has eaten bread or drunk beer in the last 24 hours will soon be on a murderous rampage were all doomed DDDOOOOOMMEEEDDD i tell u

So whats new?

Location: Sydney, Shire
Registered: April 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Mon, 31 January 2005 14:46

Quote: |
I cant beleive it... I brought up the topic at work and it seemed I was the only one who hadn't tried it...
Maybe us toymodders aren't as adventurous as we think in terms of Recreational Drugs...
Count me in for group buy...
i dont think everyone at work has had it there is a lot of imitation stuff and i think the ppl at our work were just tryin to be tuff.....i hadnt even heard of it when i had not sure if it was real but shit its awesome stuff...

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Tue, 01 February 2005 01:44

There was a guy on here who was going to sell me a bottole of the real stuff for $150 but i lost his pm i was distrought (sp)
I'm in for a group buy tho.

Location: sydney
Registered: August 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Tue, 01 February 2005 01:49

draven wrote on Mon, 31 January 2005 19:32 | I call bs on that.
partly due to the fact that the 1800s was full of interesting explanations of stuff (note "interesting", not "factual"), and also the other things yeast is found in (beer for example)
it is probably BS im still trying to find the place where i found this out

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 04:47

i bought a bottle from bws.
it was only 60%
but good god it loves it
i wasn't sure how many it would take me to get pissed but i know how many i was gunna have.
beer is the best chaser by far it's sooooooo cool and refreshing.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 04:51

mookie that was me, you were going to get it off, a mate of mine works for ALM (australian liquor marketers) and he can get me some "off your lips" shit that you cant buy anywhere else 
Not cheap tho $150 a bottle, but words cannot express....

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 04:52

lumpy wrote on Mon, 31 January 2005 11:29 | (until you come across someone selling 2c-b)

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 04:58

ohhhhhhhhhhhh sorry about that i cleaned out my pm's (u gotta add the ' or it turns into a bad word!)and lost all of them.
i might be able to afford a bottle soon i recon.
i'm sure alot of people here would be interested.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 05:17

specially if there's a group buy discount

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 05:56

well there could be, how many people are genuinely interested?

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 06:02


I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 06:14

pick me, pick me, I'm ever so smart

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 06:18

draven wrote on Wed, 09 February 2005 16:44 | pick me, pick me, I'm ever so smart
sorry for ot
now who wants absinthe

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 06:20

I hope your getting a 2L bottle for $150.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 06:22

its about quality not quantity....
im not making a dime out of this i might add...
no its a 750ml bottle

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 07:02

Well if you are getting these from a mate, your being ripped off.
This drink is not banned in Australia and any bottle shop can buy it for you, but you will probably have to order a carton if they dont see it selling.
And dont give me any shit about they dont get the good stuff because, its up to you to specify what you want.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 07:22

Cool1 wrote on Wed, 09 February 2005 17:32 | Well if you are getting these from a mate, your being ripped off.
This drink is not banned in Australia and any bottle shop can buy it for you, but you will probably have to order a carton if they dont see it selling.
And dont give me any shit about they dont get the good stuff because, its up to you to specify what you want.
im nto going to get in an argument over something as stupid as alcahol on an internet forum, i was getting any, i wasnt making any money off it, so i guess you guys can go and get it yourself.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 07:39

Oh and while I have brought up other legal matters today I might aswell point out that a group buy of alcohol on this forum could not be a good thing for the club.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Wed, 09 February 2005 07:56

yeah after having a shot of this stuff (after about 4 baileys and milk) I could have gone for the role in the exorcist. It smelled so bad I made a friend spew who only got within 5 metres.

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003

Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 04:38

 | 24572.html?from=storyrhs
Good article.
I've got a bottle of the one in the picture there. It had a 60% sticker and underneath the sticker it said 70%.
I've only had 1 shot, and that was directly after a shot of Bacardi 151 (not reccomended for shots). I spewed in my bed and slept with a LARGE grin on my face (on the floor).

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 04:51

SupraPete wrote on Thu, 10 February 2005 15:08 | shot of Bacardi 151 (not reccomended for shots). I spewed in my bed and slept with a LARGE grin on my face (on the floor).
Now that is some stuff I want to get, but a while ago gave up as it wasn't on the wholesalers lists
Got a taste for it O/S one time - yummy !!!

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 04:56

Lol i bought the green fairy bottle.
i want the harder stuff.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 05:02

green fairy is very average i have found but bacardi 151 thats some good shit

Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 05:12

Michael, my mate got it for me locally. Its in shops more and more now. Try Dan Murphy's (find one here They usually have about 3 types of Absinthe too.
When I was in Hawii a couple of years ago there was a bottle in the local (small) supermarket on the shelf. Kids could pick it up and take a swig before anyone noticed.
... How do you guys drink Bacardi 151?? In puches (as recommended on the bottle)?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 05:22

SupraPete wrote on Thu, 10 February 2005 15:42 |
... How do you guys drink Bacardi 151?? In puches (as recommended on the bottle)?
Cheers Pete.
Yes , drink as instructed - "Do not pour near open or naked flame - HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE"
I had it whilst at Cubic Bay in the Phillipines on exercise with the RAAF

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 05:50

I drink it in shots, at $15 a hit its not cheap but then again two of them can be as effective as ten beers

Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 06:07

You can buy a bottle for about $70. $15 x 23 (700 / 30 mills) is $345 for a bottle!
Two words: Hip Flask

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: Dare I say... Absinthe?
Thu, 10 February 2005 06:20

How much is a bottle of this bircardi ???