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Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 04:57
I have a fancy dress party to go to on the 19th Feb. It's a mate's 23rd.
The theme is "Anime"... So basically anything animated is acceptable. I don't watch much cartoons apart from the free-to-air ones like Southpark, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy. I could basically pick any character but am looking to go as one that really suits my look and personality.
I would like to go as Bender but after the first 5 minutes the costume would be a real bitch to wear.
The suggestions I am looking for are basically characters that I may not have thought of (possibly a little obscure) that somehow suit me either in looks or in personality, or both.
A bit about me...
Personality: I am always joking with people, rarely say anything without some kind of cynical slant or sarcastic tone. Scheming all the time. Sharp, whitty, often blunt. I act blatantly self promoting in a joking way most of the time.
I also have a kind side though, I keep it hidden often because its not as fun as my scheming/joking side. I like my cars too, ie: Toyotas. I like gadgets and making often useless stuff just for fun or to excercise my creative tendancies. (Don't bother with Inspector Gadget, I cbf wearing a trenchcoat all night if I go as him).
I relate to Cartman off Southpark, Stewie or the dog off Family Guy, or Bender off Futurama. Those are the kind of characters I like but am looking for more suggestions.
Look: Due to a muscle disease I am, really skinny, and physically weak, but also tall (6ft), wear glasses.
There are two ways you can look at the physical side, a tall skinny cartoon character or a big bulky muscluar character (ie: funny because it is completely the opposite to what I look like).
Please post little pics of your suggestions if you can.
[Updated on: Sun, 06 February 2005 12:52]

Location: melbourne
Registered: October 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 05:29

i reckon bender would be cool. but as with all fancy dress parties, you have to make sure you arent going to be the only one whos going to dress up properly.
i walked into a pimps and hoes party with my suit, some bling, and a feather in the hat, and the only other dude that even resembled a pimp was just wearing a suit, and looked like he was going to a year 11 formal. 
it was fucking gay because of the peasants who were too worried/lazy to dress up for fun. 
just some advice from my experiences...
ps. - why the big font?

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 06:22

What's wrong with my big font? I can do whatever I like, I'm Rick James BITCH!
I dunno, something different.
I am certain that there will be a good number of dressed up people... My mate's girlfriend has spent about $70 on material and is sewing up a Conan outfit for him. My other mate has a Spiderman suit with inbuilt muscles. Another friend is going as Elmer Fudd because he's got a shaved head and goes hunting all the time. He's got a really good fake shotgun as well. I know a few more as well. That's why mine needs to be good.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 09:20

go as rei ayanami or asuka langley sohryu , u be sexy
just go as shinji ikari in his plug suit, he skinny too

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 09:50

That is why I wanted pics... Who the fuck are they?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 09:52

neon genesis evangelion
or search for "eva"

Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 10:13

Mr DOHC wrote on Sun, 06 February 2005 20:20 | go as rei ayanami or asuka langley sohryu , u be sexy
just go as shinji ikari in his plug suit, he skinny too
*Shudders at the thought of a Guy wearing a skirt that short...
Be an Initial D fanboy and go as Takumi, you know u want to...

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 11:07

ok, if you are tall and skinny, that means you can dress as about 90% of all anime characters.
the costumes will possibly hard to come up with though.
here are a few. (google for images)
vash the stampede, from the trigun series
allucard, from hellsing series
if you want to know what you will look like if you put in too much effort, look up "cosplay" in google.

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 11:27

None of these guys are distinctive enough to dress up as nor have I heard of them... and Mr DOHC my titties aren't up to scratch. I don't think I'll be going as your suggestion.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 11:43

Go as Ken or Ryu from street fighter. Get your gi on and a headband type thingy and you're set. You can even hadouken a few people while you're at it. azmain.html
Check that out for people who have been there done that

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 11:58

Mr DOHC wrote on Sun, 06 February 2005 20:52 | neon genesis evangelion
or search for "eva"
best show ever made

Location: Liverpool, Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 12:48

Ahh when it said anime fans please l ook i thought you meant anime anime... i dont htink simpsons and stuff class as anime, theyre just cartoons Dont get me wrong, im one of the biggest simpsons fans out there.. but anime is anime....
You know....could always go as Shuuji from She, the Ultimate Weapon...
He is one of the 2 main characters, tall and skinny and wears glasses... And he has a nice caring side on the inside, but is always being saracstic and smart on the outside....
trying to find a pic for you...

This anime is supposed to be on level with Neon Genesis ( read in a reveiw ) but i heaps love the chick main character Chi-se.. Havent had a chance to see all of Neon Genesis yet...

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 12:57

Thread title updated.
I didn't realise how many different anime series there are. I don't have cable nor do I have many anime watching friends so I haven't heard of 90% of them let alone know about the characters.
Registered: October 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 13:28

search up a character called "onizuka" or "great teacher onizuka" and bleach your hair and get yourself some ear rings lol

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 13:30

Harajuku lol
why not go as a rx7?

or mechainc kittah?

or little red counter-terrorist?

if all else fails go as a gundam
that also transforms

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004

Location: Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 21:02

I have 2 characters in mind ..
They both are older kinda guys, but they are cool, especially amongst anime fans!
Both characters tho, dont really talk unless they have something significant to say or an intelligent comeback, or to point out a mistake... Although Kakashi compared to Auron, has more of a humourous side.
Kakashi from Naruto, (which is an awesome anime!)
His uniform would be alot easier and cheaper to get as opposed to Auron. All you'd need is a green fisherman's vest or utility vest from aussie disposals... blue pants, blue top, mash to cover your nose/mouth area and blue headband. If you could get your hair to do a crazy stand up and spray it white you'd be set!
Sure, a crazier anime fanatic would go hardcore into making the costume perfect .. but since you're just going to the party with the theme i'm sure you'd be reconizable.

Auron from final fantasy 10.
Uh .. get creative if you want this costume, but if you really wanna throw it together, get a black skivvy, red bath robe, black pants and round glasses...

Well ... good luck with it!
[Updated on: Sun, 06 February 2005 21:03]

Location: 1st street on the right
Registered: November 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Sun, 06 February 2005 21:45

Just go as Bunta from ID.
Dont have to say much, smoke a lot and carry a bucket of tofu

Location: Bayside Melbourne.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 01:01

Good suggestions... keep em coming.
Although going as "that crazy Bunta" would be appropriate in terms of character, I would seem lame just rocking up in a white shirt, black pants and a pack of ciggies.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2005
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 02:51

I could sugget other Neon Genesis characters for you...
Gendo Ikari

Kensuke Aida

Well... good luck finding the right character and costume!

Location: 1st street on the right
Registered: November 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 10:44

You forgot the tofu. You could go naked just dont forget the tofu. In fact you could go as the bucket of tofu

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 10:58

go as one of the simpsons
everybody loves the simpsons and if u dont u should be shot..

Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2005
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 14:23

clubagreenie wrote on Mon, 07 February 2005 21:44 | You forgot the tofu. You could go naked just dont forget the tofu. In fact you could go as the bucket of tofu

Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2005
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 15:07

Nolan wrote on Mon, 07 February 2005 21:58 | go as one of the simpsons
everybody loves the simpsons and if u dont u should be shot..
Yeah, go as Mr. Burns...


Just good luck trying to get your hair like that and finding big clown shoes...or someone totally opposite would be McBain or the buff Ned Flanders.

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Mon, 07 February 2005 16:31



as above

check out that dood in the black with that blue shit on his head

yeah, f00ly sik

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Tue, 08 February 2005 02:03

Quote: |

That is awesome acctually... i like that

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Tue, 08 February 2005 09:13

Just go naked, and piggy-back your girlfriend. If someone asks what you are just say "I'm a snail", then point to your g/f and say, "That's Me-Shell"
nyuk nyuk nyuk
I told that to my daughters the other night. One of them rolled her eyes and said I was a sad, sad man. The other one said "But, what if her name wasn't really Michelle?" I cracked up at that.

Location: Mentone
Registered: May 2002
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Tue, 08 February 2005 20:48

I think Lupin is a great character. Anyone who can drive up a cliff wall in a Fiat 500 gets my vote. And to boot he also drives a nice mini.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Wed, 16 February 2005 12:05

rthy wrote on Mon, 07 February 2005 00:30 | if all else fails go as a gundam
that also transforms
thats not a gundam! thats a VF 1-S Veritech Fighter from the original Robotech series. (yeah, so i'm a robotech nerd )

Location: Oakleigh, Melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Re: Suggestions wanted... Anime/cartoon fans please look.
Wed, 16 February 2005 13:59
Yo sim,
I'd consider Kakashi from Naruto. The headbands are for sale on ebay (they're wickedly cool) and just make the rest urself. Black long sleeve with red swirl emblem, 3 quarter black pants, bandage and some sandles.
Green vests as far as they go is probably the hard part.
I once saw an anime cosplay exhibition at Uni and i wasn't sure if i was going to barf or die laughing... example is that fat guy in the optimus suit and i swear that makes me laugh every time i see it.
Does someone have it?