Agh, I've had a slight water leak for a couple of weeks now but was unable to find where the water was coming from. Went to get a pressure test done and was told it was the top hose because it had some green around it (coolant) not it though. I heard a his sound today, popped the bonnet and saw the welsh plug leaking, the bloody rear one too, hardest one to get too . Anyone have any ideas how I can keep this sealed for about 3 weeks until my exams are finished? I'll fix it properly then but I need to keep the water in until then. Chemweld or something?
You could maybe use permatex gasket maker?, the black high temp one. I used it on my 4AC where there was a small bit of corosion. it was on a small steel pipe that joins the top and bottom radiator inlet and outlet on the motor. its been there for two weeks and still hasnt leak any water at all