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Location: Noosa QLD
Registered: November 2003

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sat, 12 February 2005 07:41

Get an MZ20/MA70 front cut and it will be plug-and-play.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sat, 12 February 2005 09:57

why not just go to the trouble of finding a jza70 half cut and chuck a 1jz into it,
the engine is better(to most people)
a HEAP easier to find than a 7m cut.
and only around 2200 for auto and 3800 for a manual with r154
and it is also completely bolt in

Location: Canberra
Registered: September 2003
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sat, 12 February 2005 22:54

Dont worry about an engine transplant just sell me the shell
Location: Noosa QLD
Registered: November 2003
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 03:55

I was origionally thinking about puttin a 1jz in it, and then i was talking to one of my mates and he said you had 2 modify the origion cross member to suit, and i know my car series came out with a M series motor as a option i thought the logically choice instead of dicking around trying 2 make a 1jz fit was just go with what works. at the end of the day it all depends on how much i can get a 1/2 cut for and how much work 2 change it over, i have the tools its just which ever i decide i have to do on the ground so its a lot more fun, lol, is the 1jz any wider then the 7M's will i have any trouble with turbos hittin or anythin

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 04:11

The JZA70 crossmember is interchangeable with the xZ20 Soarer, so you swap the crossmember and the engine at the same time and it all fits. The Soarer and Supra are essentially the same car with different bodywork.
Location: Noosa QLD
Registered: November 2003
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 04:20

2 easy mate if i was a more sensible person i would go with the ijz over the 7M wouldnt i, isnt the 1jz only a 2.5L where the 7M is a 3L, why would the 1jz be more sensible then?? is it more balanced, i know there more of a popular motor,
cheers mate if im making any sense
Location: Noosa QLD
Registered: November 2003
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 04:22

also when it comes to manual gear boxes will a R154 or a W58 bolt up and fit into my tranny tunnel with out 2 much difficultly cheers

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 05:09

if you buy a 1jz half cut from a jza70 thats already manual, it will all bolt up.. no modification needed, tranny tunnel and all will be fine.
the 1jz is a newer and essentially better designed motor(some people might argue that)
the fact is it just makes more power and more torque, has better response cause of its 2 small turbos
Location: Noosa QLD
Registered: November 2003
Re: 7MGTE into a Z20 Soarer
Sun, 13 February 2005 05:15
to easy, ill make some call durin the week and see what prices i can get a JZA70 half cut for and then sum it up and see if the finances are enough to do it, cheers mate