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Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sun, 13 February 2005 11:47

I've seen that car before here in Launnie, a very tidy KE30.
Location: sydney
Registered: January 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 14 February 2005 06:29

Hey nice car mate, had the same year and coloured ne myself ones upon a tim and was also from Canberra, though no where near as nice as that one. You looking to sell, i'm willing to buy, name a price?

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 14 February 2005 07:14

josho ive seen yours before as well i like them mags they clean up very well. you drove past me today i was in mortiys. im not the gut that drives it in town when you see the car im in the other seat due to lack of lincence. oh and i work at tint a car so if you want the windows done feel free to pm me or sumthing oh and car not for sale sorry havent even had a chance to drive her much yet

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 14 February 2005 11:44

goonman86 wrote on Mon, 14 February 2005 18:14 | josho ive seen yours before as well i like them mags they clean up very well. you drove past me today i was in mortiys. im not the gut that drives it in town when you see the car im in the other seat due to lack of lincence. oh and i work at tint a car so if you want the windows done feel free to pm me or sumthing
Thanks for the comment on the mags, my old man cleaned them up for me (Tru Wheels) going to buy a set of superlites sometime soon though. Did you see me in the arvo, around 5ish? You would of saw that R30 spin them up then?
Ahh yeah, I think I saw you when you got done as well dude, were you pulled up outside Red Herring? I'm lucky, 1 point left...
I've actually been thinking about getting my windows done for a while, I'll get around to it one day... same with the 4A-GE, T50, etc... Works not paying me enough. 
Anymore plans for yours?
[Updated on: Mon, 14 February 2005 13:34]

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Tue, 15 February 2005 07:29

i saw the skyline and could smell the clutch as well lol did you want to sell your mags? i want some old school mags as well. i havent had a lincence since june last year man but i get it back in 4 weeks that was my mate that got pulled over cop said we where drag raceing and i was pissed so i gave him a mouth full and allmost got locked up lol what a fucking prick. did you see the motor i put in mine? ive got a sc12 of a 4agze going in soon with my other motor im bilding up soon it will be a 1.8 3tgzeu should be fun i hope it all goes to plan

I Supported Toymods
Location: Tamworth NSW
Registered: December 2003
Re: lenny's ke 30
Tue, 15 February 2005 10:46

thats farkin lovely
easily one of the neatest ive seen along with Emp-2tgs
mines in bits atm lol
anyone nice corolla lenny
Cheers Trent

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Wed, 16 February 2005 07:03

thanks trent i would love to do a 1g swap like emp2tg has but mybe one day

Location: Launceston, Tasmania
Registered: April 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Fri, 18 February 2005 05:14

goonman86 wrote on Tue, 15 February 2005 18:29 | i saw the skyline and could smell the clutch as well lol did you want to sell your mags? i want some old school mags as well. i havent had a lincence since june last year man but i get it back in 4 weeks that was my mate that got pulled over cop said we where drag raceing and i was pissed so i gave him a mouth full and allmost got locked up lol what a fucking prick. did you see the motor i put in mine? ive got a sc12 of a 4agze going in soon with my other motor im bilding up soon it will be a 1.8 3tgzeu should be fun i hope it all goes to plan
Unsure if I want to sell my current set yet.
4 weeks left hey? I might see you in town if I'm ever back in there.
Nice 2TG, how much do they put out? It sounded pretty meaty the last time I heard it.

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Fri, 18 February 2005 07:55

well they put out about the same as a big port 4age i think i read 120 hp at the fly and i think its about 85kw so i read the motor has had a little bit of work wolf ems 5kg fly wheel breaker less dizzy not sure what cams are in but man there lumpy as you can here at the set of lights. so are you planing a ae71/ke70 swap are you with the 100kw or 86kw tvis big port? i would go the 100kw is i was you dude there not that hard to do

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: lenny's ke 30
Fri, 18 February 2005 08:05

nice rolla you have there
there a good little package with a 2tg hey

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Fri, 18 February 2005 23:13

there not bad with the 2tg yea
but you 1g would be a killer over the 2tg
do you your ke runing yet. are you going to do a tech on what to do and how you did every thing. one day i might have the 1g on the cards for the next upgrade

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sat, 19 February 2005 01:04

im not sure i could recomend anyone going 1g into one of these
4agte is a much smarter option, about the only stanrd 1g part is the block and head, everything else will have to be changed to get it in there

Location: Queensland
Registered: February 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sat, 19 February 2005 07:52

That is a very tidy KE30.
Location: sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sun, 20 February 2005 23:37

Nice car. bet its pretty easy to get the back out !

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 21 February 2005 06:59

very nice in the wet. good for drifting and draging at lights lol
will be bilding the new motor very soon

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sat, 30 April 2005 23:38

motor is dead ill fix him

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: December 2003
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sat, 30 April 2005 23:42

Dam thats a nice KE30, hope you fix her soon.

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Sat, 30 April 2005 23:59

yea just bilt the 3tg hibread and number 3 piston hit the ex vavle

Location: Tasmania, Evandale
Registered: April 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 02 May 2005 05:08

hey man i like ur ride but i've never seen it around town befor!! i guess u've seen mine it a red TE72 T-18 with the front end F*#Ked with black paint on the bonnet, and its loud!!
Pics in the Avatar

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 02 May 2005 09:06

no i dont think ive seen your car. do you go to lc?

Location: Tasmania, Evandale
Registered: April 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 02 May 2005 23:58

Nah i got to St pats!!!!

Location: Tasmania, Evandale
Registered: April 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Thu, 05 May 2005 02:59

im good friends with lloyd (ke30king) were always doing stuff to our cars and im always helping him with stuff with his!

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Thu, 05 May 2005 12:22

my car is bak on the road the the 3tg hi bread twin cam

Location: Tasmania, Evandale
Registered: April 2005
Re: lenny's ke 30
Tue, 17 May 2005 05:05

are u gunna go to driftmania cause me and a friend are aswell!!

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Fri, 20 May 2005 11:11

nar i dont think i will im moveing up north now so im busy working things out

Location: deloraine tas
Registered: September 2004
Re: lenny's ke 30
Mon, 06 June 2005 09:26
thinking turbo now oh and the 3tg hibread motor is worth it