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Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:06
got to work thismornig at 7:00 as normal, started work as normal, all was good and everyone was happy.
8:00 comes around and the boss comes out yelling "PACK UP YA SHIT AND F#$% OFF", i went to ask the 2nd incharge guy whats goin on and hes already out the door, i ask if we come in tomorrow and he shruggs his shoulders and gets in his car
i have no idea what would have caused this outburts.
do i go back in????
atleast i got the day off

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:22

how fucking weird...mayb your boss has PMS
, if u can afford not to have the job then fuck it off but if u need just go in, if he sends u home so be least then u will no ur not wanted

Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:25

hehe, but he sent everyone home, the whole place closed down for the day, i guess ill go in and see what happens

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:36

bahaah thats hilarious dude
well your boss is dead set up the pooer if nobody comes into 2morrow 

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:53

Where do you work man, what kind of job, mechanic, office, what? Maybe he's had some kind of family or financial crisis. I'd go in tomorrow, even if he just tells you to f*@k off again, at least you can say you tried.
If he does it again, I'd be asking why, if not get all the guys together and have a meeting about what the hell is going on...

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:55

Alchemist wrote on Wed, 16 February 2005 21:53 | Where do you work man, what kind of job, mechanic, office, what? Maybe he's had some kind of family or financial crisis. I'd go in tomorrow, even if he just tells you to f*@k off again, at least you can say you tried.
If he does it again, I'd be asking why, if not get all the guys together and have a meeting about what the hell is going on...
Such a sensible answer!


Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 10:58

Well if you arn't working, you arn't getting paid, which is kinda serious isn't it? I know I couldn't keep my car on the road if I wasn't working.
I know there could be a totally funny side to the whole situation, and it is pretty funny that he sent everyone home, actually down right strange. But when it comes to money I always seem to go all serious....

Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 11:32

im a cabinet maker, making Kitchens and such,
yeah its payday tomorrow, thinking maybe he doesnt have the funds to pay everyone tomorrow. if thats the case im kinda screwed

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 12:50

Go in, if you show up and clock on, he has to pay you atleast 4 hrs pay lol. I am a union delegate at my work, I got 4 of us 4 hrs double time one weekend when we were told to go in but when we got there the place was locked up and we couldnt get in, so we all went home .

Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 12:58

hehe, yeah ill be there in the morning, it will be interesting

Official Cruise Dude
Location: liverpool
Registered: March 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 13:04

UNFAIR DISMISSAL DUDE! u can get up 2 4 weeks pay.

Location: Liverpool, Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 13:25

Even if it is payday tomorow, he cant just rock up the day before and fire the lot of you and expect not to pay you for the hours you have already worked.... he OWES them to you...
Maybe he was just having a bad day, and you should have enjoyed your day off

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 13:26

actually if your job no longer exists then you are entitled to a redundancy payment, depends what your award states, but at my work its 2 weeks pay for every year you have been there.
You in a union?

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: asshole boss
Wed, 16 February 2005 15:26

Alchemist wrote on Wed, 16 February 2005 21:58 | Well if you arn't working, you arn't getting paid, which is kinda serious isn't it? I know I couldn't keep my car on the road if I wasn't working.
I know there could be a totally funny side to the whole situation, and it is pretty funny that he sent everyone home, actually down right strange. But when it comes to money I always seem to go all serious....
can you say.. TIGHT ARSE!
hahahaha just kidding man

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 05:06

Hey all
so jcmunga what happened today ?
i am really curious to see why ur boss went nuts
let us no

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 05:31

I assume todays silence means that you had work to do...

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 06:55

Squid wrote on Thu, 17 February 2005 16:31 | I assume todays silence means that you had work to do...
... or busy queing in the dole queue ...
If there wasn't any work to be done, I'd be getting mighty suspicious and will be calling my head hunter just in case ...

Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 07:34

hehe, today was all good, the boss didnt turn up and no ones heard from him, the superviser guy has taken charge untill he gets back and all is going as normal, the Secretary came in and paid us so its all good.
no idea whats goin on with him, guess we will just have to wait and see

Location: Campbelltown, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 09:00


Location: adelaide
Registered: November 2004
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 09:09

hehe, nah i dont think so,
i will be very interested to hear what he has to say for himself when he shows his face

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: asshole boss
Thu, 17 February 2005 09:42
i hope its not my old boss i was a cabinet maker last year till he went bust. it was all good for me i ended up getting a lot of back pay but on the down side i lost my apprenticeship which suck cos i really like been a cabinet maker, oh well maybe some day ill try and get back in to it.