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Location: Perth, WA
Registered: October 2002
how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 01 November 2002 03:05
was lining up at the lights with a friend of mine (he drives a v. done up mini), and i knew he hadn't been in/seen my car since i'd 'done some work on it' (didn't really do much, just got it serviced/tuned and a new air filter, but he didn't know that), and for a giggle, i turned the air conditioner on, left it on for a second and turned it off again. I dont know about the rest of your cars, but when i do this, it makes a sound like a VERY SMALL blow off valve. I tell you, he gave me this look of terror, and i could see the thought going through his mind... 'turbo? never!'
we tore off, and i whupped his ass (4age vs pushrod a series engine, not a real surprise) but he was so furious when i showed him how i was making the noise. also good for scaring innocent pedestrians!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 01 November 2002 03:28

hehe thats mad
I can imagine all the rice boys turning their air con on and off at lights now

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 01 November 2002 10:26

Heh, yea, I've known that one for years.
Done it heaps of times in my parent's liberty.
As far as I understand it: if you rev it too hard, while the aircon is on, it turns it off, and when it does that, it makes a "ch-oosh" type sound. I'm pretty sure it's a safety feature to preserve the aircon.
But if you want to scare people, backfire the car.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Mon, 04 November 2002 08:12

Its actually got nothing to do with preserving the air con.
Alot of cars.. nearly all new cars.. when the Throttle is 80 or % open, it pulls the aircon off to give you more power.. so when on the highway and you floor it to overtake your driving a car.. not a airconditioner.

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Mon, 04 November 2002 08:46

Ok, thanks. All I knew was that it turned it off when you floored it.

Location: Hornsby, N.S.W
Registered: September 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sat, 09 November 2002 01:54

DAM, my celica has no air con, not to mention blower/heater box at all.
HE HE (blue slip here i come)

Location: Balranald
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 14 November 2002 07:10

There is a complete WANKER that lives around Lismore with a Proton......does it on every gearchange. Yeah it's a cool trick to do once or twice but every time?? Come on. I actually thought it was a turbo one until I read in the new Hot 4's mag (at the time) that there was only one Proton turbo...I was like "no there is one in Lismore. But after talking to the guy he said it's his a/c . What a tosser.
Thank god he lost his license now so i don't have to watch him driving around.

Location: adel
Registered: September 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sat, 16 November 2002 01:06

Quote: | But if you want to scare people, backfire the car
hey my rolla does that time to time. but i thought backfireing is bad for the engine...that what i heard..from the threads about backfiring in the forums...
but anyways if we all try turning on the A/C now and then just bcoz tyrin to make that "whoosh" sound, wont it damage the the A/C? on and off all the time

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sat, 16 November 2002 14:15

viagra_cressida wrote on Thu, 14 November 2002 18:10 | There is a complete WANKER that lives around Lismore with a Proton......does it on every gearchange. Yeah it's a cool trick to do once or twice but every time?? Come on. I actually thought it was a turbo one until I read in the new Hot 4's mag (at the time) that there was only one Proton turbo...I was like "no there is one in Lismore. But after talking to the guy he said it's his a/c . What a tosser.
Thank god he lost his license now so i don't have to watch him driving around.
he should just rig up a switch to his accelerator to turn the a/c off when the pedal is no depressed..
this noise.. is just the gas equalising from the high side to the low side of the a/c circuit, as pointed out continual use "could" damage the a/c compressor but as it is a belt driven unit it should be right. if it was electric then sure the motor could burn out from countinual start up amps.

Location: adel
Registered: September 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 20 November 2002 07:15

erm...i drive a ae92 4a-fc engine sedan...can i do that a/c thing in mine?....will it work....but not like doing it all the time..just tyring it out and see what it sounds like~
ok laters

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 20 November 2002 10:32

bliz wrote on Wed, 20 November 2002 17:15 | erm...i drive a ae92 4a-fc engine sedan...can i do that a/c thing in mine?....will it work....but not like doing it all the time..just tyring it out and see what it sounds like~
ok laters
Why not?
Just turn on the AC, let it start cooling for a minute or so, and floor it.
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: August 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 21 November 2002 02:34

when i rev my car with the a/c on it sounds like turbo whine!!!
i can just imagine reving it at the lights with the whine, then turning it off for the BOV

Location: adel
Registered: September 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 22 November 2002 13:22

yeh i tried it....but it doesn;t work......does this technique work for 4a-fc engine.....
i was like totally floor it, but nothing....
so dunno if it can happen?......
any one can verify this?
laters all

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 27 November 2002 08:10

Gotta get me an aircon!
To think of what I've been missing?
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: October 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 27 November 2002 08:15

jimmy mate, it's not like it's a big woosh... i know on my car (4age sprinter) you can only hear it if the car's stationary and you have the windows open. it was just a bit of a giggle.

Location: adel
Registered: September 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 27 November 2002 08:39

hahah yeh i knew that..i just wanted to exagerate..the whooooooooooooooooooooooosh bit......
ahah rite...
but anyways...
y don't u hook up a microphone to the deck... and put a speaker in the everytime when u changes gears, makes the sound: "whoooshhhhhh"
jkin guys.
ok laters

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 27 November 2002 12:31

Heh, I was riding passenger in the liberty today, and my mum made it go "ch-oosh", and I had a small laugh to myself and thought of this thread.
Sorry, I'm tired, need sleep soon.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 27 November 2002 22:50

jason, you smartarse!
dudes, really. It's aircon, it makes the inside of your car nice and cool. This is its ONLY purpose in life.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 28 November 2002 05:25

not if you have weird ideas like me whitzl.. mmmmm.. refrigerated intercooler.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 28 November 2002 23:29

well discounting the "Bugman is a crazy retard" factor....
i use aircon at home for when the gf comes over... but thats just cos im a rude bastard
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: August 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 29 November 2002 01:18

forget the refridgerated intercooler mate. the air con would take out more power than the cooled cooler would make.
much like my friends idea of putting a generator on an electric car to power itself

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 29 November 2002 02:14

unless someone has managed to break the most basic rule of physics (In any exhange of energy, the amount of energy prior must be the same as the amount of energy after, energy cannot be "lost" or "gained") then your right, neither of these ideas will work.
Also good to note is that in NO REAL WORLD application does the above rule mean that energy can be transferred 100% between 2 mediums.. there is ALWAYS losses due to heat, friction, chemical reactions etc......
now who wants to learn about the principles of elastic and non-elastic interactions??

Location: On your mum!
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 29 November 2002 03:13

If you wanna cool the IC down quickly, then purging the nitrous thru the core prior to pressing the loud button is a great way.
F#%*ing fast too I would hope.
May even hold benefits for the Aircon!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Fri, 29 November 2002 05:22

Your forgetting how the a/c works.. it's belt driven with an electric clutch
.. just put a reed switch on the accelerator pedal to cut power to the clutch. charge and selection of RMD(refrigerant metering device) you can have the evaporator(cool part) flooded with liquid so that even with the compressor stop turning and robbing power(thats all you loose it through.. extra load on motor)... ok so the evap is flooded with refrigerant liquid. this will then boil off causing a continual cooling effect as it boils off..... I have thought about this but the effort may just stop me.. but then again.. I could have two evaps with hand valves in the engine bay to switch between the car and intercooler region..
I might do it now just to prove everyone wrong
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: October 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sun, 01 December 2002 05:47

wizzfizz: re: much like my friends idea of putting a generator on an electric car to power itself
sounds absurd BUT... most hybrid cars use a generator/alternator running off the petrol motor to help power the electric motors in them... not really the same thing as what you were talking about, but it might be a good line to feed your mate to shut up up about it...

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 23 January 2003 07:13

THE WITZL wrote on Fri, 29 November 2002 13:14 | unless someone has managed to break the most basic rule of physics (In any exhange of energy, the amount of energy prior must be the same as the amount of energy after, energy cannot be "lost" or "gained") then your right, neither of these ideas will work.
Also good to note is that in NO REAL WORLD application does the above rule mean that energy can be transferred 100% between 2 mediums.. there is ALWAYS losses due to heat, friction, chemical reactions etc......
I understand this basic law, but can someone please exchange why a supercharger works then?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2003
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 23 January 2003 12:35

super chargers are not 100% efficient and do require some of the engine power to turn the supercharger itself. (not to mention heat and mechanical losses in the supercharger itself)
Oh on the subject of BOV sounds, you can buy an electric gadget to make the sound. Really sad I know.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 23 January 2003 12:41

sam dont forget when the supercharger is pumping oyu'd be putting more fuel in to the cylinder so you be change more potential energy into kinetic(spelling) energy(pistons moving)
Location: sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 23 January 2003 12:43

if you want sound
just get 4 guys in your car wind the window down count 3 2 1 whooosh!!
or buy a na bov, or you could tape it and then play it realli loud constant stopping it den rewind n play

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Thu, 23 January 2003 13:00

And here was me thinking a BOV reduced turbo lag

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sat, 01 February 2003 00:05

useful cool mod 0%
wank wank wank 100%
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: October 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sun, 02 February 2003 22:59

i'm so depressed that a thread i started jokingly turned into this...

Location: Sydney Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 05 February 2003 03:25

haha, is your last comment serious or u joking?? can't read u man. Sad thing is, some guys really do get a kick out of air con noises and ohhh, my tires squeel when i swing into undercover carparks

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Wed, 05 February 2003 04:05

hahha luke... thats funny.. I'm gunna go find me an undercover carpark and see what the 1g will do.

Location: Canada
Registered: September 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: how to scare people with your air conditioner (no really)
Sun, 09 February 2003 03:38
this still makes me laugh.. that has to be the stupidiest thing ever.. besides a 20yr old female.