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Location: El Salvador, San Salvador
Registered: February 2005
Location: Kilsyth, Melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Thu, 24 February 2005 23:20
pretty sure u could but the bottom end of an 18r would be alot less weaker than the bottom end of an 18rg. there is possibly some other little differences that other people on this site wil know about.
Cheers, Calvin
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Thu, 24 February 2005 23:44
Valve clearance is an issue -> need to 'shim' (?is that the right term?)
and there is an oil breather hole or something like that on an 18rg block that isn't on an 18r block *apparently*
There's a hole heap more - if I remember I'll ask the person who rebuilt my 18rg (I know they had a few issues with it).
Location: Brisbane
Registered: August 2003
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Fri, 25 February 2005 03:09
There is a lot different. Oil pump, Dipstick location, Pistons, Timing gear, Auxiliary Shaft, Distributor location, etc etc...
You are better off finding an 18RG, there are always ones for sale in the forums. Will be a hell of a lot cheaper too!
Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Fri, 25 February 2005 08:10
the only reason u'd use an 18rc bottom end is if u'd thrown rods out of your block and needed a replacement bottom end quickly of if u wanted boooooooooost, as using an 18rc bottom end drops the comp
Location: El Salvador, San Salvador
Registered: February 2005
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Fri, 25 February 2005 17:08
hello friends,
what desire is to do DOCH my SOCH block 18r
Location: El Salvador, San Salvador
Registered: February 2005
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Fri, 25 February 2005 17:13
hi, my car es Compression Ratio 8.5:1.
as I can incremantar it?
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: the overhead of 18rg in 18r
Sat, 26 February 2005 00:20
you have to swap over nearly everything bolted to an 18RG block to make the SOHC 18R into an DOHC 18RG
so you'll need an an 18RG to start with - in which case, why not just rebuild the 18RG,
but... seeing as you're in central america, you might find 18RG in short supply?
(not knowing what car this is going into) have you considered a 21 or 22R engine or an EFI version of one of them? both are supposed to be easily obainable in nth america - not so sure about central/southern america.
cheers and good luck,