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Southern Sydney
August 2002
Tail Gating (again) Sun, 03 November 2002 11:35 Go to next message
OK.... Here we go again.

Was driving with my girlfriend to pickup a movie form the local blockbuster. Road is a 50 zone and I was doing a little over 60km/h.

Look in my rear view mirror and a car is so close that I can't see his headlights! Now as a motorbike rider I find this very intimidating and so have learned not to take it over the last few years....

Anyway I slow down to 50, he still up my arse. Then 40, he doesn't get the message. Down to 25 and he is still so close he could have recited what I had for breakfast.

I was pretty pissed at this stage so I floored it, left him for dead, turned left into the shopping centre and went to park.

The DICK had followed me in and blocked me in my parking space. He wound down his window as I got out and ASKED ME what MY PROBLEM was. I answer that he is the problem and to get off my arse in the future, he then says he wasn't tailing me he was just driving.

I'm not exactly sure what he was driving (looked like a BMW) but in typical ricer fashion he had the seat so far back he could see over the dash, windows down, music blaring.... looked to be early 20's (so am I so thats no excuse).

Anyway I walk up to the security guard Twisted Evil and asked him to watch my car.... Hothead drives off eventually after shouting a few more obscenities.

I'd be a little more understanding if I had been going slower than the limit but I'd been doing 10-15 over the limit. I wish I still had my old car cause I would have jammed them brakes on like there was no tomorrow.... no hesitation (had a dent in the boot that needed fixing Very Happy )

What is this guys problem.... who teaches people to drive this way. The only way they will learn is to end up rear ending someone.... times like this I wish I drove a shitbox.
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July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Mon, 04 November 2002 04:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah it happened to me just recently, some lady in a commadore got right up my arse along King Georges road, thing was my speed was already 10km/h over the limit, and i couldn't change lanes cus i was boxed in. This continued for a few km's until i got a little ahead, and slammed on the brakes, she shit herself and backed off!! I then moved over and she zoomed past giving ME a dirty, and proceded to jump on the next cars asre, some people don't learn.

Then a friend of mine was on her L's, driving with her brother, in a really old falcon worth maybe $200, but insured for $5000. A dude got on her tail, wouldn't back off, her brother slammed on the brakes, wallah 5 grand as simple as that. Laughing
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Mon, 04 November 2002 04:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that's what I love about my celica (and supra)
there's a nice big towbar poking out the back,so I know that when it comes time to slam on my brakes, I'm ripping their radiator and fans into little pieces with that baby.

my usual response is either to slow down to around 20-30km/hr (really pisses them off) or accelerate slowly, then jam on my brakes. I've had a few near misses with that, but I figure if they're driving close enough that they cant stop in time, then they deserve whatever my towbar happens to do to their car.
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August 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 08 November 2002 13:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Personally I just slow down until they fuck off, but I've been given a few suggestions from my brother and others.

Use the handbrake, as your brake lights dont show up, and they *will* hit you unless they're paying attention properly (good for shitboxes, or cars insured for more then they're worth)

Drop the car down a gear, slam on brakes then release clutch and boot it, just to ensure ur car keeps its anal virginity.

Keep a shitload of 5c or 10c pieces in ur ashtray (also good to disappoint thieving bastards), then when they tailgate flick one out the window. A 5c piece inside their car after going through their windscreen isn't going to look suspicious. Not really a good thing to do though, unless they're a real arsehole.

As I said I've never used any of these, and everytime I've been rear ended by another car it's done nothing except a small scratch on the bumper (only happened in dads falcon which has a giant towbar).
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Hornsby, N.S.W
September 2002
icon12.gif  Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 09 November 2002 01:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
we all need to go and buy some shit box old cars and just get them rear ended by some people that just need to be taught a lesson or two, as for boxing you into your carpark, what the fuck is that all about, you should have boxed his head, i would have been tempted if it was me
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Southern Sydney
August 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 09 November 2002 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was more than tempted.... not a good way to impress the relitavely new girlfriend though....
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Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 09 November 2002 06:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I still love the washer trick.

If the car behind you is nice and shiny clean, it's time to wash your windscreen. Very Happy

Or I've also seen suggested, dump a wheel onto a soft shoulder. Flying rocks tend to send a message.
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Gold Coast
October 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 09 November 2002 09:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My brother used to live with this psycho kung fu idiot, the kind a guy who had a knockout record and used to pick fights to see if he could reset his record as often as possible.

Anyways he had a 900cc yahama or something and he used to get his bike near a side walk or roundabout with a crossing, wait for a group of people then put the front brake on rev her to all buggery and release the clutch. Sending rocks flying at the pedestrians and watch them run and bolt for cover.

And as he told this story he would laugh his head off Laughing Laughing
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Mornington Peninsula
September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 10 November 2002 21:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just swerve all over the road, they'll think your drunk and they'll stay away from you then. I know I stay away from people who can't stay in their lanes!
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Forums Junkie

August 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Tue, 12 November 2002 02:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i like to think that i would be sensible when it comes to tail gaters...

but when you've had a rough day, and ur pissed off.. and all u can see is some retards head in the rear vision mirror.... it really takes the cake.

most times ill move outta the way but some times.. i like to piss em off by speeding up on the round abouts then slowing down on the "form one lane" keeping them behind me

and then extending the finger in their general direction

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Gold Coast
October 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Tue, 12 November 2002 02:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I took some friends up to Tamboren Mountains and on the way up some stupid woman, tried to overtake me.

On the left when it was not an overtakin lane, it was a lane so people could turn left into a street the fact that there was a car turning left did not matter to her. I dropped it down and booted it when she came along side of me, and got infront, got me pretty ticked off.

So I slowed down taped the brakes a few times then after about 7mins she slowed right down so I got ahead and could not see where she turned off. Evil or Very Mad

She was in a big stupid old fairlane, thinks because she has a tank she can do whatever she wants. People who drive like that get no sympathy from me when they have accidents etc..

These people play with fate, when she does that to the wrong people then, ditto I say...
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October 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Tue, 12 November 2002 22:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What u could do is, install windscreen washers for the back window but face them towards the back, and then when they're tailgating just wash squirt them, that'll skare them off...
if u were really clever you would put dye in the windscreen wiper water and then they'd think its like paint or somethin accross their bonnet

but i'd only suggest doing this if they are really tailgating which means if u'r doing the speed limit or more and u'r in the correct lane... and they'r still there

i think throwing rocks is dangerous i had it down to me on a freeway cracked my windscreen it pissed me off soooo bad, and i'm not even violent, so if u did it suburban, i think u could end up messed up if they caught u.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Club Treasurer

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 02:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
One trick I've learnt is to figure out the point when you push the brake pedal so that the lights go on but you don't actually work the brakes. Usually get ticked off with tapping the brake pedal every second or so with the left foot while not slowing.

Another with my current car is to turn on the rear fog light. Its in the rear light cluster so its visible no matter how close someone is. Who gets pissed off with excels who run them all the time!!

The third one in my car is to drop it 2 gears. Anyone who been behind my car when I'm accelerating above 4000rpm with know what diesel exhaust smoke looks like. Plus it stinks!!
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Mornington Peninsula
September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
That's what those stupid bright lights are on the back of excels.
It gives me the shit's when people drive with their front fog lights on when it's not foggy or not a really dark night. They are so bright you might as well have your high beams on. I've got rally lights on one of the cars at home so I just flick them on. That should learn them.
Even worse though are 4WD's because their fog lights are at windscreen hight for people in other cars and they are really blinding Mad
I have actually heard that it is illegal to have them on when not foggy, just like it is to drive with your parkers on and you can get booked for it.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Club Treasurer

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 05:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I never have my headlights on without my front foglights, but I've made sure that they're aimed correctly (ie centre of the beam hits the road 30m in front of the car). You'd be surprised how much more you can see with them on. I've also got Cibie's on the front too for high beam.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 05:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i myself was once a crazy lunatic 17 yr old driver... and i tailgated, not viciously but just followed cars too closely, and wanted to go faster. Anyway i learnt my lesson when i rear ended someone at a roundabout cos they changed their mind about going or not and i didnt leav enough room to stop.
So now i dont tailgate. Nor am i an OVERLY agressive driver. I know my place on the road and repect others, giving them room when they need it, loving to the left lane when i see someone approacing from behind etc etc. I like to think im relatively aware and considerate on the roads (and i spend a lot of time on big traffic sydney roads)

Now at the moment i drive a SHITBOX KE50 corolla. I had someone tailgate me the other day up a hill cos i wast going fast enough (3K motor, was as fast as i COULD go). So i naturally backed off a little bit to give them the idea... they just maintained their speed almost until they hit my car.. then decided to back off. Once we got the top of the hill i tried to speed up to the speed limit as quickly as possible for the poor bastard behind me (i forgave him for the tail gating).... and we got the speed limit of 60 and he was still 2m from my arse. I moved up to my cruising speed of 65-70 and there he was, still sniffing the chrome on my bumper....

This is when i start to get annoyed. As a test i drop back a gear and speed up (slowly.. this is a shitbox remember) to around 80 or so... he is still there... swerving side to side like an impatient fuck looking to overtake. So i slow back down to my cruising speed, and of coure he is even more impatient, flashing high beams and yelling etc.
I figure.. only one option. This car cost fvck all. i slam the brakes. BUT DAMMIT his modern car pulled up faster than mine and he VERY NARROWLY avoided me... mainly cos i didnt really slam the brakes hard.. and i only did it for a moment... not full on.

The guy gets the shits and overtakes and disappears at 120kmh.

Now i just WISH i had've slammed the brakes on harder. Then it would be money for me... a new set of subs, nwe amps, new box, etc etc... and i even had a camera in the car.

So this is a warning to dickhead tailgaters.... expect me to slam on my brakes HARD. you will smash into me if you tailgate.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 05:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
people... a word on the law here in NSW

"it is illegal to have your foglights on in ANY circumstances unless the conditions are foggy, raining, or very dark (ie no street lights etc)"
it will cost you a nice fine.

Trust me my mate got busted at $120, and we even showed the police how they were adjusted nice and low. doesnt matter. Foglights are illegal to be turned on like said above, no concessions.

Plus a foglight may well be adjusted nice and low, but they arent really designed like a headlight the points low on purpose, they have a high reflective propery in the lens and housing that actually hurts the eyes of oncoming drivers. And it really annoys me.
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I supported Toymods

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 06:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
VX on my arse on the way home from work today, driving in the left lane and he kept getting closer and when it got to the point where i couldn't see his headlights and could nearly see food stuck in his teeth i lifted my foot off the gas and let the car slowly start to slow and kept watching him in my mirror the whole time seeing him starting to get a bit pissed so he finally moved into the next lane and went around me,
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Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 09:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wagonist wrote on Wed, 13 November 2002 15:28

I never have my headlights on without my front foglights, but I've made sure that they're aimed correctly (ie centre of the beam hits the road 30m in front of the car). You'd be surprised how much more you can see with them on. I've also got Cibie's on the front too for high beam.

I will save typing what I originally was going to about "drivers" having those fog lights on. I don't want to start a flame war. And what I really think about people who use them when you don't need them in this country, would start one helluva fight. And I won't even get started on diesel.
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Southern Sydney
August 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 13 November 2002 17:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I agree.... Fog lights are a total wank!

Use them when its foggy. Thats what there for, otherwise keep them off please.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 14 November 2002 01:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oddly, people are posting about the "illumination" provided by foglights. Without getting into the legality or otherwise of using them when conditions don't merit their use, let me just say this:

The entire aim of foglights is so that oncoming traffic can see you (in foggy conditions), not to provide illumination for the driver.
Thus, using them at other times, whilst having some potential "safety" benefits, would seem otherwise pointless.

Just my 2c.
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November 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 20 November 2002 16:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the funniest is when people tailgate in the left lane, then when you pass them from the right lane they quickly change lanes behind you to tailgate you. If either you or the car they are already tailing slam the brakes, the tailgater is pretty damn screwed.

Anybody drive a truck? On the M5 about 1 in every 4 trucks i see tailgates (less than 10m to the car in front)...don't trucks stop much more slowly than cars?? And aren't trucks supposed to be speed limited to 100km/h? Every time I take the M5 at night I see at least 1 truck doin 110 or over??

Any thoughts on what kind of cars/drivers tailgate the most? From my experience, DEFINITELY company cars and vans Razz
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
icon10.gif  Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 20 November 2002 17:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The reversing of the wiper washers to fire at the cars behind reminded me of what I did one day after school in year 12 with my old '71 Ford Capri.

Me and a few friends cored the wiper washes so thicker fluid would be able to pass easily through it, and turned them so they both faced to the left (kerb side) of the car....
we then proceeded to fill the washer bottle with yoghurt Very Happy

Drove pass as many school girls as we could spraying them with yoghurt, funniest shit I've ever done.....
so many of them PHREAKED the F^#$ out!! Shocked

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King of Cool
Occasional Poster

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 20 November 2002 18:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Classic Speedcore.

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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 20 November 2002 18:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
unladen trucks, depnding on type, actualy stop very quickly. helps having massive brakes and a shitload of wheels.
Semis tend to be limited by what they can do before they jack-knife
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Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 27 November 2002 23:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
but still the point remains. a 4 tonne truck will kill crush and destroy anything it can't stop in time for, and most trucks on the m5 at night would be fully laiden for the night's trip down south or something. Now why when they are CLEARLY doing 120kph are they NOT FINED VERY HEAVILY!?!?! this really pisses me off. i'm im speeding, im risking myself, and potentially risking others. If a truck is speeding, it can't stop as quick, handle as well, maneuvre AT ALL, swerve or anything... and will KILL ANYTHING IN ITS PATH!!

personally i would like to see tripple fines or something harsh like that for speeding truckies. there is VERY LITTLE that pisses me off more.
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November 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 29 November 2002 13:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
nicely said..

and on the topic of trucks, i saw a bird fly into a truck and drop dead straight to the ground (luckily not right in the middle of the lane)

so are trucks actually limited to 100km/h by law? cos some have that "speed limited 100" sign and others don't
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
icon10.gif  Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 30 November 2002 00:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Apparently from what I have heard, a few years ago they started to introduce electronic speed limiters to quite a few trucks, like the 180km in Jap cars if you will. Personally I don't believe it, cause every time I am traveling on the PACIFIC HWY between Brisvegas and Goldie, these trucks are overtaking me at about 120km/hr!
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Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 30 November 2002 08:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SPEEDCORE wrote on Sat, 30 November 2002 10:48

Apparently from what I have heard, a few years ago they started to introduce electronic speed limiters to quite a few trucks, like the 180km in Jap cars if you will. Personally I don't believe it, cause every time I am traveling on the PACIFIC HWY between Brisvegas and Goldie, these trucks are overtaking me at about 120km/hr!

You'll probably find that they are speed limited. They will be driving with their foot flat to the floor. 120 seems to be the real speed limit put on them.

Then again, if they were ALL speed limited, we would not have all our nice goods in our stores on time. Wink
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Tue, 03 December 2002 04:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i would severly doubt that they are limited at all. I have talked to some truckies about the 100k speed limiting.. most said that they have got it overriden or just have the sign with no limiter. I would believe this, since the number of times ive been travlleing up pacific hwy in the wee hours to find trucks approaching me (and im goin 130-140!!!!)... and not just average trucks... we are talking DIRTY GREAT BIG 18 WHEELERS!

honestly, the trucking industry needs to look very seriously at thmeselves. Start charging properly, so you can pay your truckies properly and keep our roads safer. Our goods would still arrive on time too... since there would porbably be more truckies becuase it woouldnt be such an arse of a job.

But either way, a truck simply should NOT be going that fast! Imagine while i was on the Pacific HWY heading up the coast and had these 140+kph trucks bearing down upon me, and i have to hit the brakes cos a roo jumps out (have had to do this!!).... i dont think i would be here today to whinge about it. Sad
Honestly someone needs to fix this.
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 02 January 2003 17:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think trucks can be speed limited to 100km/h, it's related to the GVM. Something like 12 tonnes or maybe 9? Not sure, but I'm pretty damn 99% sure there is a law related to speed limiting of heavy trucks.

I hate to say it, and I don't like to stereotype because there are dickhead drivers in every type of car, but bloody fat arse suit exec type Commodore drivers are the worst for tailgating.

There's a black VS (?) Commodore SS driver in SA with the custom number plates "SHEPPY" and he tailgates like no one else - every time I've encountered that dastardly p**** on the road, and he's a s*** driver to, beat him around some corners in a ford laser. IF you see him, just slam on your brakes, he looks rich enough to afford insurance or cash pay out, verdict : total c***.
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 03 January 2003 02:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, how true. In my 7 years of driving I agree commodore drivers, especially VN onwards and utes in particular are the most aggressive and dangerous drivers/tailgaters on the road.

These don't include Taxis by the way, they are in a class of their own.
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November 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 03 January 2003 16:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
true about commodores

and taxis hahahah they're the best drivers Razz

i also notice a lot of young female drivers tailgate (they seem like they don't know it's dangerous)

today i saw 6 cars in a row on the M5 tailgating each other by about 5m or less at 95km/h..would've been a huge accident if the guy in front hit the brakes
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Occasional Poster

Southern highlands - NSW
January 2003
Re: Tail Gating (again) Mon, 27 January 2003 10:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I believe that the original idea with the truck speed limiters was that trucks requiring a MR or greater licence ( 6 tonnes or more than 2 axles) were required to be limited to 100km/h and display a sticker, if there was no sticker ( no limiter ) then they were not to exceed 90km/h at any time, not completely sure though.
Have driven from moss vale to robertson at 10pm at night, dark, one lane each way, with an 18 wheeler ( with sticker ) out in front, following my curiosity I caught and followed at 150KM/h for a short time, I kid you not, he was using both sides of the road, he came to a short but fairly steep hill and the truck came almost to a stop, downshifting at the last second, he had to be on somethin for sure...

I have to agree that the middle age mid 90's commodore club tend to feel the need to be surgically grafted to the back of my MR2 especially when I'm heading down maquarie pass or cambawarra mountain, at times, in the mirror, you can see the wife and/or the kids in the car ( have even seen the Mrs belting hero hubby for being a nimrod ha ha ha ha) and I'm not known for taking too long to get to the bottom either Cool IF they had any Idea how much more speed I could wash off over a given time than they could I wonder If they would still sit that close...
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May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 30 January 2003 09:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Truck drivers shit me.
The other night, was driving home at about 100km/h coz theres fixed cameras on the fwy.
Truckie tails me that if I dropped in speed, he would have hot me. Anyway, the dickhead flashes his high beams...mind u, I'm in the slow ass left lane and he still tails me, until I decided to drop to 80k and he went into the right lane.

If anyone else tails me, I go real slow.
Like one time a WRX tailed me on 50k zone, so I dropped to 30km/h and then he got pissed that he was hitting his steering wheel and then he slowed down.

Another guy was tailing me, Integra...and he was like 40-odd, he tailed me up a hill, so I slowed down, and he beeped me, so I put my windows down and stuck my finger up at him. I think his wife told him off, coz he stopped tailing me after that.
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Insane Sx

August 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Wed, 05 February 2003 22:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Tailgating is a common occurance, i encounter it a few times a week! i personally have never tailgated, and if i do i relise i am and back right off, this is probebly cuase ive attend ian luff's driving school and seen how long it takes ur carz to slow down, even brank new clubsports and wrx's Shocked

Anyways...I get the shits alot of the time with cocky tailgater's "most of the times with wannabe fast car's, underestimating my rolla"

Best example being excel with neons to buggery, and the system up like u wouldnt belive!

Im doing 60 in a 50 zone (the zone should be 60 as there are no homes in site), just cruising along he comes flying up my arse, probley cuase i got a done up car, sites right on there!

so i slow down to 40 then he gets cocky and thinks about overtaking! i drop it back to 2nd gear he moves on wrong side of road ready to over take!

i put my foot down, NO CHANCE didnt even get near my car

after that he backed right off due to embrassement and wouldnt go near me, next set of lights was 2lanes and he wouldnt go next to me cuase he was affaid!

This is one of probley 100's of times this has happend to me only after a bit over a year of driving.

Just last night i had a Gti Swift being so confidant he cant beat me, he sat so far up my arse it wasnt funny! i felt like slamming my brakes on, but i like my car and its insured pretty poorly!

Whats the rules, you cant get in trouble for SLAMMING your brakes on hard? I know its there fault for running up ur arse,

I guess u could make a reason like a rabbit ran in front of ur car or something!

my 2cents, ive become a very driver concious driver after being a dickhead about 9mnths ago and doing a big handbrake turn on humehighway and getting caught, i rarely speed now, and if i do its not excessivly, always leaving heaps of room, driving 30km in skool zones, looking for kids in build up area's, driving in left lane to allow others to over take, my only problem is with arseholes who think they are the kingz of the road, arse rider's, dickheads, and guys who are lair's!

I know cuase i used to be a lair, NO MORE! im quite sensible and proud, cuase a car isnt a toy, sure have ur fun, but being really dumb can get someone innocent hurt, a car can be a weapon! i think of it that way!

my 2ncents, just hope ya all be careful and fu<k tailgaters cuase i hate em all!
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November 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 06 February 2003 06:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
heheheh good stuff..bloody excels
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 09 February 2003 02:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cool well, it seem you doods haven't got any better ideas than I for getting these poofs off yer ass.
I have done the stomp-onna-brakes routine before... chewed up someone's nose pretty damn good once in my old Ford too.
Now with the Supra, I really try NOt to!
I mean considering the car is damn nice, insured a lil low, and has my BUSINESS NAME all over it! Damn.
When I'm running with the Supra Owner's Club - we 'draft'
4 lanes each way, we break the law. 20 Supras from MkI to MkIV, a foot apart, often 120MPH (180KPH) or so!
But yer average motorist has NOt got racing brains Or brakes. we all know that.

So how to deal with them? Non-agressively I mean?
I often get out when stopped at lights and lecture the tailgater - warning that a dog is gonna jump in front of my car. This only works so far tho. I do not agree in the least with "road rage" - I have a nice car that can go and stop better than 90% of the crap out there. It's important to me to find a way to stop this!

I use the 'safety barrier' approach to driving with the cars in front/beside, but how can we fix tail gating?

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Blacktown Bro
July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Tue, 11 February 2003 05:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
In Australia, if you hop out of your car to lecture offending tailgater, they'll probably try and put you in hospital, especially Sydney. Sydney drivers are a bunch of f**king physcos.

And the F3 in the arvos is like a f**king race track. I wish the arseholes would have major pileup, while im following safely behind, then i would yell profanities to the dumb mother f**kers with there smashed up cars as i drive past!

Worst offenders
Holden rodeos
Other utes

Old people in AU Falcons are the slowest most absent mindest drivers EVER!

wa! Surprised
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 13 February 2003 00:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
YEah - Utes, old ppl, young chix on cel fones... all bad threats here to. All in crap commuters, crap tires, and probly only notice something bad when it falls off.
Kinda scares me these ppl are ALLOWED to drive. Damnit.
I feel sorry for the jack (and his 3 friends) who decide to go "psycho" when they just threatend my CAR. I'll tell you how I feel about *that*! Especially if my g'f is IN said car.
I'm not a nice guy.

Thing is - not *one* item in the list of defensive driving and evasive manouver courses I've taken, has ever covered 'defending' from tailgaters!
The best I've come up with is to annoy them with brakelights, and/or annoy them with random slowings. (Safely)

I'm adding to this thread looking for better ideas.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 13 February 2003 01:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What frustrates me is that, when leaving a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front, other people decide that it is a gap they can sidle into...

Taking this to extremes, you could find yourself never arriving at your destinaton, because you would be forever losing road position...Leave gap, someone moves into it, you drop back again, someone else moves into that gap...etc etc. Bloody frustrating!

One day, I'm going to do something I'll regret... Evil or Very Mad
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November 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Thu, 13 February 2003 04:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
biased99 wrote on Thu, 13 February 2003 12:28

What frustrates me is that, when leaving a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front, other people decide that it is a gap they can sidle into...

I don't mind if they do this when i'm in the left lane, but it's bloody annoying and dangerous when i'm in the right lane on the M5, where everybody is overtaking leftlaners doing 10-20km under the limit, and some wannabe skaife flies past in a commo (not using any signal lights of course, therefore he is more skillful) through the left lane, tailgate the slow driver, cut off the next person in the right lane, etc etc all the way home.
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 15 February 2003 02:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yup! we get them here too. 'Cept we have several 3-to-4 lanes-per-side kinda hwys. heh. Then ya get granny in the fast lane, and Mr. Business rabbiting so speedily in the lanes from inside to outside... asses.
I generally cruise mid-lane (average 120-130K on 100K hwy), tend to make more time than the lane jumpers too! I leave a space as well, and yes, it gets filled. But my consolation there is the fact that *I* know that *I* am not going to be the smashup stopping traffic! hehe (I hope)
There's a groovy science-type experiment where this guy decided to try to delete traffic jams through the use of 'safety space' to mediate traffic flow.
I'll post teh link if I find it again. His results were pretty astonishing, and totally valid (from a racing pack point of view anyway)
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Occasional Poster

Adelaide, Richmond
September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 21 February 2003 03:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Im from adelaide aswell and we get a few wankers aswell.. "sheppy" is just one of them. i was on Tapleys hill the other day 80km road two lane "highway" .. im sitting on 95km.. cruising in my RA60 and as we all know the RA60 aint the sleakest of the celicas but i love the POS. this freak in a pulsar starts gating me. im already 15km over speed limit so i look for my place to start playig with him after i have slowed right down a few times n brake tested him. i find the perfect opertunity a little old lady in a 1970s falcom doing about 60km in the left lane, so i slow right down and sit beside her. mean whiel the wanker is flashing lights and honking horns n gating me worse than before. i drink alot of water so i just squirted a bottle fo water out the window.. shiny red duco.. aww all messy now.. i have to go right onto Sir Donald Bradman anoether 2 lane 80km. he is beside me turning aswell. abusing me, we stop at the lights red.. GREEN! gone now the RA60 aint real fast but it can launch anything over 3000rpm n im side ways smoke and squealing heh munch munch pulsar for lunch.. Celica -1 pulsar -o as it should be.
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 21 February 2003 10:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I observed a "hero" tailgater yesterday.

On the way to tafe, there's this little old 323 turbo in the right lane, we're all just going along fine, me in the left, just doing the limit, and the traffic starts to go a little faster in the right lane, the little turbo goes ahead a car length or so, then, right next to me, behind the little turbo, like, right on it's arse, is this commonwhore revving the shit out of it and almost kissing the bumper of this little mazda.

I don't understand these people. Was he just trying to assert some sort of dominance over this other poor guy? Wouldn't surprise me if even I could have eaten that dunnydore. (It was the '80's model).
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 21 February 2003 17:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Freak Yah, I know I say I'm posting to this thread looking for answers, but I gotta tell ya. I loooove my MA!
The sixxer just lights and "freight trains" as my friends put it. lol
I had a guy in a Cavalier (GM thing here, 4 cyl 5 spd) kitted, think he was all good... tailed me forever on a looong (more than 60kms) stretch of 2 lane.
Slowed, cruised, even moved over so he could see to pass...
So then he passed.
And slowed even more! Just to piss me off!
Bloody pisser that was.
Instead of playing his stoopid game, I knew a stretch was coming with good sightline, so I dropped back, and as we were coming out of the curve, I went WOT.
Probly freaked the jerkoff!
I ran up his ass (had spotted clear road before the passin zone) and never dropped off - draft&pass.
Went from the 75KMs in an 80 we were doing (normal there is 100-120) passed him at 100+, was on 140 by the time I was clear of him - I think he hit it to try to block me - and I dint let off till I had about 5kms space! lmFao!

Not a good idea really (cops wise) but I was over 160 for a stretch, and he had NO chance to catch me... he stayed back because I never saw him after.

I like embarassing people like that. hehe. I hope hiz woman was in the car an laffin at him.
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 22 February 2003 04:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FreaK wrote on Sat, 22 February 2003 03:13

Freak Yah, I know I say I'm posting to this thread looking for answers, but I gotta tell ya. I loooove my MA!
The sixxer just lights and "freight trains" as my friends put it. lol
I had a guy in a Cavalier (GM thing here, 4 cyl 5 spd) kitted, think he was all good... tailed me forever on a looong (more than 60kms) stretch of 2 lane.
Slowed, cruised, even moved over so he could see to pass...
So then he passed.
And slowed even more! Just to piss me off!
Bloody pisser that was.
Instead of playing his stoopid game, I knew a stretch was coming with good sightline, so I dropped back, and as we were coming out of the curve, I went WOT.
Probly freaked the jerkoff!
I ran up his ass (had spotted clear road before the passin zone) and never dropped off - draft&pass.
Went from the 75KMs in an 80 we were doing (normal there is 100-120) passed him at 100+, was on 140 by the time I was clear of him - I think he hit it to try to block me - and I dint let off till I had about 5kms space! lmFao!

Not a good idea really (cops wise) but I was over 160 for a stretch, and he had NO chance to catch me... he stayed back because I never saw him after.

I like embarassing people like that. hehe. I hope hiz woman was in the car an laffin at him.

Gotta be careful of these people sometimes. They like to get you pissed off so you overtake and rocket up the road as a cop flusher for them.
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Perth - Cannington
December 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Mon, 24 February 2003 07:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Lucky they didnt hit the Soarer hey Remedy?

let me tell you a story.

I was driving with Chuin, a guy i regard as my brother, and his girlfriend.. this guy in an POS Commonbore is behind us by about 12 cars.. and i can see him in the mirror, weaving in and out about 10ks up on the speed limit.. and he's going like a yo-yo..
we stop at the lights.. and hes a couple of cars back..then the lights go green and this guy is already rolling.. and before we get our corolla to the opposite side of the lights, he weaves about 30cm in front of us and gives us the finger..

He recieved 3 fingers back, and a quick run in with a corolla. Smile
Chunin gunned the corolla and we caught up, but we backed down, we had made our point.

I hate those type of people.. theyre just dangerous.. if you do it in a controlled way its ok.. but like that is just stupid.


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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 28 February 2003 13:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What is it with Commadore drivers bering so aggressive and stupid? Commodores are like magnets for dickheads. If i come accross a commodore being driven by a male, 9 out of 10 times they are driving aggressively and trying to get in front of everyone. So I do what I can to keep them behind and pissed off Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Fri, 28 February 2003 13:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

What is it with Commadore drivers bering so aggressive and stupid? Commodores are like magnets for dickheads. If i come accross a commodore being driven by a male, 9 out of 10 times they are driving aggressively and trying to get in front of everyone. So I do what I can to keep them behind and pissed off

Julz - sorry - but I seriously fail to see how two wrongs can make a right - what's up with the "aggressive and hostile" solution to the problem? It seems to me that you are just as bad as they are, as far as I am concerned you could've just said all that "dickhead" stuff about your own driving.

It's drivers like you that give *all* drivers in general such a bad image, and not just stereotyped drivers like male in commodore. I'm not saying that you yourself are a dickhead, but you are certainly a dickhead driver.
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 00:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Julz - sorry - but I seriously fail to see how two wrongs can make a right - what's up with the "aggressive and hostile" solution to the problem? It seems to me that you are just as bad as they are, as far as I am concerned you could've just said all that "dickhead" stuff about your own driving.

Apology accepted. Nah mate, not as bad as they are coz i only disrespect the ones that drive disrespectful. the commodore drivers in question are being aggressive and intimidating to law obiding and responsible road users who I have the highest respect for.

Yeah, two wrongs don't make a right but you'd be surprised to discover that a taste of ones own medicine often does.


I'm not saying that you yourself are a dickhead, but you are certainly a dickhead driver.

Whatever you reckon Constable Care.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

South of Wollongong
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 01:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I'm not saying that you yourself are a dickhead, but you are certainly a dickhead driver.

Whatever you reckon Constable Care.[/quote]

constable care!!! LMAO! HAHA Laughing Laughing

and yer! i find that commodore drivers are the worst. although i had some red P plater the other night tail me in mummy and daddy's new vrx magna... now im probly gonna be called a dick driver, but i try and piss these ppl off. do a little bit under the speed limit, and if theres 2 lanes, try and block them in with another car in the second lane.
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 03:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
[quote title=St3ve_AE92 wrote on Sat, 01 March 2003 11:42]

I'm not saying that you yourself are a dickhead, but you are certainly a dickhead driver.

Whatever you reckon Constable Care.

constable care!!! LMAO! HAHA Laughing Laughing

and yer! i find that commodore drivers are the worst. although i had some red P plater the other night tail me in mummy and daddy's new vrx magna... now im probly gonna be called a dick driver, but i try and piss these ppl off. do a little bit under the speed limit, and if theres 2 lanes, try and block them in with another car in the second lane.

This is where those people need to have the problem nipped in the bud while they are on P plates.

Brake test them. If they hit you, lesson learnt hard.

1. They will learn not to tailgate.

2. They will most likely then learn that driving is not a right, as the parents will then forbid them from driving their car ever again, and again, most likely they will then be without a car and keep learning lesson 1 over and over every time they realise they need a car to drive, but have been forbidden to.

3. Also any insurance excess costs they may be forced to pay by their parents will hit them hard too, which brings them back to #1 again.

[Updated on: Sat, 01 March 2003 03:50]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

South of Wollongong
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 04:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Apollo, i like it!! agree with u. im only on my green p's, but hey, i dont remember driving like that to other drivers...

just dunno if i could take my car being off the road for smash repairs....

as he drove past i yelled a nice 'errrr stuff u mate' at him Razz Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

south of the big smoke
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 07:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
steve dont your parents have a tarago?? cause i didnt see no magna last week, when i was over
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

South of Wollongong
May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sat, 01 March 2003 07:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message

St3ve_AE92 wrote on Sat, 01 March 2003 12:42

i had some red P plater the other night tail me in mummy and daddy's new vrx magna...

I had a guy tailing ME in HIS mummy's and daddy's new magna
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May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 30 March 2003 00:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wagonist wrote on Wed, 13 November 2002 13:17

One trick I've learnt is to figure out the point when you push the brake pedal so that the lights go on but you don't actually work the brakes. Usually get ticked off with tapping the brake pedal every second or so with the left foot while not slowing.

Another with my current car is to turn on the rear fog light. Its in the rear light cluster so its visible no matter how close someone is. Who gets pissed off with excels who run them all the time!!

The third one in my car is to drop it 2 gears. Anyone who been behind my car when I'm accelerating above 4000rpm with know what diesel exhaust smoke looks like. Plus it stinks!!

This is where Euro cars have it over the Japanese cars. At least we've got bloody bright rear fog lights. I've had mine wired up so the brake lights are on when the rear fogs are on since I don't use the rear fogs apart from going up the Snowy's.
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 30 March 2003 02:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
okok - what are "rear fogs" ?
just more running lights (always on, amber or read fro the rear) or are they white and bright?
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May 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 30 March 2003 02:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FreaK wrote on Sun, 30 March 2003 12:39

okok - what are "rear fogs" ?
just more running lights (always on, amber or read fro the rear) or are they white and bright?

It's the really bright red light that is on the back of all Euro cars separate from the rear parking lights. It's mandatory fitment in Europe.
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September 2002
Re: Tail Gating (again) Sun, 30 March 2003 02:59 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
ah, ok - thanks!

Are these on when car is running?
Or with marker lamps/headlamps?

We get "Euro-Spec" stuff (models and parts) here in Canada, but I haven't really seen anything in Euro Tails that would be annoying to follow....

Further info appreciated - I like to understand the differences around the globe! lol
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